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Every module that you install in Geronimo, whether it is a service, application, resource, etc., can be configured via a deployment plan. These deployment plans are XML files based on XML Schemas containing the configuration details for a specific application module or component. The Java EE 5 specification defines standard deployment descriptors such as web.xml, application.xml, etc. In some cases, the deployment descriptor is all that is required to install a module into a Geronimo server. However, in many cases, server-specific configuration is required when modules are installed. This server-specific configuration is accomplished by using Geronimo deployment plans.

Geronimo deployment plans can be packaged along with the application or specified externally at deployment time. If provided during deployment, this plan will overwrite any other Geronimo specific deployment plan provided with the application.

To package the deployment plans in you application you have to follow some naming conventions and place the file in a specific directory within your packaged application. For example, in a web application you would include the geronimo-web.xml under the /WEB-INF directory, same place where you are also providing the web.xml descriptor, all within the WAR. For an enterprise application you would include the geronimo-application.xml under the /META-INF directory, same place where you are also providing the application.xml descriptor, all within the WAR.

The Java EE 5 specification also let's you use Annotations where you add resource references, dependencies, etc. directly in the code. Geronimo provides a Deployment plan wizard that automatically generates the necessary deployment plans based on the standard deployment descriptors and annotations.


The default namespace of the above XML document is Added. The XML elements that do not have a namespace prefix belong to the default namespace.

With Servlet 2.5 specification, many of the declarations done through web.xml can also be done through corresponding annotations in the servlets and JSPs. When both annotations and web.xml are provided, the declarations in web.xml takes precedence over annotations.

The web module connects to back end datasource using its JNDI name jdbc/DataSource as declared in the web.xml.


The default namespace of the above XML document is Added. The XML elements that do not have a namespace prefix belong to the default namespace.

In EJB3.0, most of the deployment descriptor declarations can be done through the corresponding annotations in the bean class. However, if a deployment descriptor is supplied (ejb-jar.xml), the declarations in the deployment descriptor will override the annotations.

The ejb module connects to back end datasource using its JNDI name jdbc/DataSource as declared in the ejb-jar.xml. It also declares that the ejb is a stateless session bean and provides an interceptor class for the bean. The interceptor class will have callback methods which container calls when the corresponding events occur in the bean's life cycle.

For the above deployment descriptor, we will have to provide a corresponding deployment plan file (openejb-jar.xml) that maps the declared datasource to actual datasource deployed in the server. The following is the deployment plan.