Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Committers should make an entry in this list if your revision causes a need for any manual data migration or other update steps in production instances:1.

  1. A re-load of seed data.


  1. A file change which need additional unload/reload/convert activities


  1. Any tables which can be deleted(dropped) because they are not used anymore.


  1. Any other required activity to keep your production site operational

R587127:refactored party content


  1. export the content of entity: PartyContent


  1. add the fields partyContentTypeId and fromDate to the exported file


  1. upgrade and restart the system.


  1. Import the exported file

R643847:Rename FeaturePrice entity to ProductFeaturePrice


  1. export the content of the entity with webtools export.


  1. rename the entityname in the exported file


  1. upgrade and restart the system.


  1. Import the exported file

R673842:Fixed Asset Meter refactor


  1. Run the migrateFixedAssetMaintMeter service from WebTools (no parameters needed).


  1. Check to make sure all data was transferred from FixedAssetMaintMeter to FixedAssetMeter.


  1. Drop the FixedAssetMaintMeter table.

R686731:Add support of fromDate & thruDate in CustRequestRole entity


  1. after upgrade run the service 'migrateCustRequestRole' to copy the current data to the new table.

R688741:Add currency to PartyRate entity


  1. export the content of the entity with webtools export.


  1. add the currency to the exported file.


  1. drop the table


  1. upgrade and restart the system.
    5. Import the exported file

R690360 Remove taxCategory, taxVatCode and taxDutyCode fields from Product entity and all things related

R691362 Fix an issue in artifactInfo reported on user ML

R691380 Some changes related to GeoPoint have slipped in in r691362


  1. Drop the SimpleTaxLookup from you production DB (subsidiary as it's probably already not used)


  1. upgrade to at least R691380 and restart the system.


  1. Export the UserPrefGroupType entity with webtools export - NB The export needs to be done before you upgrade otherwise the userPrefTypeId will not be included in the export
  2. Change the field userPrefTypeId to userPrefGroupTypeId in the exported data file.
  3. Drop the UserPrefGroupType table.
  4. Upgrade and restart the system.
  5. Import the exported file.


R72889# Rate refactoring

if there is not much data in the tables below we advise you to re-enter these by hand otherwise:1.

  1. Unload (with webtools) the WorkEffortAssignmentRate, EmplPositionTypeRate and PartyRate entities, before upgrading


  1. upgrade and reload the seed data,


  1. restart the system


  1. reload, if required the above mentioned tables.

R754604 my portal update

Go to webtools and delete the all records from entity PortalPagePortlet where PortalPagePortletId = "mycommunications" or "otherCommunications"

R759853, 762232 drop entity Portlet_PortLet_Category and Portlet_Category portal_page_column,  portal_page_portlet and portal_page and reload these from seed data.

R765862: any users which have the theme set in userPreferences set to "DEFAULT", the record should be deleted.


alter table WEB_SITE drop VISUAL_THEME_SET
drop table Visual_Theme_Resource, Visual_Theme,VISUAL_THEME_SET
and then reload from seed data

R767278 PaymentGatewayPayflowPro and PaymentGatewayClearCommerce password encrypted.

ALTER TABLE Payment_Gateway_Payflow_Pro ADD COLUMN new_pwd VARCHAR(255)
ALTER TABLE Payment_Gateway_Payflow_Pro DROP COLUMN pwd
RENAME COLUMN Payment_Gateway_Payflow_Pro.new_pwd TO pwd
UPDATE Payment_Gateway_Payflow_Pro SET pwd = null

ALTER TABLE Payment_Gateway_Clear_Commerce ADD COLUMN new_pwd VARCHAR(255)
ALTER TABLE Payment_Gateway_Clear_Commerce DROP COLUMN pwd
RENAME COLUMN Payment_Gateway_Clear_Commerce.new_pwd TO pwd
UPDATE Payment_Gateway_Clear_Commerce SET pwd = null
execute an ant run-install-seed

R785872: go to webtools -> Entity Data Maintenance and edit entity PortalPagePortlet

portalPageId=MYPORTAL_EMPLOYEE delete entry:
remove the the same portalPortId's on portalpage=MYPORTAL_EMPL-NOEML
execute an ./ant run-install-seed

R827914:Add support of fromDate & thruDate in WorkEffortContactMech entity

1. after After upgrade run the service 'migrateWorkEffortContactMech' to copy the current data to the new table.

R883140: AgreementWorkEffortAppl entity relation types change


  1. Upgrade and restart the system.


  1. Run the migrateAgreementWorkEffortAppl service from WebTools.


  1. Check to make sure all data was transferred from OldAgreementWorkEffortAppl to AgreementWorkEffortApplic.


  1. Drop the AgreementWorkEffortAppl table.