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Table of Contents

User Story 1: Home Page

The Customer visits the home page and reviews the listed popular categories along with the list of featured products. The Buyer is also able to search catalog for product they wants to buy and is able to navigate other pages of store.

Use Case

Image Added

Use Case NameHome Page
ActorCustomer (Anonymous/Registered)
DescriptionThe User can click on the web url for the e-store and can view the home page of the store.
TriggerUser visits the OFBiz e-commerce store.
Basic Path
  1. The User (registered/anonymous) clicks on the OFBiz e-commerce store url.
  2. System displays main page of retail store.
  3. User lands on to the home page having header, categories navigation, list of featured products, catalog search and various navigation buttons with tool bars.
Post-conditionThe User is able to access OFBiz e-commerce store home page.
User Acceptance Test Cases


EC-HP-TC-1 (Home page landing) 



Expected results

Actual results


Browse [base-url/ecommerce/control/main] in browser.


  • E-commerce home page should be rendered.
  • User should be able to see main page containing various features and functionalities. 
  • User should be able to see header on home page.
  • User should be able to see categories navigation on home page.
  • User should be able to see list of featured product on home page.
  • User should be able to see catalog search on home page.
  • User should be able to see various navigation buttons and toolbars on home page.


Working as expected.



User Story 2: Login Page

Customer navigates to Login page and logs into their account or can register itself as a new customer. Customer can also place a request to change password if the existing one is forgotten/lost.

Use Case

Image Added

Use Case NameLogin Page
ActorCustomer (Anonymous/Registered)
DescriptionThe existing user logs in into the system and the anonymous user is provided with the option to register.
TriggerUser wants to register on the OFBiz e-commerce store.
PreconditionUser should have accessed the e-commerce store.
Basic Path 1
  1. User clicks on 'Login' link on home page.
  2. System displays Login page having ''Register User'' and ''Forgot Your Password'' sections.
  3. In the Register User section user clicks on 'Create Account' link.
  4. User is navigated to a request for a New Account page.
  5. User enters all mandatory values and click on [Save] button.
  6. User is registered successfully and directs to My Account page.
  7. Then clicks on log-out link.
  8. User logs out from his/her account successfully.
Basic Path 2
  1. User clicks on 'Login' link on home page.
  2. User enters valid user name and password in the Login form and click on [Login] button.
  3. User successfully logs in into the account.
  4. User clicks on 'Log-out' link.
  5. User logs out from the account successfully.
Basic Path 3
  1. User clicks on 'Login' link on home page.
  2. User enters valid registered user name in forgot password form and click on [Email Password] button.
  3. User will be successfully able to reset his/her password.
Post-conditionUser is able to access account, create account and retrieve password.

User Acceptance Test Cases

EC-LP-TC1 (Register a new Customer)



Expected results

Actual results


Click on "Login" link of Ecommerce Home Page.

Login page with "Register User" and "Forgot Your Password" sections should be rendered successfully.

Working as expected.


In the "Register User" section click on "Create" link.

User should be redirected to "Request a New Account" page.

Working as expected.


Enter all the mandatory values and click on [Save] button.

User should be registered and Logged in to the system successfully and should be redirected to Home page.

Working as expected.


Click on "Logout" link of Home Page.

User should be logged out from account successfully.

Working as expected.



EC-LP-TC2 (Login for a Registered or Existing customer)



Expected results

Actual results


Click on "Login" link of Ecommerce Home Page.

Login page with "Register User" and "Forgot Your Password" sections should be rendered successfully.

Working as expected.


Enter invalid User Name and Password in the Login form and click on [Login] button.

An Error “User not found.” should be populated on screen.

Working as expected.


Enter valid User Name and Password in the Login form and click on [Login] button.

User should be successfully logged into the account and redirected to Home page.

Working as expected.


Click on "Logout" link of Home Page.

User should be logged out from account successfully.

Working as expected.



EC-LP-TC3 (Request for a Change Password or Forgot Your Password)



Expected results

Actual results


Click on "Login" link of Ecommerce Home Page.

Login page with "Register User" and "Forgot Your Password" sections should be rendered successfully.

Working as expected.


Enter valid registered user name in forgot your password form and click on [Email Password] button.

