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Current state: "Under Discussion" Discarded

Discussion thread: here

JIRA: here


After Kafka moved the rebalancing responsibilities from brokers to clients, many other applications (Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams, Confluent Schema Registry) have relied on the Group Membership Protocol to implement resource allocation amongst distributed processes.

Kafka Connect's WorkerCoordinator class extends AbstractCoordinator, and uses the rebalance mechanism to distribute tasks to its workers. In the same spirit, Confluent Kafka Registry - and its SchemaRegistryCoordinator - relies in the AbstractCoordinator class for leadership election (which instance of a Schema Registry cluster can accept writes). These two are in addition to the ConsumerCoordinator that the Kafka Consumer uses internally, and indirectly Kafka Streams.

We've adopted this generic, extensible protocol to implement a framework that solves both the distributed resource management and leader election use cases our engineering teams face when building their systems. The powerful primitives exposed by the AbstractCoordinator class have made it relatively easy to build distributed resource management systems on top of Apache Kafka.

A good example of how other projects can leverage AbstractCoordinator APIs to implement resource management is this PR to add HA capabilities to Kafka Monitor. We're looking into adding these capabilities to other systems in our Kafka Infrastructure (Kafka Cruise Control being the next one).

We think it's time for the AbstractCoordinator to become part of Kafka's public API, so we can ensure backwards compatibility in future versions of the client libraries. This idea was addressed In fact, we were inspired by Gwen Shapira on her  's talk at the strangeloop conference in '18 [] which gave us a new perspective when redesigning our existing distributed leader election system.

Finally, advertising the Coordinator as one of the features Apache Kafka offers should be another goal, as we feel that the protocol is well designed and extensible, so advertising Kafka's Coordinator capabilities might be a good idea, as it's applicable to many other use cases.

Public Interfaces
