List of API breaking changes
- 3c236b2c89ed84cded0d056ac40fc728089c6f67 changes the signature of the Scala DataSet API's ExecutionEnvironment.fromCollection() method and breaks binary compatibility.
- 06b37bf550315bd1d5be7dc3ed6638fd21768e1a removes JDBC Input/OutputFormats for the deprecated Record API
- bac21bf5d77c8e15c608ecbf006d29e7af1dd68a:
- Return value of addSink in DataStream API is no longer a DataStream but a DataStreamSink
- Forward shipping is not legal when the parallelism of the operations differ
- e727355e42bd0ad7d403aee703aaf33a68a839d2 (FLINK-2723) CopyableValue interface has a new method "T copy()".
- DataStream API: Windows
FLINK-2747 TypeExtractor does not correctly analyze Scala Immutables, Solution: NONE YET
FLINK-2236 RowSerializer and CaseClassComparator are not in sync regarding Null-Values
Solution: revert previous changes to the master OR fix
FLINK-2066 Make delay between execution retries configurable
2888 Copy default state for AbstractHeapKvStateSolution: Pending pull request, Solution: Pending PR #1289
FLINK-2674 Rework windowing logic
FLINK-2674 Rework windowing logic
FLINK-2491 Operators are not participating in state checkpointing in some cases
FLINK-2747 TypeExtractor does not correctly analyze Scala Immutables (AnyVal)
FLINK-2236 RowSerializer and CaseClassComparator are not in sync regarding Null-Values [fix or revert]
FLINK-2066 Make delay between execution retries configurable [pending pull request]
FLINK-2674 Rework windowing logic
FLINK-2771 IterateTest.testSimpleIteration fails on Travis
FLINK-2770 KafkaITCase.testConcurrentProducerConsumerTopology fails
FLINK-2719 ProcessFailureStreamingRecoveryITCase>AbstractProcessFailureRecoveryTest.testTaskManagerProcessFailure failed on Travis
FLINK-2695 KafkaITCase.testConcurrentProducerConsumerTopology failed on Travis
FLINK-2674 Rework windowing logic
FLINK-2671 Instable Test StreamCheckpointNotifierITCase
FLINK-2670 Unstable CombineTaskTest
FLINK-2586 Unstable Storm Compatibility Tests
FLINK-2504 ExternalSortLargeRecordsITCase.testSortWithLongAndShortRecordsMixed failed spuriously
FLINK-2491 Operators are not participating in state checkpointing in some cases
FLINK-2392 Instable test in flink-yarn-tests
FLINK-2348 IterateExampleITCase failing
FLINK-2609 Automatic type registration is only called from the batch execution environment
FLINK-2797 CLI: Missing option to submit jobs in detached mode
FLINK-2749 CliFrontendAddressConfigurationTest fails on GCE
FLINK-2319 Collect size limitation due to akka.
FLINK-2662 CompilerException: "Bug: Plan generation for Unions picked a ship strategy between binary plan operators."
FLINK-2508 Confusing sharing of StreamExecutionEnvironment
FLINK-2757 DataSinkTaskTest fails on Windows
FLINK-2351 Deprecate config builders in InputFormats and Output formats
FLINK-2350 Deprecate the stream open timeouts in FileInputFormat and FileOutputFormat
FLINK-2794 Document exactly-once support for sources and sinks
FLINK-2813 Document off-heap configuration
FLINK-2263 ExecutionGraph uses Thread.sleep to delay execution retries
FLINK-2750 FileStateHandleTest fails when building for Hadoop 2.6.0
FLINK-2657 Fix WebClient and CLI interaction
FLINK-2506 HBase connection closing down (table distributed over more than 1 region server - Flink Cluster-Mode)
FLINK-2315 Hadoop Writables cannot exploit implementing NormalizableKey
FLINK-1610 Java docs do not build
FLINK-2735 KafkaProducerITCase.testCustomPartitioning sporadically fails
FLINK-2737 KeyedDataStream should not be a subclass of DataStream
FLINK-2718 LeaserChangeCleanupTest sometimes fails
FLINK-2624 RabbitMQ source / sink should participate in checkpointing
FLINK-2801 Rework Storm Compatibility Tests
FLINK-2156 Scala modules cannot create logging file
FLINK-2408 Some maven properties are defined in build profiles only
FLINK-1989 Sorting of POJO data set from TableEnv yields NotSerializableException
FLINK-2759 TaskManagerProcessReapingTest fails on Windows
FLINK-2758 TaskManagerRegistrationTest fails on Windows