  • User should receive an email.
  • User should be able to reset password.

Working as expected.



User Story 3: Category Navigation

The customer visits all main categories in navigation bar, a main category will have one or more child categories. User easily navigates through category in a hierarchy.

Use Case

Image Added

Use Case NameCategory Navigation
ActorCustomer (Anonymous/Registered)
DescriptionThe User can search through category pages for the desired product on the store.
TriggerUser searches product basis of category.
PreconditionUser should have already accessed the eCommerce store.
Basic Path
  1. User clicks on any of the category mentioned in the popular categories section.
  2. System displays the products of selected category.
  3. System navigates user to respective category's product page.
Post-conditionUser is able to navigate to products via category.

User Acceptance Test Cases 

EC-CN-TC1 (Home Page Landing)



Expected results

Actual results


Enter home page URL (ecommerce/control/main) in browser

  • e-commerce home page should be rendered successfully.
  • Category hierarchy should  render properly in categories section.

Working as expected.


EC-CN-TC2 (Category and Members):



Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-CN-TC1 

EC-CN-TC1 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


Click on + icon near by category name in category section .

Corresponding sub categories should be opened.

Working as expected.


Click on any category

  • Products in category should be listed.
  • Product listed count should be match with category members.
  • Pagination should work properly.
  • Product details should be display properly.

Working as expected.



User Story 4: Product Search

User can search for desired products from the available list. All the products found would be displayed in list along with pagination toolbar. User is able to directly add products into cart from search page, after adding one item to the shopping cart, user can proceed further adding more items to the cart.

 Use Case

Image Added

Use Case NameProduct Search
ActorCustomer (Anonymous/Registered)
DescriptionBuyer searches the product from the available list and add multiple products to the cart.
TriggerUser searches products.
PreconditionUser should have already accessed the eCommerce store.
Basic Path
  1. User enters the keyword(product name or id) in search field of Search Catalog section and click on [Find] button.
  2. System displays the list of products with matching criteria. 
  3. User can navigate to the next page for matching searched results.
  4. User can also add the products into shopping cart from the searched results.
Post-conditionSystem will display the product list based on searched criteria.


User Acceptance Test Cases 

EC-PS-TC1(Home Page Landing)



Expected results

Actual results


Open OFBiz URL [base-url/ecommerce/control/main] in browser.

  • E-commerce home page should be rendered successfully.
  • Search Catalog section should be rendered properly.

Working as expected.



EC-PS-TC2 (Product Search from Catalog Search section):



Expected results

Actual results



EC-PS-TC1 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


Give the keyword in text field under “Search Catalog” Section, check [Any] and click on [Find] button.

System should return list of products if any of the keywords match with the product.

Working as expected.


Give the keyword in text field under “Search Catalog” Section, check [All] and click on [Find] button.

System should return list of products if all of the keywords match with the product.

Working as expected.



EC-PS-TC3 (Advanced Product Search)



Expected results

Actual results



EC-PS-TC1 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


Click on [Advanced Search] button.

  • User will be redirected to Advanced Search Page.
  • There should show search fields on form.

Working as expected.


Search the product according to the advanced search features given on the page.

  • System should return list of products matches the search criteria.
  • Pagination should be work if result have more than 10 products.
  • Product summary should show along with image, description and price details.
  • Add To Compare button should show with each product.
  • Add To Cart, Configure and Choose Variant button should show as per product type.

Working as expected.



EC-PS-TC4 (Pagination with Search Result)



Expected results

Actual results



EC-PS-TC3 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


Click on [Next] link of pagination.

  • System should return list of products on the next page.
  • Next page products should also pass search criteria.

Working as expected.


Click on [Previous] link.

  • System should return list of products on the previous page.
  • Previous page products should also pass search criteria.

Working as expected.


Click on dropdown and select any page to go directly on it.

  • System should return list of products of the Page No. selected by him.
  • Result should pass search criteria.

Working as expected.



User Story 5: Product Page

The customer visits the Product page and reviews Product image, Product description, Price, Product reviews along with related products. User is able to add product into cart with desired features and quantity.

