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General Questions


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excludeContents|General Questions

How do I get started with Tapestry?

Even without Maven, Tapestry is quite easy to set up. You just need to download the binaries and setup your build to place them inside your WAR's WEB-INF/lib folder. The rest is just some one-time configuration of the web.xml deployment descriptor.

Why does Tapestry use Prototype (in versions before 5.4)? Why not insert favorite JavaScript library here?

An important goal for Tapestry is seamless DHTML and Ajax integration. To serve that goal, it was important that the built in components be capable of Ajax operations, such as dynamically re-rendering parts of the page. Because of that, it made sense to bundle a well-known JavaScript library as part of Tapestry.


The intent has always been to make this aspect of Tapestry pluggable. Tapestry 5.4 includes the option of either Prototype or jQuery, and future versions of Tapestry will likely remove Prototype as an option..

Why does Tapestry have its own Inversion of Control Container? Why not Spring or Guice?

An Inversion of Control Container is the key piece of Tapestry's infrastructure. It is absolutely necessary to create software as robust, performant and extensible as Tapestry.


In addition – and this is critical – Tapestry allows 3rd party libraries to be built that fully participate in the configurability of Tapestry itself. This means that such libraries can be configured the same way Tapestry itself is configured, and such libraries can also configure Tapestry itself. This distributed configuration requires an IOC container that fully supports such configurability.

How do I upgrade from Tapestry 4 to Tapestry 5?

There is no existing tool that supports upgrading from Tapestry 4 to Tapestry 5; Tapestry 5 is a complete rewrite.


Tapestry 5 is designed so that it can live side-by-side in the same servlet as a Tapestry 4 app, without package namespace conflicts, sharing session data and common resources such as images and CSS. This means that you can gradually migrate a Tapestry 4 app to Tapestry 5 one page (or one portion of the app) at a time.

How do I upgrade from one version of Tapestry 5 to another?

Short answerMain Article: read How to Upgrade.

Long answer: A lot of effort goes into making an upgrade from one Tapestry 5 release to another go smoothly. In the general case, it is just a matter of updating the version number in your Maven build.xml or Gradle build.gradle file and executing the appropriate commands (e.g., gradle idea or mvn eclipse:eclipse) to bring your local workspace up to date with the latest binaries.


Note that you should be careful any time you make use of internal APIs (you can tell an API is internal by the package name, org.apache.tapestry5.internal). Internal APIs may change at any time; there's no guarantee of backwards compatibility. Please always check on the documentation, or consult the user mailing list, to see if there's a stable, public alternative. If you do make use of internal APIs, be sure to get a discussion going so that your needs can be met in the future by a stable, public API.

Why are there both Request and HttpServletRequest?

Tapestry's Request interface is very close to the standard HttpServletRequest interface. It differs in a few ways, omitting some unneeded methods, and adding a couple of new methods (such as isXHR()), as well as changing how some existing methods operate. For example, getParameterNames() returns a sorted List of Strings; HttpServletRequest returns an Enumeration, which is a very dated approach.