FLINK-1129 The Plan Visualizer Cuts of the Lower Part of Certain Operators
FLINK-2611 YARN reports failed final state for successful jobs
FLINK-2799 Yarn tests cannot be executed with DEBUG log level
FLINK-2733 ZooKeeperLeaderElectionTest.testZooKeeperReelection fails
FLINK-2443 [CompactingHashTable] GSA Connected Components fails with NPE
, open sub-issues:
- FLINK-2676 Add abstraction for keyed window state, Solution: WIP (this is internal cleanup only, not related to the release)
- FLINK-2680 Create a dedicated aligned-event time window operator, Solution: no blocker (this is internal improvements only, not related to the release)
FLINK-2737 KeyedDataStream should not be a subclass of DataStream, Solution: NONE YET
FLINK-2763 Bug in HybridHashJoin: Request to spill partition with less than two buffers, Solution: NONE YET
FLINK-2800 Kryo Serialization Problem, Solution: NONE YET
Restructuring of Maven modules (getting rid of flink-staging), (nice to have, not a blocker)
- FLINK-2581 Move Python API, Solution: Pending PR #1257
FLINK-1681 Remove Record API (nice to have, not a blocker)
FLINK-1982 Remove dependencies in flink-runtime,Solution: Pending PR #1294- FLINK-2900 Remove dependencies in hadoop-compat, Solution: Pending PR #1293
- FLINK-2901 Remove dependencies in flink-test, Solution: NONE YET
- FLINK-2906 Remove Record API, Solution: NONE YET
FLINK-2902 Web interface sort newest jobs first, Solution: Pending PR #1296
FLINK-2904 Web interface truncates task counts, Solution: NONE YET
FIXED ISSUES ![(smile)](/confluence/s/-o60qop/8804/z1btw/_/images/icons/emoticons/smile.svg)
FLINK-2236 RowSerializer and CaseClassComparator are not in sync regarding Null-Values, Solution: revert f8e12b20d925c3f6f24769327d1da5d98affa679 (FLINK-2203) and b59c81bc41f0fc4ade5359dfdf42549a76d412fa (FLINK-2210) on master
FLINK-2066 Make delay between execution retries configurable, Solution: Pending PR #1223
FLINK-2833 Unstage Gelly + Module refactoring, Solution: Pending PR #1241
FLINK-2844 Remove the old web interface, Solution: Pending PR #1246
Unstage Streaming + Module refactoring, Solution: NONE YET
FLINK-2206 Web Dashboard shows at most 5 finished jobs, Solution: Pending PR #1287
FLINK-2842 S3FileSystem is broken, Solution: Pending PR #1245
FLINK-2779 Update documentation to reflect new Stream/Window API, Solution: Pending PR #1208
FLINK-2780 Remove Old Windowing Logic and API, Solution: Pending PR #1242
FLINK-2819 Add Windowed Join/CoGroup Operator Based on Tagged Union, Solution: PR pending #1232
FLINK-2550 Rework DataStream API, Solution: Done
FLINK-1610 Java Docs do not build, Solution: PR pending #1225
FLINK-2794 Document exactly-once support for sources and sinks, Solution: Pending PR #1208
FLINK-2813 Document off-heap configuration, Solution: PR pending #1226FLINK-2524 Add "getTaskNameWithSubtasks()" to RuntimeContext
FLINK-2767 Add support Scala 2.11 to Scala shell
FLINK-2706 Add support for streaming RollingFileSink to truncate / append on UNIX file systems
FLINK-2788 Add type hint with TypeExtactor call on Hint Type
FLINK-2581 Add warning to the YARN client when using an older Hadoop version
FLINK-2518 Avoid predetermination of ports for network services
FLINK-2344 Deprecate/Remove the old Pact Pair type
FLINK-987 Extend TypeSerializers and -Comparators to work directly on Memory Segments
FLINK-2256 Handling Broker failures on the KafkaSink side
FLINK-2287 Implement JobManager high availability
FLINK-1778 Improve normalized keys in composite key case
FLINK-2489 Improve the streaming window join
FLINK-2523 Make task canceling interrupt interval configurable
FLINK-2455 Misleading I/O manager error log messages
FLINK-2795 Print JobExecutionResult for interactively invoked jobs
FLINK-2340 Provide standalone mode for web interface of the JobManager
FLINK-2629 Refactor YARN ApplicationMasterActor to use the async AM<-->RM client
, Solution: Pending PR #1197
FLINK-2561 Sync Gelly Java and Scala APIs, Solution: Pending PR #1211
