Versions Compared


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Comment: The OFBiz default locale and default time zone settings have been moved.


The OFBiz demo data includes a Party with ID "admin" and it has a number of UserLogin accounts associated with it that have varying permissions. Note the following configuration changes:
1. For production systems the passwords on all UserLogin accounts associated with the "admin" party should be changed from their default values.
2. The default password for the "admin" userLoginId is "ofbiz", as it is for the "flexadmin" and "demoadmin" accounts.


  • If using Tomcat (Catalina), which is the default, find the "catalina-container" -> "https-connector" -> "keystore" and "password" properties and set them.
  • If using Jetty find the "jetty-container" -> "https-listener" -> "keystore" and "password" properties and set them.
  • For other Servlet containers, see the documentation for that container to find out how to set the HTTPS keystore and password settings.

Currency, Locale, Time Zone Settings

Currency settings may be configured in the following configuration file:


You can constrain the available locale using locales.available.
For instance
    # -- locales made available separated by comma's

The default locale and time zone are configured in the following file:

${ofbiz install dir}/framework/start/src/org/ofbiz/base/start/

  • Default Locale: ofbiz.locale.default
  • Default Time Zone: ofbiz.timeZone.default

Email Server Settings

e-mail settings may be configured in the following, OFBiz file:


Then to access the application from your browser follow advices in Demo and Test Setup Guide
For production use you will want to setup a start script that contains special settings for things like memory heap size, and so on. There are example start and stop scripts in the root ofbiz directory in the and files.
Expert Recommendation: Instead of running the startup and shutdown scripts manually it might be a good idea to set them up as services on the system, or use something like daemontools to make sure the process is restarted automatically if it goes down for some reason.
