Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Remember: at least 3 days, 3 +1 from PMC members (committers are not enough!) and no -1.
  • Send a vote closing email:

    No Format
    Subject: [RESULTS] [VOTE] Release Kafka version
    This vote passes with 7 +1 votes (3 bindings) and no 0 or -1 votes.
    +1 votes
    PMC Members:
    * $Name
    * $Name 
    * $Name
    * $Name
    * $Name
    * $Name
    * $Name
    0 votes
    * No votes
    -1 votes
    * No votes
    Vote thread:
    I'll continue with the release process and the release announcement will follow in the next few days.
  • Create a new tag for the release, on the same commit as the voted rc tag and push it:
    • Use "git show" to find the commit hash of the tag
    • git tag -a <commit hash>
    • git push apache
  • Merge the last version change / rc tag into the release branch and bump the version to
    • git checkout 0.10.0
    • git merge
    • Update version on the branch to
    • git commit -a
    • git push apache 0.10.0
  • Mark the version as released in Kafka JIRA (from JIRA administration panel, select versions and scroll mouse towards the end of the line for the particular version. From the dropdown list, select release and set the date).
  • Upload all artifacts, release notes, and docs to (a SVN repo, using Apache committer id/passwd):
    • Only PMC members can upload to the `release` directory, so if the RM is not in the PMC, they can upload the files to instead and ask a PMC member to move them to the release directory
    • svn co kafka-release
    • create a new directory for the release (for example kafka-release/
    • copy the release artifacts from the latest RC (the ones who were in your directory) to the new release directory
    • Add the directory to SVN: svn add
    • # Optionally change KEYS file in case that you've added your key for the first time
    • svn commit -m "Release"
  • Go to, find the uploaded artifacts and release this (this will push to maven central)
  • Wait for about a day for the artifacts to show up in apache mirror and maven central.
  • Update the website:
      • Update documentation.html to include the new documentation link (e.g. 0100/documentation.html)
      • Update protocol.html to include the new protocol guide link (0100/protocol.html).
    • Update downloads.html to include the new download links from mirrors and change last release to use archive.
    • git commit -am ".."
    • git push origin asf-site
  • Send out an announcement email. You will need to use your apache email address to send out the email (otherwise, it won't be delivered to
    • Log into with your apache id.
    • Include a paragraph in the announcement email like: "According to git shortlog <number_of_contributors> people contributed to this release: <contributors>" where:
      • number_of_contributors is determined via `git shortlog -sn --no-merges <previous_release_tag>..<current_release_tag> | wc -l` (eg `git shortlog -sn --no-merges | wc -l`)
      • contributors is determined via: `git shortlog -sn --no-merges <previous_release_tag>..<current_release_tag> | cut -f2 | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's/,/, /g'` (eg `git shortlog -sn --no-merges | cut -f2 | sort --ignore-case | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's/,/, /g'`)
    • cat mail.txt|mail -s "[ANNOUCE] ..."
  • Add the release data to (must be a Kafka PMC member)
