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- Here for the creation of record for person entity we will need to have the partyId for that so we will first call the service createPracticeParty then after getting the partyId we will create the record for person.
- Here we will be adding one add form in the bottom of the list form which we have for the person entity. This form will be calling the services for creating a record for person.
Step - 1 : Create the add form for the creation of person and add this in the same screen for person form.

Code Block
<form name="CreatePerson" type="single" target="createPracticePerson">
      <auto-fields-service service-name="createPracticePerson"/>
      <field name="submitButton" title="Create" widget-style="smallSubmit"><submit button-type="button"/></field>


Events can be written in Java and minilang both. Now the next development which you are going to do will be writting these events.
Events are used for the validation and conversion using Simple Map Processor. The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language performs two primary tasks: validation and conversion. It does this in a context of moving values from one Map to another. The input map will commonly contain Strings, but can contain other object types like Integer, Long, Float, Double, java.sql.Date, Time, and Timestamp.
Before moving any further an important link to go through is : making an understanding with it implementation will be done by performing following steps:
Step - 1 : For this create another tab in your practice application menu bar for this by Name "Events".
Step - 2 : Now create another menu with two menu item in PracticeMenus.xml file by name "EventMenu". This menu will be having 2 menu Item one will be by name "EventMinilang" and  another by name "EventJava". One will be used to show the form which we will be calling an event which will be in minilang and other will be used to call java event.
Step - 3 : Simply show form on the request of both which will be for creating a new person. Both the forms will be different for calling different events as target in them. Step - 4 : Show labels in screens above the form like "New Person - Simple Event"  and  "New Person - Java Event" so that it will be easy to identify the purpose of that form.
Step - 5 : Now set event in target of the forms and create request mappings in controller for the event.
Here important thing to note is in case of simple event controller entry will be like :

Code Block

<menu name="EventMenu" default-menu-item-name="eventMinilang" default-selected-style="selected"
Code Block

<request-map uri="createPracticePersonSimpleEvent">
    <security https="true" auth="true"/>{color}
    <event type="simple" path="org/hotwax/practice/PracticeEvents.xml" invoke="createPracticePersonSimpleEvent"/>
    <responsemenu-container-style="button-bar button-style-1" selected-menuitem-context-field-name="headerItem">
      <menu-item name="successeventMinilang" typetitle="view" value="CreatePracPersonSimpleEventCreate Person --- Event MiniLang">
           <link target="createPracticePersonEventM"/>
      <menu-item name="erroreventJava" typetitle="view" value="CreatePracPersonSimpleEvent"/>
Create Person --- Event Java">
           <link target="createPracticePersonEventJ"/>

Step - 4 : Show labels in screens above the form like "New Person - Simple Event"  and  "New Person - Java Event" so that it will be easy to identify the purpose of that form.
Step - 5 : Now set event in target of the forms and create request mappings in controller for the event.
Here important thing to note is in case of simple Here the path is the path of the file where the event is written. it will be practice/script/org/hotwax/practice.
and for java event controller entry will be like :

Code Block
<request-map uri="createPracticePersonJavaEventcreatePracticePersonSimpleEvent">
    <security https="true" auth="true"/>
    <event type="javasimple" path="org./hotwax./practice/PracticeEvents.PracticeEventsxml" invoke="createPracticePersonJavaEventcreatePracticePersonSimpleEvent"/>
    <response name="success" type="view" value="CreatePracPersonJavaEventCreatePracPersonSimpleEvent"/>
    <response name="error" type="view" value="CreatePracPersonJavaEventCreatePracPersonSimpleEvent"/>

Here the path is the classpath in which this the path of the file where the event is defined. 
The file name will be and will be created at  practice/srcwritten. it will be practice/script/org/hotwax/practice.

Simple Event 

and for java event controller entry will be like:

Code Block

<request-map uri="createPracticePersonJavaEvent">
    <security https="true" auth="true"/>
    <event type="java" path="org.hotwax.practice.PracticeEvents" invoke="createPracticePersonJavaEvent"/>
    <response name="success" type="view" value="CreatePracPersonJavaEvent"/>
    <response name="error" type="view" value="CreatePracPersonJavaEvent"/>

Here the path is the classpath in which this event is defined. 
The file name will be and will be created at  practice/src/org/hotwax/practice.

