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Comment: Update note (2018-01-30): Beanshell has now been completely removed from OFBiz

This document contains the Code snippet taken from the Commit notification.
Most of tricks on Groovy are taken from the code committed by Scott Gray , Joe Eckard , Marco Risaliti and others.

1) Some important files that are responsible for Groovy handling in Ofbiz.
b) GroovyServiceTest.groovy
d) Some *.jar files that are responsible to run the Groovy scripts are shown below.

   ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/lib/scripting/antlr-2.7.6.jar   (with props)

   ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/lib/scripting/asm-2.2.jar   (with props)
   ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/lib/scripting/asm-analysis-2.2.jar   (with props)
   ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/lib/scripting/asm-tree-2.2.jar   (with props)
   ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/lib/scripting/asm-util-2.2.jar   (with props)
   ofbiz/trunk/framework/base/lib/scripting/groovy-1.5.6.jar   (with props)

Important thing to note down in Groovy conversion is that we can use the whole bsh file as it is with groovy extension.
Following points are the features of Groovy scripting language.
The following sentence can be used instead of Beanshell one (Also including the contents of Beanshell statement to better understand the code).

titleGroovy Features

Important thing to note down here is that we can use the Beanshell files as it is in Groovy but we should go with Goodies provided with Groovy Programing language.Here I am including few code snippet that is taken from Beanshell files and its equivalent Groovy code snippet to better understand the code.

Update note (2018-01-30): actually Beanshell has now been completely removed from OFBiz but this is still interesting to compare Java (Beanshell is same) and Groovy syntaxes.

Groovy Goodies  

  1. Start the name of groovy file from capital letter and then follow the camel case pattern.For example "PendingCommunications.groovy".
     The reason behind is shown below (Comments from Joe on Developer Mailing List) :
    • The main reason for this is that when a script is run without a class declaration, the filename is used to create the class name and you can experience problems with untyped variables. For example, a script named product.groovybecomes class "product", and if the script contains an untyped variable "product", it assumes you're trying to access the class "product" instead of a new variable "product".
    • A secondary reason would be consistency, as some scripts have already been named this way. (EditProductFeatures.groovy, etc.
  • Primary Key Definition
    Beanshell :


  • productAssoc = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", productId, "productIdTo", productIdTo, "productAssocTypeId", productAssocTypeId, "fromDate", fromDate));


  • Groovy :
      Pre EntityQuery : productAssoc = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ProductAssoc",


  • ['productId'


  • :


  • productId,


  • 'productIdTo'


  • :


  • productIdTo,


  • 'productAssocTypeId'


  • :


  • productAssocTypeId,


  • 'fromDate'


  • :


  • fromDate


  • ]);
      Post EntityQuery : productAssoc = from("ProductAssoc").where("productId", productId, "productIdTo", productIdTo, "productAssocTypeId", productAssocTypeId, "fromDate", fromDate).queryOne()
  1. Null check
    Beanshell :
      if (payment == null) continue;
    Groovy :
      if (!payment) continue;
  2. Null + Size greater then Zero Check
    Beanshell :
      if (glAccounts != null && glAccounts.size() > 0) {
    Groovy :
      if (glAccounts) {
  3. One line assignment
    Beanshell : 
      nowDate = UtilDateTime.nowDate();
      context.put("nowDate", nowDate);
    Groovy :
      context.nowDate = UtilDateTime.nowDate();
    Note : Sentence can be kept in single line with the usage of DOT (.) for putting some values in context.
  4. Beanshell :
      String nowTimestampString = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp().toString();
    Groovy :
      context.nowTimestampString = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp().toString();
    Note : No need to specify the object type.
  5. No need to specify semicolon
    Beanshell :
        import org.ofbiz.product.inventory.InventoryWorker;
    Groovy :
      import org.ofbiz.product.inventory.InventoryWorker
    Note : We can remove the semicolon in groovy import syntax. Always import the files that are being used in Groovy files instead of importing all the files from the package.
  6. Beanshell :
      List allTypes = new LinkedList();
      i = invoiceItemTypes.iterator();
      while ( i ) {
      GenericValue invoiceItemType =;
    Groovy :
       invoiceItemTypes.each {
      GenericValue invoiceItemType = it;
        invoiceItemTypes.each { invoiceItemType ->
  7. Beanshell :
      invoiceAppls = delegator.findByAnd("PaymentApplication", UtilMisc.toMap("invoiceId", invoiceId, "invoiceItemSeqId", null)); 
    Groovy :
       Pre EntityQuery : invoiceAppls = delegator.findByAnd("PaymentApplication", [invoiceId : invoiceId, invoiceItemSeqId : null]);
       Post EntityQuery : invoiceAppls = invoice.getRelated("PaymentApplication", [invoiceItemSeqId : null], null, false)
    Empty Map example
    Beanshell :
       product = new HashMap(); // Empty map  
    Groovy :
      product = [:] ;
  8. Empty  List example
    Beanshell :
      products = new ArrayList(); // Empty list  
    Groovy :
      products = [] ; 

    titleImportant Note

    This is pretty cool, groovy coerces objects into booleans:
    An empty string,list,map = false otherwise true
    An iterator with no more elements = false otherwise true
    null = false

  9. Beanshell :
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
    Groovy :
       while (iter) {
    Note : Another alternate of while statement is the usage of "each" on the list values.
  10. List example
    Beanshell :
      if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(invoiceItemTypeOrgs)) {
    Groovy :
      if (invoiceItemTypeOrgs) {
    Note : Not empty list returns true.
  11. Map Example.
    Beanshell :
      if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(invoiceItemTypeOrgs)) {
    Groovy :
      if (invoiceItemTypeOrgs) {
    Note : Not empty Map returns true.
  12. String Example
    Beanshell :
      if (paymentId != null) {
    Groovy :
       if (paymentId) {
    Note : Not empty String returns true.
  13. Beanshell :
      invoiceId = parameters.get("invoiceId");
    Groovy :
       invoiceId = parameters.invoiceId; 
    Note : The value coming from parameters map should be considered as String.Other types should be explicitly specified.
  14. Elvis Operator : If any string return empty or null value then we can put Default value with the help of Elvis Operator ( ?: ) .Its short form of Java Ternary Operator.
    Beanshell :
      invoiceType = parameters.get("invoiceTypeId");
      if (invoiceType == null) invoiceType = "ANY";
    Groovy :
      invoiceType = parameters.invoiceTypeId ?: "ANY" ;
  15. Some important files that are responsible for Groovy handling in OFBiz.
    b) GroovyServiceTest.groovy

Note :- Removed the usage of UtilMis.toMap().

Beanshell :-

Groovy :-

Note :-

Beanshell :-

Groovy :-

Note :-

Beanshell :-

Groovy :-

Note :-