Use Case

Image Added

Use Case NameProduct Page
ActorCustomer (Anonymous/Registered)
DescriptionBuyer reviews the product details and add the product to the cart.
TriggerUser takes details of product and add into cart.
PreconditionUser should have already accessed the eCommerce store.
Basic Path
  1. System displays the Product Page.
  2. User can see the product description, price, reviews and cross sell (recommended) products.
  3. User selects the product, enters quantity and clicks on [Add to Cart] button.
  4. System adds the product into cart successfully.
Post-conditionProduct is added into cart.
User Acceptance Test Cases


EC-PP-TC-1 (Product page landing) 



Expected results

Actual results


User clicks on any product from Home Page, Category Navigation Page, Product Search Page, Shopping Cart Page or Checkout Page.

  • User should be redirected to the Product Page of that particular product.
  • User should be able to see information related to Product such as name, description, price, images, instructions, cross sell products, reviews, refer product to friend.

Working as expected.



EC-PP-TC-2 (Add to Cart)



Expected results

Actual results


Run Test Case EC-PP-TC-1

EC-PP-TC-1 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User adds the quantity of product to purchase in the text field.

The quantity should be  added successfully.

Working as expected.


User clicks on [Add to Cart] button.

The product should be added to cart successfully.

Working as expected.



EC-PP-TC-3 (Product Review & Refer Product to Friend)



Expected results

Actual results


Run Test Case EC-PP-TC-1

EC-PP-TC-1 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User clicks on [Be the first to review this product !] button or [Review This Product !!] button to review a product.

  • User should be redirected to Product Review Page.
  • User should be able to add reviews for product.

Working as expected.


User clicks on [Tell-A-Friend] button.

  • User should be redirected to Refer-A-Friend Page.
  • User should be able to refer to a friend.

Working as expected.



User Story 6: Login and Update Personal Information

User can log in from Login Page and with Profile page user updates personal information such as Name, E-mail address and Password. Also Adds/Updates Shipping and Billing information.

Use Case

Image Added

Use Case NameLogin and Update Personal Information
DescriptionRegistered User logs in into the system and update the personal information.
TriggerUser manages the account.
PreconditionUser should have already accessed the eCommerce store.
Basic Path
  1. System displays the Home page and User clicks on 'Login' link.
  2. User enters valid email and password in Registered User Login section.
  3. User logs into the account successfully.
  4. User clicks on 'profile' link on the top right of the page.
  5. System displays the profile page of the customer.
  6. User clicks the 'update' link in the personal information section.
  7. User updates the personal information and clicks on [Save] button.
  8. System updates the user information successfully.
  9. User clicks on [Update] button in Contact Information section.
  10. System navigates user to 'Edit Contact Information' page.
  11. User updates the contact information like address, phone no or email address and clicks on [Save] button.
  12. System updated the contact information successfully.
  13. User can update 'Payment Method Information' and 'User Name & Password' similarly.
Alternative Path 1If user only want to update contact information then can directly follow step 9.
Post-conditionUser is able to update account information.

User Acceptance Test Cases

EC-LUPI-TC1 (User Login to the system and access of “Profile” page)



Expected results

Actual results


Click on "Login" link of Ecommerce Home Page.

Login page with "Register User" and "Forgot Your Password" sections should be rendered successfully.

Working as expected.


Enter valid User Name and Password in the Login form and click on [Login] button.

User should be successfully logged into the account and redirected to Home page.

Working as expected.


Click on “Profile” link on the top right of the page.

System should display the profile page (View Profile) of the customer and all the details like Personal Information, Contact Information, Payment Method Information, UserName and Password sections should be rendered successfully.

Working as expected.



EC-LUPI-TC2 (Update “Personal Informationof user)



Expected results

Actual results



 EC-LUPI-TC1 should run successfully.

Working as expected.


Click on the 'Update' link of the Personal Information section.

“Edit Personal Information” screen should be rendered.

Working as expected.


Update the personal information and click on [Save] button.

System should update the user information successfully and display success message “Person successfully updated.”

Working as expected.



EC-LUPI-TC3 (Create a new “Contact Informationof user)



Expected results

Actual results



 EC-LUPI-TC1 should run successfully.

Working as expected.


Click on the 'Create New' link of the Contact Information section.

“Create New Contact Information” screen should be rendered. Here “Select Contact Type” drop down should also be displayed from where user can add different types of contact information.

Working as expected.


