Versions Compared


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Services using other engines

Whenever you have to build a business logic you should prefer to write services to leverage features from its built in Service Engine.

The service "createOfbizDemo" that you created earlier was using engine="entity-auto" and hence you didn't need to provide its implementation and OFBiz took care of create operation.  When you need to work on complex operations in service involving multiple entities from database and custom logics to be built, you need to provide custom implementation to your service. In this section we will focus on this.

Service in Java

You can implement a service in Java as directed here in below given steps:

1.) Define your service, here again we will be operating on the same entity(OfbizDemo) of our custom Ofbiz Demo application. Open your service definition file $OFBIZ_HOME/hot-deploy/ofbizdemo/servicedef/services.xml and add a new definition as:



<service name="createOfbizDemoByJavaService" default-entity-name="OfbizDemo" engine="java"
        location="" invoke="createOfbizDemo" auth="true">
    <description>Create an Ofbiz Demo record using a service in Java</description>
    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
    <auto-attributes include="nonpk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
    <override name="comments" optional="true"/>



Notice we have this time used engine="java".


2.) Create package in your ofbizdemo components src directory e.g. src --> com --> companyname --> ofbizdemo --> services. Services which has to be implemented in Java can be placed in this directory for your application.

3.) Define new Java Class in file here in services directory and implement method, which is going to be invoked by your service definition, as shown below:


import java.util.Map;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
import org.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil;
public class OfbizDemoServices {
    public static final String module = OfbizDemoServices.class.getName();
    public static Map<String, Object> createOfbizDemo(DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
        Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
        Delegator delegator = dctx.getDelegator();
        try {
            GenericValue ofbizDemo = delegator.makeValue("OfbizDemo");
            // Auto generating next sequence of ofbizDemoId primary key
            // Setting up all non primary key field values from context map
            // Creating record in database for OfbizDemo entity for prepared value
            ofbizDemo = delegator.create(ofbizDemo);
            result.put("ofbizDemoId", ofbizDemo.getString("ofbizDemoId"));
            Debug.log("==========This is my first Java Service implementation in Apache OFBiz. OfbizDemo record created successfully with ofbizDemoId: "+ofbizDemo.getString("ofbizDemoId"));
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, module);
            return ServiceUtil.returnError("Error in creating record in OfbizDemo entity ........" +module);
        return result;


4.) Stop server and re-start using "./ant clean build start", it will compile your class and will make it available when ofbiz restarts which updated jar file.

5.) Test service implemented using webtools --> Run Service option(https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/runService) or simply update the service name being called by your controller request to use this service instead and use add form in your app that you prepared earlier. By doing this your Add OfbizDemo form will call this java service.


<request-map uri="createOfbizDemo">
    <security https="true" auth="true"/>
    <event type="service" invoke="createOfbizDemoByJavaService"/>
    <response name="success" type="view" value="main"/>


To make sure this new service implementation is being executed, you can check this line in console log that you have put in your code using Debug.log(....). For logging in OFBiz you must always use Debug class methods in Java classes.

Console Log


[java] 2014-06-24 12:11:37,282 (http-bio- [ :INFO ] ==========This is my first Java Service implementation in Apache OFBiz. OfbizDemo record created successfully with ofbizDemoId: ......


Service in Groovy

To utilize feature of on the fly compilation and less line of code you can implement services for building business logics in OFBiz using Groovy DSL.

To implement a service using Groovy you can follow below given steps:

1.) Add new service definition to services/services.xml file as:



<service name="createOfbizDemoByGroovyService" default-entity-name="OfbizDemo" engine="groovy"
        location="component://ofbizdemo/script/com/companyname/ofbizdemo/OfbizDemoServices.groovy" invoke="createOfbizDemo" auth="true">
    <description>Create an Ofbiz Demo record using a service in Java</description>
    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
    <auto-attributes include="nonpk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
    <override name="comments" optional="true"/>


2.) Add new groovy services file here  component://ofbizdemo/script/com/companyname/ofbizdemo/OfbizDemoServices.groovy

3.) Add service implementation to the file OfbizDemoServices.groovy



def createOfbizDemo() {
    result = [:];
    try {
        ofbizDemo = delegator.makeValue("OfbizDemo");
        // Auto generating next sequence of ofbizDemoId primary key
        // Setting up all non primary key field values from context map
        // Creating record in database for OfbizDemo entity for prepared value
        ofbizDemo = delegator.create(ofbizDemo);
        result.ofbizDemoId = ofbizDemo.ofbizDemoId;
        logInfo("==========This is my first Groovy Service implementation in Apache OFBiz. OfbizDemo record "
                  +"created successfully with ofbizDemoId: "+ofbizDemo.getString("ofbizDemoId"));
      } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
          return error("Error in creating record in OfbizDemo entity ........");
      return result;


4.) Stop server and re-start using ./ant start, this time we just need to load the new service definition, no explicit compilation is required as its a service implementation in Groovy.

5.) Test service implemented using webtools --> Run Service option(https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/runService) or simply update the service name being called by your controller request to use this service instead and use add form in your app that you prepared earlier for testing. By doing this your Add OfbizDemo form will call this groovy service.



<request-map uri="createOfbizDemo">
    <security https="true" auth="true"/>
    <event type="service" invoke="createOfbizDemoByGroovyService"/>
    <response name="success" type="view" value="main"/>


To make sure this new service implementation is being executed, you can check this line in console log that you have put in your code using Debug.log(....). For logging in OFBiz you must always use Debug class methods in Java classes.


[java] 2014-06-24 12:11:37,282 (http-bio- [ :INFO ] ==========This is my first Groovy Service implementation in Apache OFBiz. OfbizDemo record created successfully with ofbizDemoId: .....


To get more details around using Groovy DSL for service and events implementation in Apache OFBiz you can refer document created by Jacopo Cappellato in OFBiz Wiki here.


Events demonstration

Events in Apache OFBiz are simply methods used to work with HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects. You don't need to provide definitions of these as you did with services. These are directly called from controller. Events are also useful when you want to add custom server side validations to input parameters. For performing db operations you still call prebuilt services from events.


4.) Now to test the event you can simply change the AddOfbizDemo form target to read "createOfbizDemoEvent" and as its submitted now it will call your event.

Difference between service and event

Here are some difference between services and events,


Customizing User Interface

Using FreeMarker Template and Groovy Script

Okay so we are here in the last part of OFBiz tutorial. In this part we will focus on customizing UI layer of Apache OFBiz for business management apps i.e. backend apps. The important thing here is to develop applications as user want it. 


6.) Run your ofbiz demo application and go to the new tab you just added. You should have view as:

Creating Custom Decorator

Having your UI in Freemarker gives you freedom to experiment it, doing CSS tweaks and make your application the way user wants. In this section we will see how we can do that.
