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  1. Committers should set up their SVN client to use the official OFBIZ Subversion client configuration file
  2. Committers should review contributions to ensure that they follow good coding standards, are well-commented and understandable, and follow our coding conventions
  3. Committers should write a meaningful description of the feature being committed in the commit log so other developers and committers could understand what is happening.
    titleHere are some commit comments examples of badness taken from an Adam's message in dev ML
    • Fixed bug (reported by $user)? from $location.
      When reading history, the full discussion leading up to a proper bug fix is not important. But a description of the bug, and the solution, are necessary.
      Quite often, when trying to find a bug, the original sources are not available. All you have at your disposable is the installed system image. The changelog describing the software installed very often accompanies the installation. It's quite possible that no outside access is available. Embedded system deployments do this quite frequently.
      When scanning a changelog for possible hints into why something is/isn't working, if I have to switch back and forth from the target system, and an external system, to figure out what is going on, then it will leave a sour taste in my mouth. Going forward, I would be reluctant to recommend the software again.
      Additionally, no one is you. There are 6 billion other people on this planet, and you are the only one who knows what you are thinking. We can't read minds. It becomes even more difficult to do so, 2-3(or more) years in down the road. So, describe what you have done at the time you have done it.
      Also, not everone knows how jira works. Or confluence. Or AutoConfigMaintenceWidgetApplication. What you may thing as a sensible cross-reference(OFBIZ-####, debbugs ####) may mean nothing to the person reading your changelog.
    • I did some things in FooClass, FooImpl, some more stuff in BarWidget, and yet more interesting tidbits in YellowSubmarine; basically, stuff all over the place.
      This bad changelog is not about poor descriptions of the changes. It's about listing multiple, 100% completely separate improvements/fixes into a single commit.
      If there were 10 lines changed, and 1 line was not related, it's possible that you could still notice that 1 extra line. But if you have 1000 lines changes, and there are 3 groups of changes, and theyare they are all intermingled, it becomes very difficult to very that each separate change was actually implemented correctly.
      It's much better to split up such changes, and commit them separately. There are several ways to do this. svk/hg/git can be used to mirror svn, have local changes, then push when you are done. You can use multiple svn checkouts, and redo your changes, one step at a time.
