Versions Compared


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Standard ListList of all currently used OFBiz JIRA labelsKeep - yes / noComments

accounting, services, tax, transactions

Tax,, accounting, transactions

accounting, form

?Is this a more a component or more generic?
AccountsAP, AR, Accountsnoaccounting would be a better label, but it is also a component
APAP, AR, AccountsnoThis is a component..... not sure it should be a label too
ARAP, AR, AccountsnoThis is a component..... not sure it should be a label too
addadd, phase, project, task, voidnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label

agreement(s), dropship, purchase

agreement(s), role, roles

api-changeapi-change, ofbiz, tomcatnoDon't think api-change is a label. It is more of a description of the task, we could maybe have something that is more generic e.g api
billingbilling, invoice, project, scrum, tax?Might be billing accounts, invoicing etc. May need more clarification on what the existing issues in this category contain
bitratebitrate,, multiplier,, units,noDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
budgetbudget, rolesyes 

calendar, entry

calendar, week_of_year


campaign, roles

noDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
certificatecertificate, keystore, x509noDon't think we need this as a JIRA label

configuration, multi-tenant

configuration, multi-tenant, setup

configuration, product

configuration, find, multi-tenant, search

common, configuration, multi-tenant

configuration, request


content, task

content,, data, demos

content, email, quote,

?This is a component
commoncommon, configuration, multi-tenant?Don't think this needs to be a standard JIRA label

component, tenant

component, data, tenant

?Does saying it is a component add value?
consistencyconsistency, create, employee, servicenoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label. What is happening is that labels are being used to capture information that would be best included in the issue summary!
createconsistency, create, employee, servicenoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label. What is happening is that labels are being used to capture information that would be best included in the issue summary!


crud, entity-auto, shipment

noDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
CVECVE?Duplicate: Is this linked to correction of security vulnerabilities? If so then security might be a better and clearer label
cvecve?Duplicate of CVE. All others are lower case

component, data, tenant

content,, data, demos

currencycurrency, requestyes 
databasedatabase, devops, refactoringyes 
datatypedatatype, fieldtypenoThink this is a bit too low level for a label.
demoscontent,, data, demosyes 
devopsdatabase, devops, refactoring?Don't think that we need this as a JIRA label
dropshipagreement(s), dropship, purchaseyes 
dynamicdynamic, forms  
EFTEFT, payment, payment-methodnoThink this fits in payments
emailcontent, email, quote,?If it was related to email templates... maybe..
employeeconsistency, create, employee, serviceyes 
entity-autocrud, entity-auto, shipmentnoThis could fit under a generic entity label
entity-conditionentity-condition, entityenginenoThis could fit under a generic entity label
entityengineentity-condition, entityenginenoThis could fit under a generic entity label
entrycalendar, entrynoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
featuresfeaturesnoThere is an issue type 'New Feature' so this does not have to be a label. If it is product features then it needs to be a under the product label
finAccountfinAccount, rolesyes 
findconfiguration, findconfiguration, find, multi-tenant, searchnoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
fieldfield, widgetnoHaving a field label doesn't give us any additional information. It is too generic
fieldtypedatatype, fieldtypenoThink this is a bit too low level for a label
focus-field-namefocus-field-name, skip-startnoToo specific for a label
formaccounting, form?Don't think that saying an issue is related to a form helps very much
formsdynamic, forms?One entry is form and this is forms.
gradlegradle, jaryes 
hotelhotel, rooms, travelnoThis would be better under travel

invoice, roles

billing, invoice, project, scrum, tax

localelocale, themeyes 
lookupcontent, locale, lookupnoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
jargradle, jarnoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label. Too generic to have very much meaning as a JIRA label
keystorecertificate, keystore, x509noDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
modalwindowmodalwindow, renderernoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
multiplierbitrate,, multiplier,, units,noDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label


configuration, multi-tenant

common, configuration, multi-tenant

?Duplicate of tenant. Need to decide whether to use tenant or multi-tenant as the standard label
newbienewbie, patchyeswe could also call it beginner...
ofbizapi-change, ofbiz, tomcatnoWe don't need ofbiz as a label
operationsdata, operations, refactoring?Not sure what this means?
orderorder, payment, payment-gateway?Could be purchase order, sales order...
patchnewbie, patchnoThis doesn't need to be a label as there is a specific field for flagging patches in the issue itself

