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Link Components

Main Articles: Page Navigation, Component Parameters


Table of Contents
excludeContents|Link Components

How do I add query parameters to a PageLink or ActionLink?

These components do not have parameters to allow you to specify query parameters for the link; they both allow you to specify a context (one or more values to encode into the request path).

However, you can accomplish the same thing with a little code and markup. For example, to create a link to another page and pass a query parameter, you can replace your PageLink component with a standard <a> tag:

Code Block

<a href="${profilePageLink}">Display Profile (w/ full details)</a>

In the matching Java class, you can create the Link programmatically:

Code Block

  private PageRenderLinkSource linkSource;

  public Link getProfilePageLink()
    Link link = linkSource.createPageRenderLinkWithContext(DisplayProfile.class, user);

    link.addParameterValue("detail", true);

    return link;

... and in the DisplayProfile page:

Code Block
linenumberstrue (partial)

public class DisplayProfile
  void onActivate(@RequestParameter("detail") boolean detail)
    . . .


You may also bind a link component's {{parameters}} parameter; this is a Map of additional query parameters to add to the URL. The Map keys should be strings, and the Map values will be encoded to strings. Tapestry 5.3 also adds a literal map syntax to the [property expression language|TAPESTRY:Property Expressions].

How do I create a Link back to the current page from a component?

Sometimes it is useful to create a link back to the current page, but you don't always know the name of the page (the link may appear inside a deeply nested subcomponent). Fortunately, this is easy.

Code Block

<t:pagelink page="prop:componentResources.pageName">refresh page</t:pagelink>


As an added benefit, if the page class is ever renamed or moved to a different package, the pageName property will automatically adjust to the new name.

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