FLINK-2785 Implement Graph's fromCsvReader in Gelly-Scala, Solution: Pending PR #1205
FLINK-FLINK-2782 Remove deprecated features for 0.10
FLINK-2808 Rework / Extend the StatehandleProvider
FLINK-2667 Rework configuration parameters
FLINK-2403 Rework partitioned state checkpointing logic
FLINK-2646 Rich functions should provide a method "closeAfterFailure()"
FLINK-2075 Shade akka and protobuf dependencies away
FLINK-2546 The webclient does not allow users to save the execution plan
FLINK-2239 print() on DataSet: stream results and print incrementally
FLINK-2254 Add Bipartite Graph Support for Gelly
FLINK-2720 Add Storm-CountMetric in flink-stormcompatibility
FLINK-1723 Add cross validation for model evaluation
, open sub-issues
FLINK-2784 Remove deprecated config keys,Solution: Pending PR #1244FLINK-2786 Remove Spargel from source code and update documentation in favor of Gelly, Solution: NONE YET
FLINK-2435 Add support for custom CSV field parsers
FLINK-2157 Create evaluation framework for ML library
FLINK-2390 Replace iteration timeout with algorithm for detecting termination
FLINK-2333 Stream Data Sink that periodically rolls files
FLINK-2352 [Graph Visualization] Integrate Gelly with Gephi
FLINK-2819 FLINK-2674 Add Windowed Join/CoGroup Operator Based on Tagged Union
FLINK-2810 Warn user if bc not installed, Solution: Pending PR #1228
FLINK-2107 Hash-based OuterJoin strategy, Solution: Pending PR #1262
FLINK-2874 Some Avro generated classes are not recognized as POJOs, Solution: Pending PR #1252
FLINK-2668 Make each project() call a separate operator, Solution: Pending PR #1279
FLINK-2895 Duplicate immutable object creation, Solution: Pending PR #1288
Jira | ||||||||||
Jira | ||||||||||
Jira | ||||||||||
Jira | ||||||||||
FLINK-2784 FLINK-2782 Remove deprecated config keys
FLINK-2550 FLINK-2674 Rework DataStream API
FLINK-2779 FLINK-2674 Update documentation to reflect new Stream/Window API
FLINK-2574 Remove Spargel from master in next release
FLINK-2703 Remove log4j classes from fat jar / document how to use Flink with logback
FLINK-2561 Sync Gelly Java and Scala APIs
FLINK-2573 Add Kerberos test case
FLINK-2444 Add tests for HadoopInputFormats
FLINK-2445 Add tests for HadoopOutputFormats
FLINK-2480 Improving tests coverage for org.apache.flink.streaming.api
FLINK-2481 Test at least once processing guarantee for streaming
FLINK-2817 FileMonitoring function throws NPE when location is empty
FLINK-2812 KeySelectorUtil.getSelectorForKeys and TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes are incompatible
FLINK-2810 Warn user if bc not installed
FLINK-2803 Add test case for Flink's memory allocation
FLINK-2752 Documentation is not easily differentiable from the Flink homepage
FLINK-2739 Release script depends on the order of parent module information
FLINK-2715 Benchmark Triangle Count methods
FLINK-2672 Add partitioned output format to HDFS RollingSink
FLINK-2634 Add a Vertex-centric Version of the Tringle Count Library Method
FLINK-2613 Print usage information for Scala Shell
FLINK-2608 Arrays.asList(..) does not work with CollectionInputFormat
FLINK-2597 Add a test for Avro-serialized Kafka messages
FLINK-2520 StreamFaultToleranceTestBase does not allow for multiple tests
FLINK-2510 KafkaConnector should access partition metadata from master/cluster
FLINK-2488 Expose attemptNumber in RuntimeContext
FLINK-2429 Remove the "enableCheckpointing()" without interval variant
FLINK-2428 Clean up unused properties in StreamConfig
FLINK-2399 Fail when actor versions don't match
FLINK-2380 Allow to configure default FS for file inputs
FLINK-2342 Add new fit operation and more tests for StandardScaler
FLINK-2283 Make grouped reduce/fold/aggregations stateful using Partitioned state
FLINK-2185 Rework semantics for .setSeed function of SVM
FLINK-1702 Authenticate via Kerberos from the client only
FLINK-1513 Remove GlobalConfiguration Singleton
FLINK-1278 Remove the Record special code paths
FLINK-1240 We cannot use sortGroup on a global reduce