Select any contact type (Postal Address, Phone Number, Electronic Address etc.) and add details in form and click on [Save] button.

System should save the details of user in system.

Working as expected.



EC-LUPI-TC4 (Update Contact Information of user)



Expected results

Actual results



 EC-LUPI-TC1 should run successfully.

Working as expected.


Click on the [Update] button of the Contact Information section for any Contact Type (Postal Address, Email Address etc.)

“Edit Contact Information” screen should be rendered.

Working as expected.


Update the contact information like address, phone no or email address and clicks on [Save] button.

System should update the contact information successfully and display and success message to user.

Working as expected.



User Story 7: Shopping Cart

Customer Adds/Updates/Removes items from shopping cart. Customer is able to update the quantity of items and also able to apply promo code if any.

Use Case

Image Added

Use Case Name

Shopping Cart Page

DescriptionUser can finalize the shopping cart with details required.
TriggerUser manages shopping cart.
PreconditionUser should have already accessed the eCommerce store.
Basic Path
  1. System displays the shopping cart page.
  2. User changes the quantity of product.
  3. System updates the quantity of product successfully on submit the order.
  4. User enter the promotion code details (if any).
  5. Promotion is applied successfully.
  6. User select the checkbox of cart items and clicks on 'Remove Selected' link.
  7. System removes the item from the shopping cart.
Alternative Path 1If user does not have any promo code then, can skip step 4.
Alternative Path 2If user only wants to remove item then can directly follow step 6.
Post-conditionItems gets updated and deleted successfully.
User Acceptance Test Cases


EC-SC-TC1 (Add to cart)


Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2

EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User click on [View Cart] link from top nav
  • User should be able to see the item added to the cart.
  • User should see cart line contains the product information (image, name description), quantity, unit price, adjustments, and item total.
  • User should see the cart sub total, adjustments, and cart total.
  • User should see the promotions, special offers and cross sell on below cart.
  • User should be able to apply promotion code if any available and avail the promotion in the cart.
  • User should be able to add more items to cart with product number provided.
Working as expected.Pass

EC-SC-TC2 (Recalculate cart)


Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2

EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User click on [Recalculate Cart]
  • User should be able to update the quantity in cart lines and recalculate the cart after selecting the items thru check box.
  • After clicking on recalculate cart all information in the cart like quantity, adjustments, item total should be updated correctly.
  • Also all information in the cart like cart sub total, adjustments, and cart total should be updated correctly.
  • System should also remove/apply adjustments as per the quantity change.
Working as expected.Pass


EC-SC-TC3 (Remove cart items)


Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2

EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User click on [Remove Selected]
  • User should be able to remove cart lines after selecting the items thru check box.
  • After clicking on remove selected item should be removed from cart.
  • System should also remove/apply adjustments as per the existing items in the cart.
  • If items removed from cart then your shopping cart empty message should be display.
Working as expected.Pass


User Story 8: Checkout Page

On checkout page Customer adds Personal information, Adds/Updates Shipping and Billing information, chooses Payment Method(Either CC, COD, Internet Banking or Paypal), selects shipping method and submits the order.

Use Case

Image Added

Use Case NameCheckout Page (Registered + Anonymous ) Customer
DescriptionUser fills in all the required details and make a purchase online.
TriggerUser visits the Front Store.
PreconditionUser should have already accessed the eCommerce store.
Basic Path
  1. System displays the Shopping cart page.
  2. User clicks on any of the checkout link given at top right of the page.
  3. System displays the Checkout page according to the selected link.
  4. In case of anonymous user checkout, user fills all information such as personal information, shipping information, billing information, selects shipment method, add payment method(CC) and clicks on [Submit Order] button.
  5. In case of registered user checkout, User selects the shipping address, payment option, shipment method and clicks on [Submit Order] button.
  6. System places the order successfully.
Post-conditionOrder is placed successfully.
User Acceptance Test Cases

EC-CP-TC1 (Checkout)



Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2

EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User click on [Checkout] link appear on shopping cart or nav bar or mini cart.

  • User should be redirected to login page or may select anonymous checkout by clicking on checkout.
  • In either case user should redirected to checkout page.

Working as expected.


