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IDE choices, coding style and formatting, commit practices, naming conventions and other issues relevant to Tapestry committers & contributers.

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cqllabel = "tapestry-dev" and space = currentSpace()

IDE Choices


It's a free license for all committers and it's just better. Yes, the first few days can be an unpleasant fumble because everything is almost, but not quite, familiar. Pretty soon you'll love IDEA and recognize that Eclipse has been bending you over and doing unspeakable things.


Howard uses utility methods that convert from ServiceDef to ServiceDef2, adding a wrapper implementation around a ServiceDef instance if necessary:

Code Block
  public static ServiceDef2 toServiceDef2(final ServiceDef sd)
    if (sd instanceof ServiceDef2)
        return (ServiceDef2) sd;

    return new ServiceDef2()
        public boolean isPreventDecoration()
            return false;

        public ObjectCreator createServiceCreator(ServiceBuilderResources resources)
            return sd.createServiceCreator(resources);

        . . .

Use of @since

When adding new classes or interface, or adding new methods to existing types, add an @since Javadoc comment.
