Versions Compared


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  1. Download and install the Java 2 v1.4 or v1.5 series JDK/J2SDK (not the JRE, you need the full SDK) from Sun's Java (J2SE) site, and make sure your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to this JDK after installation (NOTE that for Mac OS X no JVM setup is needed, just make sure Java is up to date with the OS X Software Update facility)
  2. Download the OFBiz release archive and unzip it in the directory of your choice. This should create one sub-directory: ofbiz. This will be the OFBIZ_HOME location.
  3. Start OFBiz with embedded Tomcat by going into the ofbizdirectory and then running "startofbiz.bat" (or "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -jar ofbiz.jar") for Windows, or "./"(or "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar ofbiz.jar") for Linux/Unix. For OS X you can just run "java -jar ofbiz.jar" and you don't need to setup the JAVA_HOME or anything because it is already there.
  4. Open a browser and go to Removed the ecommerce application or Removed the WebTools application or Removed the Catalog Manager application.
  5. The default administrative account is username: "admin", password: "ofbiz".
  6. Have fun with it! You are running on a Java database. For more discussion of databases, read the section below on that topic.
  7. For more detailed options and configuration information, read on!


In the directory where you want OFBiz to be, do a SVN checkout of the ofbiz trunk. For example:

svn co Removed ofbiz

For information on connecting to SVN click here ( Removed).

Now go into the "ofbiz" directory and run "ant.bat" (Windows), or "./ant" (Linux/Unix/OSX). It will compile all modules and leave you an executable jar (ofbiz.jar) in the "ofbiz" directory.