User login or click on [Checkout] link again or provide login information.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to personal information page.
  • For logged in user all personal information should be prepopulated if exists in the system. For anonymous user needs to provide all information.
  • Click on continue button should take user to shipping information section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the personal information.

Working as expected.


User provides the personal information or edit the personal information and click on continue/next.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to shipping information page.
  • For logged in user all personal information should be prepopulated if exists in the system. For anonymous user needs to provide all information.
  • Click on continue button should take user to shipping options section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the shipping information.

Working as expected.


User provides the shipping options and click on continue/next.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to shipping options page.
  • User (Anonymous/Logged in) should be able to select shipping method, split shipping options, gift and add shipping notes.
  • Click on continue button should take user to payment options section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the shipping options.

Working as expected.


User provides the payment options and click on continue/next.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to payment options page.
  • User (Anonymous/Logged in) should be able to select payment method and add edit the payment information.
  • Click on continue button should take user to payment information section.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the payment options.
  • User should be able to add credit card, eft account information as required.

Working as expected.


User provides payment options and payment information and click on continue/next/finalize order.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to order confirmation page.
  • User (Anonymous/Logged in) should be able see all the information provided in the last steps.
  • Click on submit order button should take user order view page and successfully place the order.
  • User should be able to see the order view page, with all the information provided during the checkout.
  • User should receive order confirmation email to the email address provided during checkout.

Working as expected.


EC-CP-TC2 (Quick Checkout)



Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2

EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User click on [Quick Checkout] link appear on shopping cart or nav bar or mini cart.

  • User should be redirected to login page or may select anonymous checkout by clicking on quick checkout.
  • In either case user should redirected to checkout page.

Working as expected.


User login or click on [Quick Checkout] link again or provide login information.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to quick checkout page.
  • Logged in user all information like Name Phone and Email, shipping address, billing address should be prepopulated if exists in the system. Anonymous user needs to provide all information.
  • Logged in user needs to select shipping options, payment options and click on continue to final order review. Anonymous user needs to provide information and click on continue.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the information.

Working as expected.


User provides all order information on single page and click on continue (anonymous user) / continue to final order review (logged in user)

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to final order submit step.
  • Logged in user should see the all the information provided in the last step and submit order button.
  • Anonymous user should see the all information and options to select shipping and payment with submit order button.

Working as expected.


User provides payment options and shipping options and click on submit order.

  • User should be landed to order view page and successfully place the order.
  • User should be able to see the order view page, with all the information provided during the checkout.
  • User should receive order confirmation email to the email address provided during checkout.

Working as expected.



EC-CP-TC3 (One Page Checkout)



Expected results

Actual results


Run EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2

EC-HP-TC-1, EC-PP-TC-2 should be run successfully.

Working as expected.


User click on [Quick Checkout] link appear on shopping cart or nav bar or mini cart.

  • User should be redirected to login page or may select anonymous checkout by clicking on one page checkout.
  • In either case user should redirected to one page checkout page.

Working as expected.


User login or click on [Quick Checkout] link again or provide login information.

  • User should be able to proceed further and land to one page checkout page.
  • Default open step 1 should show shopping cart information.
  • User should be able to review and continue to step 2.

Working as expected.


User click on [continue to step 2]
  • User should be able to proceed further and open the step 3 Shipping Options section.
  • Logged in user should see the all the shipping information if exists in the system.
  • Anonymous user needs to provide all the shipping information in step 2.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the shipping information.

Working as expected.


User click on [continue to step 3]

  • User should be able to proceed further and open the step 3 Shipping Options section.
  • User should be able to select shipping method and proceed further.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the shipping options.

Working as expected.


User click on [continue to step 4]
  • User should be able to proceed further and open the step 4 Billing section.
  • Logged in user should see the all the billing information if exists in the system.
  • User should be able to select add credit card and billing address information.
  • At any point before submitting the order user should be able to edit the billing information.
Working as expected.Pass
User click on [continue to step 4]
  • User should be able to see all the information provided in all previous steps.
  • User should be able to edit all the information here.
  • User should be able to see the submit order button.
Working as expected.Pass
User click on [Submit Order]
  • User should be able to place the order successfully.
  • User should be able to see the order view page, with all the information provided during the checkout.
  • User should receive order confirmation email to the email address provided during checkout.
Working as expected.Pass