payment, payment-application

EFT, payment, payment-method

order, payment, payment-gateway

yesWould be better if this was called payments
payment-applicationpayment, payment-applicationnoThink this fits in payments
payment-gatewayorder, payment, payment-gatewaynoThink this fits in payments
payment-methodEFT, payment, payment-methodnoThink this fits in payments
phaseadd, phase, project, task, voidnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
productconfiguration, productyes 
portalportal, portalPage, portlet, profilenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
portalPageportal, portalPage, portlet, profilenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
portletportal, portalPage, portlet, profilenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
productconfiguration, productyes 
profileportal, portalPage, portlet, profilenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label

is add, phase, project, task, void

project, projectmgr, relations, roles

billing, invoice, project, scrum, tax

?If this is project manager related then I think it could be a component (even an official plug in one)

project, projectmgr, relations, roles

noThis is a component. Could use project...
purchaseagreement(s), dropship, purchase?Not sure this is a good label, purchasing might be a better description
questionnairequestionnaire, surveynoThis is included under survey
quoteagreement(s), quoteagreement(s), quote? 


refactoring, widget

labels, refactoring

database, devops, refactoring

data, operations, refactoring


project, projectmgr, relations, roles

?Unsure of what this means? Sounds like it could be more linked to roles
renderermodalwindow, renderer?Don't think this needs to be a JIRA label
reportingreporting, vatyes 

configuration, request

request, website

currency, request

roleagreement(s), role, roles?This is very generic, also there is another label roles, what the difference? or is it just duplication

agreement(s), role, roles

project, projectmgr, relations, roles

invoice, roles

?See above
roomshotel, rooms, travelnoThis would be better under travel
scrumbilling, invoice, project, scrum, tax?Does this become part of a plug-ins label
searchconfiguration, find, multi-tenant, searchnoDon't think we need this as a standard JIRA label
serviceconsistency, create, employee, servicenoDon't think we need this as a standard JIRA label
servicesaccounting, services, tax, transactionsyes 
shipmentcrud, entity-auto, shipmentyes 

focus-field-name, skip-start

skip-end, skip-start

noToo specific to be a useful JIRA standard label


questionnaire, survey

SurveySurveynoDuplicate of survey, another example of how easy it is to create duplicates if no standard list is specified
setupconfiguration, multi-tenant, setup?Think this is too generic
svnconfiguration, multi-tenant, scrum, svnnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label

add, phase, project, task, void

content, task

noDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label

accounting, services, tax, transactions

tax, vat

billing, invoice, project, scrum, tax

TaxTax,, accounting, transactionsnoDuplicate that is easily created and used if we don't have a standard list

component, tenant

component, data, tenant

themelocale, themeyes 
tomcatapi-change, ofbiz, tomcatyes 
transactionsaccounting, services, tax, transactions?This description is to generic
travelhotel, rooms, travelyesConsolidate things like hotel, rooms etc under this label
unitsbitrate,, multiplier,, units,noDon't think that this needs to be a standard JIRA label

tax, vat

reporting, vat

yesIt could be under tax, but VAT does has some specific rules so separating it out from generic tax could be useful for the community

VAT, tax

voidadd, phase, project, task, voidnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
websiterequest, websiteyes 
week_of_yearcalendar, week_of_yearnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label


field, widget

x509certificate, keystore, x509?Does this mean anything?
xsd xsd ?Don't think this needs to be a JIRA label
 GroupOrder, catalog  
 employment, humanres, project, projectmgr, resources  
 assignment, project, projectmgr, relations, roles   portal, portalPage, portlet, profile  
 ESS, employee, management, manufacturing, marketing, registration,, tasks, time, timesheet, vacation,  
 order, roles  
 ftl, java, links, xsd  
 address, order  
 address, order  
 campaign, roles  
 finAccount, roles  
 campaign, roles  
 campaign, roles  
 resources, roles  
 invoice, roles  
 invoice, roles, vacation,  
 DBMSorder, roles  
  ftl, java, links, xsd  
 questionnaireaddress, surveyorder  
 content, email, quote,address, order  
 contentresources, quote,roles  
 content, quote,PartyRelationship  
 BillingAccountWorker, OrderPurchasePaymentSummary, getBillingAccountBalance  
 Birt, NetBeforeOverhead, Order  
 control, filters, request-objects, servlet-context, session-context, website    
  html, webapp, widget, widgetrendering  
 Expense   entity-condition, entityengine
   closure, groovy, inline, patch      
 VAT, tax   
 engine, entity, ldap, mapping  
 easyfix   content, locale, lookup  
 filter, phase, task  
 gradle, upgrade  
 entity, i18n, webtools  
 NER, NLP      
 content, layered, quote, ux  
 ecommerce, order_confirmation  
 database, readonly  
 collection, performance  


To refine the use of labels it may be easier to define the ones that we want to use:
