Versions Compared


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Use Case NameCheckout Page (Registered + Anonymous ) Customer
DescriptionUser fills in all the required details and make a purchase online.
TriggerUser visits the Front Store.
PreconditionUser should have already accessed the eCommerce store.
Basic Path
  1. System displays the Shopping cart page.
  2. User clicks on any of the checkout link given at top right of the page.
  3. System displays the Checkout page according to the selected link.
  4. In case of anonymous user checkout, user fills all information such as personal information, shipping information, billing information, selects shipment method, add payment method(CC) and clicks on [Submit Order] button.
  5. In case of registered user checkout, User selects the shipping address, payment option, shipment method and clicks on [Submit Order] button.
  6. System places the order successfully.
Post-conditionOrder is placed successfully.

User Acceptance Test Cases

EC-CP-TC1 (Checkout)



Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2

EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User click on [Checkout] link appear on shopping cart or nav bar or mini cart.

  • User should be redirected to login page or may select anonymous checkout by clicking on checkout.
  • In either case user should redirected to checkout page.

Working as expected.


User login or click on [Checkout] link again or provide login information.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to personal information page.
  • For logged in user all personal information should be prepopulated if exists in the system. For anonymous user needs to provide all information.
  • Click on continue button should take user to shipping information section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the personal information.

Working as expected.


User provides the personal information or edit the personal information and click on continue/next.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to shipping information page.
  • For logged in user all personal information should be prepopulated if exists in the system. For anonymous user needs to provide all information.
  • Click on continue button should take user to shipping options section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the shipping information.

Working as expected.


User provides the shipping options and click on continue/next.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to shipping options page.
  • User (Anonymous/Logged in) should be able to select shipping method, split shipping options, gift and add shipping notes.
  • Click on continue button should take user to payment options section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the shipping options.

Working as expected.


User provides the payment options and click on continue/next.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to payment options page.
  • User (Anonymous/Logged in) should be able to select payment method and add edit the payment information.
  • Click on continue button should take user to payment information section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the payment options.
  • User should be able to add credit card, eft account information as required.

Working as expected.


User provides payment options and payment information and click on continue/next/finalize order.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to order confirmation page.
  • User (Anonymous/Logged in) should be able see all the information provided in the last steps.
  • Click on submit order button should take user order view page and successfully place the order.
  • User should be able to see the order view page, with all the information provided during the checkout.
  • User should receive order confirmation email to the email address provided during checkout.

Working as expected.