Simple Event 

Step - 6 : Now in the script/org/hotwax/practice/ create one file by name PracticeEvents.xml.
Step - 7 : Write the event Step - 6 : Now in the script/org/hotwax/practice/ create one file by name PracticeEvents.xml.
Step - 7 : Write the event in PracticeEvents.xml file by name createPracticePersonSimpleEvent.(For reference you can go through the event "createUser" from UserEvents.xml from party component)
The event which you will be writing should be the simple one as you just have to process 5 fields coming from the form which are salutation, firstName, middleName, lastName, suffix. and then you have to call the createPracticePerson service.
For processing the field you will be using simple map processor as you have read earlier. 
Follow these steps for writing the event:
7.a : Process fields coming from the form like: 


7.b : Create some Ui labels for showing them in fail-property like PracticeFirstNameMissingError.
7.c : Now call service createPracticePerson service by passing out map which is obtained after processing fields as a in map to the service. Image Added

Part - 4

Java Event:


ECA : Its a combinition of 3 things an event, conditions per event and Actions per event. It is a rule. Which is used to trigger an action on the execution of an event when certain conditions are met. 
This is much like a trigger. When a service is called, a lookup is performed to see if any ECAs are defined for this event. Events include before authentication, before IN parameter validation, before actual service invocation, before OUT parameter validation, before transaction commit, or before the service returns. Next each condition in the ECA definition is evaluated and if all come back as true, each action is performed. An action is just a service which must be defined to work with the parameters already in the service's context. There are no limit to the number of conditions or actions each ECA may define.
For mor details on this visit :
1. SECA (Service Event Condition Action) : This is used when we want to trigger another service(action) on the execution of a service when certain conditions are met.
2. EECA (Entity Event Condition Action) : This used when we want to trigger a service on the creation of a record for an entity when certain conditions are met.
For the implementation of ECA again we will be following the same approach for screens, menus by following steps:
Step - 1 : Add one more application menu in practice application's menu bar by name "ECA".(Do the needful entries for target in controller.xml)
Step - 2 : Now create another menu with two menu item in PracticeMenus.xml file by name "EcaMenu". This menu will be having 2 menu Item one will be by name "seca" and "eeca". For both of them 2 screens will be needed which will be using the form "CreatePerson" which we are already having. (in personForm screen)2 : Now create another menu with two menu item in PracticeMenus.xml file by name "EcaMenu". This menu will be having 2 menu Item one will be by name "seca" and "eeca". For both of them 2 screens will be needed which will be using the form "CreatePerson" which we are already having. (in personForm screen)

Code Block

<menu name="EcaMenu" default-menu-item-name="seca" default-selected-style="selected"
       type="simple" menu-container-style="button-bar button-style-2" selected-menuitem-context-field-name="headerItem">
      <menu-item name="seca" title="Create Person --- SECA">
          <link target="seca"/>
      <menu-item name="eeca" title="Create Person --- EECA">
          <link target="eeca"/>


Step - 1 : For this you have to write another service by name "createPartyRoleVisitor",  which will be setting the role for the party which will be created by "createPracticePerson" service.
The service "createPartyRoleVisitor" will be triggered by the seca rule which you will define for service "createPracticePerson".
In the new service involved entity will by "PartyRole". In "createPartyRoleVisitor" just call service "createPartyRole" which is already implemented.
Step - 2 :  Now you have to create a file by name "secas.xml" in "servicedef" directory. Seca definition will come here. (Take reference from secas.xml of "party" component). This will be


Don't forget to restart the server after doing this entry.
Now run the service through form and check the records in PartyRole entity. You will find a role is set for the party created because synchrounously you have triggered a service by eeca rule for setting up the role for the party created.
The main difference here is that you are triggering a service when an operation performed on the entity. In our case it is "create".
Note Here you have created a saparate menu to understand the concept separately. As you written seca for the service "createPracticePerson", so where ever in your practice application you will be calling this service that seca will trigger "createPartyRoleVisitor" and on the other hand when a party will be created "createPartyRoleCustomer" will be triggered.
Image Added

 Group Service:

    Group services are used to call more then one services as a group. Service groups are a set of services which should run when calling the initial service. You define a service using the group service engine, and include all the parameters/attributes needed for all the services in the group. The location attribute is not needed for groupservices, the invoke attribute defines the name of the group to run. When this service is invoked the group is called and the services defined in the group are called as defined.
For mor details on this visit :
For the implementation of Group service follow these steps: 
Step - 1 : Add another menu item to applicatoin menu bar by name "Group Service".(Do the needful entries for target in controller.xml)
Step - 2 : Now create new screen and a form for creation of the person because the target for the form will be the group service which we will be defining.
Note : Now the time is to define the group service. We will be defining the group service for the services which we have implemented for this practice application.
Step - 3 : You will be defining the service group in services.xml file.(Take reference from services.xml of party component).
Just write one more service which will be setting the role "CLIENT" for the party which will be created by createPracticePerson Service. 
 Create a group service by name "partyGroup" like :
