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  • We need tidy up our existing labels and standardise them so that duplicate labels wont be  created
  • Extract out all existing labels from current open OFBiz issues (DONE)
  • Define a list of standard labels that we can use to classify our issues:(Initial Draft in the table below)

NOTE: The following list of labels has been extracted from all the open OFBIz issues. This means that people have used each of these labels at least once and attached it to an OFBiz a suggested list of labels that could be used to locate specific areas within the OFBiz components. This list is significantly reduced from the existing labels for OFBiz issues.


Clean up all existing open issues by removing any non standard labels and assign issue to the appropriate component


Standard ListKeep - yes / noComments
accountingnoThis is already covered as a component
Accountsnoaccounting would be a better label, but it is also a component
addressnoThis would fit under contactmech
APnoThis is a component..... not sure it should be a label too
ARnoThis is a component..... not sure it should be a label too
addnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
calendaryesThis is part of the workeffort but a specific implementation of it
api-changenoDon't think api-change is a label. It is more of a description of the task, we could maybe have something that is more generic e.g api
assignementnoThis would fit under employee or project
billing?Might be billing accounts, invoicing etc. May need more clarification on what the existing issues in this category contain
BillingAccountWorkernoDon't think this needs to be the JIRA label
Birt?Might be able to classify as a plug in component
bitratenoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
CACHEnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
calendaryesThis is part of the workeffort but a specific implementation of it
campaignnoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
catalognoThis is a component
certificatenoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
closurenoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
collectionnoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
content?This is a component
controlnoDon't think this needs to be a standard JIRA label
common?Don't think this needs to be a standard JIRA label
component?Does saying it is a component add value?
consistencynoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label. What is happening is that labels are being used to capture information that would be best included in the issue summary!
createnoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label. What is happening is that labels are being used to capture information that would be best included in the issue summary!
crudnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
CVE?Duplicate: Is this linked to correction of security vulnerabilities? If so then security might be a better and clearer label
cve?Duplicate of CVE. All others are lower case
datatypenoThink this is a bit too low level for a label.
DBMSnoDon't think that we need this as a JIRA label
demosnoNo - this is a component
devops?Don't think that we need this as a JIRA label
dynamicnoDon't think that we need this as a JIRA label
easyfix?This would fit under newbie or beginner
ecommercenoThis is a component
EFTnoThink this fits in payments
email?If it is email then it could fit under contactmech If it was related to email templates then maybe a templates label.....
employeenoThis is part of the human resources (humanres) component
employmentnoThis would fit under employee
enginenoDon't think this needls to be a JIRA labe
entitynoThis is part of the framework component
entity-autonoThis could fit under a generic entity label
entity-conditionnoThis could fit under a generic entity label
entityenginenoThis could fit under a generic entity label
entrynoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
ESSnoThis would fit under employee (ESS = Employee Self Service)
ExpensenoThis could fit under accounting or use the accounting component
expressionsnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
featuresnoThere is an issue type 'New Feature' so this does not have to be a label. If it is product features then it needs to be a under the product label
finAccountyesMaybe write in full - financial account
findnoDon't think we need this as a JIRA label
fieldnoHaving a field label doesn't give us any additional information. It is too generic
fieldtypenoThink this is a bit too low level for a label
filternoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
filtersnoDuplicate. Don't think this needs to be a JIRA label
focus-field-namenoToo specific for a label
form?Don't think that saying an issue is related to a form helps very much
forms?One entry is form and this is forms.
ftlyesOr make it more obvious - and say freemarker
getBillingAccountBalancenoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
gradlenoThis is a component
GroupOrdernoThis would be better under order
hotelnoThis would be better under travel
humanresnoThis is a component
inlinenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
layerednoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
LEAKnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
linksnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
lookupnoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
jarnoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label. Too generic to have very much meaning as a JIRA label
javanoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
keystorenoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
managementnoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
manufacturingnoThis is a component
marketingnoThis is a component
MEMORYnoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
modalwindownoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
multipliernoDon't think that this needs to be a JIRA label
multi-tenant?Duplicate of tenant. Need to decide whether to use tenant or multi-tenant as the standard label
NetBeforeOverheadnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA  label
NER?What is this?
newbieyeswe could also call it beginner...
NLP?What is this?
ofbiznoWe don't need ofbiz as a label
operations?Not sure what this means?
order?Could be purchase order, sales order...
order-confirmationnoThis would fit under order
OrderPurchasePaymentSummarynoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
PartyRelationshipnoThis would fit under roles
patchnoThis doesn't need to be a label as there is a specific field for flagging patches in the issue itself
paymentyesWould be better if this was called payments
payment-applicationnoThink this fits in payments
payment-gatewaynoThink this fits in payments
payment-methodnoThink this fits in payments
performancenoDuplicate. Don't think this needs to be a JIRA label
PERFORMANCEnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
persistencenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
phasenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
portalnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
portalPagenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
portletnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
productnoThis is a component
profilenoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
project?If this is project manager related then I think it could be a component (even an official plug in one)
projectmgrnoThis is a component. Could use project...
purchase?Not sure this is a good label, purchasing might be a better description
questionnairenoThis is included under survey
readonlynoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
registrationnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
relations?Unsure of what this means? Sounds like it could be more linked to roles
renderer?Don't think this needs to be a JIRA label
requestnoDon't think this needs a JIRA label
request-objectsnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
resourcesnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
role?This is very generic, also there is another label roles, what the difference? or is it just duplication
roles?See above
roomsnoThis would be better under travel
scrum?Does this become part of a plug-ins label
searchnoDon't think we need this as a standard JIRA label
securitynoThis is a component
servlet-contextnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
servicenoDon't think we need this as a standard JIRA label
servicesnoThis is part of the framework component
session-contextnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
shippingnoThis can fit under shipment
skip-startnoToo specific to be a useful JIRA standard label
SurveynoDuplicate of survey, another example of how easy it is to create duplicates if no standard list is specified
setup?Think this is too generic
svnnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
tasknoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
TaxnoDuplicate that is easily created and used if we don't have a standard list
tenantyesNeed to decide if we call it tenant or multi-tenant, we don't need both
timenoThis would fit under employee or project
timesheetnoThis would fit under employee or project
transactions?This description is to generic
travelyesConsolidate things like hotel, rooms etc under this label
unitsnoDon't think that this needs to be a standard JIRA label
upgradenoDon't think that this needs to be a standard JIRA label
vacationnoThis would fit under employee
vatyesIt could be under tax, but VAT does has some specific rules so separating it out from generic tax could be useful for the community
voidnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
websitenoThis is a component
webtools?This is a component ...
week_of_yearnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
widgetnoDon't think this needs to be a JIRA label
widgetrenderingnoThis could fit under widget
x509?Does this mean anything?
yesMaybe write in full - financial account
ftlyesOr make it more obvious - and say freemarker
newbieyeswe could also call it beginner...
paymentyesWould be better if this was called payments
tenantyesNeed to decide if we call it tenant or multi-tenant, we don't need both
vatyesIt could be under tax, but VAT does has some specific rules so separating it out from generic tax could be useful for the communityxsd?Don't think this needs to be a JIRA label



The issue 'Reporter' is the person that creates the issue. This is automatically assigned by JIRA based on the user profile of the person creating the Jira.
