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Comment: Added more info on JPA dependencies


Starting with Tapestry 5.3, Tapestry provides built-in integration with the Java Persistence API (JPA) through the Tapestry-jpa module. This module supersedes Tynamo's JPA integration.


Table of Contents


The Tapestry-jpa module is not automatically included in Tapestry applications because of the additional dependencies it requires. If you're using Maven, just add the tapestry-jpa dependency to your application's pom.xml file, something like this:

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titlepom.xml (partial)

If you aren't using Maven, you'll have to download the jar and its dependencies yourself.

Selecting a JPA Implementation

The Tapestry-jpa module includes a dependency on a JPA specification (API) from Geronimo but not an implementation. You'll have to chose a JPA implementation, such as EclipseLink or Hibernate. The Tapestry-jpa module assumes you'll use Eclipselink. You just have to add the EclipseLink dependency:

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titlepom.xml (partial) for EclipseLink

Or, if you'd rather use Hibernate as your JPA implementation, you'll want to exclude either the Gernonimo or Hibernate JPA specification JAR:

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titlepom.xml (partial) for Hibernate
            <!-- omit Geronimo JPA spec to avoid conflict with Hibernate JPA spec -->

Configuring JPA

The persistence.xml file is the standard configuration file in JPA used to define the persistence units. Tapestry reads this file to create the EntityManagerFactory. The following example demonstrates a persistence.xml file.


Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence xmlns=""
   <persistence-unit name="JTAUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">


         <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables"/>
         <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="fine"/>


Now let's see how to provide the same configuration without XML. The following demonstrates an equivalent JPA configuration.

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languagejava (partial)
public class AppModule {

   public static void configurePersistenceUnitInfos(MappedConfiguration<String,PersistenceUnitConfigurer> cfg) {

      PersistenceUnitConfigurer configurer = new PersistenceUnitConfigurer() {

         public void configure(TapestryPersistenceUnitInfo unitInfo) {

               .addProperty("eclipselink.ddl-generation", "create-tables")
               .addProperty("eclipselink.logging.level", "fine");

     cfg.add("JTAUnit", configurer);


If you have additional packages containing entities, you may contribute them to the JpaEntityPackageManager service configuration.

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languagejava (partial)
public class AppModule {

   public static void providePackages(Configuration<String> configuration) {



Depending on whether more than one persistence unit has been defined, the way to inject EntityManager varies slightly. Let’s start with a simple scenario, where only a single persistence unit is defined. In this case, an EntityManager can be injected using the @Inject annotation.

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public class CreateAddress {

   private EntityManager entityManager;

   private Address address;

   void onSuccess() {

Alternatively, you can use the @PersistenceContext annotation to get the EntityManager injected into a page or component, as shown in the following example.

Code Block
public class CreateAddress {

   private EntityManager entityManager;

   private Address address;

   void onSuccess() {

If you have multiple instances of persistence-unit defined in the same application, you need to explicitly tell Tapestry which persistence unit you want to get injected. This is what the @PersistenceContext annotation’s name attribute is used for? The following example demonstrates how to inject the persistence unit named DemoUnit.

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public class CreateAddress {

   @PersistenceContext(unitName = "DemoUnit")
   private EntityManager entityManager;

   private Address address;

   @PersistenceContext(unitName = "DemoUnit")
   void onSuccess() {


While component injection occurs only on fields, the injection in the IoC layer may be triggered by a field or a constructor. The following example demonstrates field injection, when a single persistence unit is defined in the persistence descriptor.

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public class UserDAOImplUserDaoImpl implements UserDAOUserDao {
   private EntityManager entityManager;


The constructor injection is demonstrated in the following example.

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public class UserDAOImplUserDaoImpl implements UserDAOUserDao {

   private EntityManager entityManager;

   public UserDAOImplUserDaoImpl(EntityManager entityManager) {
      this.entityManager = entityManager;


If multiple persistence units are defined in the same application, you need to disambiguate the unit to inject. This is done with the @PersistenceContext annotation, as shown in the following example. Because @PersistenceContext must not be placed on constructor parameters, you can’t use constructor injection and must switch to field injection.

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public class UserDAOImplUserDaoImpl implements UserDAOUserDao {
   @PersistenceContext(unitName = "DemoUnit")
   private EntityManager entityManager;



As you may already know from the Hibernate integration library, Tapestry automatically manages transactions for you. The JPA integration library defines the @CommitAfter annotation, which acts as the correspondent annotation from the Hibernate integration library. Let’s explore the UserDAO UserDao interface to see the annotation in action.

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public interface UserDAOUserDao {

   @PersistenceContext(unitName = "DemoUnit")
   void add(User user);

   List<User> findAll();

   @PersistenceContext(unitName = "DemoUnit")
   void delete(User... users);


After placing the @CommitAfter annotation on methods, you need to tell Tapestry to advise those methods. This is accomplished by adding the transaction advice, as shown in the following example.

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languagejava (partial)
public class AppModule {

   public static void adviseTransactionally(
         JpaTransactionAdvisor advisor,
         MethodAdviceReceiver receiver) {
