Versions Compared


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The complete support for the OFBiz DSL is available since r. 1636346, committed to trunk in early November 2014.


In the following two sections we will compare examples of business logic implemented as a Minilang service and as a Java event to the equivalent version implemented with the Groovy DSL.


Code Block
    <service name="setLastInventoryCount" engine="groovy"
                location="component://product/script/org/ofbiz/product/inventory/InventoryServices.groovy" invoke="setLastInventoryCount">
        <description>Service which run as EECA (on InventoryItemDetail entity) and updates lastInventoryCount for products available in facility in ProductFacility entity</description>
        <attribute name="inventoryItemId" mode="IN" type="String" optional="false"/>
def setLastInventoryCount() {
    inventoryItem = findOneselect().from('InventoryItem', ).where([inventoryItemId:parameters.inventoryItemId]).queryOne()
    if (!inventoryItem) {
        logWarning("The InventoryItem with inventoryItemId=${parameters.inventoryItemId} doesn't exist.")
        return failure("Inventory item with id ${parameters.inventoryItemId} was not found.")
    List productFacilities = findListselect().from('ProductFacility', ).where([productId:inventoryItem.productId, facilityId:inventoryItem.facilityId]).queryList()
    productFacilities.each {
        countResult = runService('getInventoryAvailableByFacility', [productId:it.productId, facilityId: it.facilityId])
        result = runService('updateProductFacility', [productId:it.productId, facilityId:it.facilityId, lastInventoryCount:countResult.availableToPromiseTotal])
    return success("Updated inventory count for product ${inventoryItem.productId}.")


  • the code block:

    Code Block
        if (!inventoryItem) {
            logWarning("The InventoryItem with inventoryItemId=${parameters.inventoryItemId} doesn't exist.")
            return failure("Inventory item with id ${parameters.inventoryItemId} was not found.")

    is not really necessary (there is no equivalent in the Minilang version) but I have added it because it seems useful and also to show how you can log a warning message in the console and how you can prematurely return from a service (here we use a "failure" that is still a success, no rollback; but this nice feature is not used much in OFBiz)

  • the code is really expressive and easy to read; no technical stuff that is not part of the business logic is needed (similar to Minilang); the code is also very concise (50% of the Minilang equivalent)
  • error handling: as in Minilang error handling related code is not necessary in the 90% of the cases; when a service call or an entity operation fail the service execution is stopped and the engine takes care of returning the "error" and rolling back the transactions; if you want to avoid this behavior for a special handling (equivalent of the Minilang's break-on-error="false" attribute) you can simply wrap the call in a try/catch block; for example:

    Code Block
    try {
        result = runService('updateProduct', [productId: 'CodeThatDoesntExist'])
    } catch(Exception e) {
        return error('something wrong happened: ${e.getMessage()}')

    However in most of the cases you shouldn't worry about errors returned by services and entity operations because the framework will take care of returning the proper error map for you (as it happens in Minilang)

  • dispatcher and delegator objects are available with all their rich api (just use them as they are already in the context) but not necessary for the most common cases (calling sync services, fetching and manipulating simple data etc...) because for them you can use the DSL language: all the calls like runService, findOne, findList, makeValue etc... fetch the dispatcher/delegator from the context behind the lines
  • runService accepts and an input map and there is no need to add to it the userLogin object because the method will automatically fetch it from the context if not already in the map (same as in Minilang)
  • the methods error(), failure(), success() (you can optionally pass a string to them for the message) all return a valid service output map; success/failure represent a "success" (no rollback) while error will cause a rollback; however in most of the cases you will not need to call "error" because if something goes wrong the framework will do it for you (similar to Minilang)
  • with IDEs that support Groovy (I am using Idea) you will be able to debug groovy services like in Java; assisted completion features are also pretty good for Groovy


Code Block
def updateProductCategoryMember() {
    if (!parameters.thruDate) {
        parameters.thruDate = UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp()
    try {
        productCategoryMember = EntityUtil.getFirstselect(EntityUtil).filterByDate(findListfrom('ProductCategoryMember', ).where([productCategoryId: parameters.productCategoryId, productId: parameters.productId]).filterByDate().queryFirst()
        if (productCategoryMember) {
            productCategoryMember.setString('thruDate', parameters.thruDate)
    } catch(Exception e) {
        return error("The following error occurred setting thruDate on category ${parameters.productCategoryId} for product ${parameters.productId}: ${e.getMessage()}")
    return success()


For now the DSL is intentionally simple because it is focused on most common tasks/behavior (for more complex and less common tasks you can use the dispatcher/delegator). This section provides a summary of the main methods; for a full reference please refer to the source file:

  • calling services:

    Code Block
    Map runService(String serviceName, Map inputMap)

    Code Block
    Map run(Map args)


    The "run" method is implemented using named parameters and supports service calls with the following style:

    Code Block
    result = run service: 'createProduct', with: [productId: 'WG-1111']
    retrieving dataList findList(String entityName, Map inputMap)

    The DSL valid the map passed before run the service, so you can call directly like

    Code Block
    findOne(String entityName, Map inputMap)
    Code Block
    = run service: 'createProduct', with: parameters

  • retrieving data

    Code Block
    EntityQuery select(...)

    Code Block
    EntityQuery from(...)


    The "select" and "from" methods can be used in the following ways:

    Code Block
    record = select().from('Product').where(productId, 'WG-1111').queryOne() // selects all the columns of the record
    record = from('Product').where(productId, 'WG-1111').queryOne() // same as above as above
    record = from('Product').where(context).queryOne() // same as above if productId is present in context or present in context.parameters
    record = select('internalName').from('Product').where(productId, 'WG-1111').queryOne() // selects one column of the record

    For more details refer to the Javadocs of EntityQuery.

  • modifying data:

    Code Block
    GenericValue makeValue(String entityName)

    and then call the methods on the GenericValue object (remove/store etc...)

  • logging (they all accept a GString i.e. $notation):

    Code Block
    logInfo(String message)

    Code Block
    logWarning(String message)

    Code Block
    logError(String message)

  • returning from the service or event (the methods simply return a Map for services or a string for events but you still have to use the "return" keyword to return the map back; when used by events the error method adds also the error message, if specified, to the request object):

    Code Block
    def success(String message)

    Code Block
    Map failure(String message)

    Code Block
    def error(String message)

IDE Integration

Attached DSL descriptor files for Eclipse and IntelliJ are included in OFBiz trunk since r1643183 in December 2014. For older versions, attached to this page you will find the DSL Descriptors Descriptor files that, once added to the classpath (the framework/base/src/main/java/org/apache/ofbiz/base/ folder is probably the best place) of  of your OFBiz project, will add DSL support to all the Groovy scripts in OFBiz (autocompletion etc...):

  • Eclipse: OfbizDslDescriptorForEclipse.dsld (seems to work in ~/.groovy/greclipse/global_dsld_support/dsld)
  • IntelliJ:  OfbizDslDescriptorForIntelliJ.dsldgdsl