Versions Compared


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Comment: Migration of unmigrated content due to installation of a new plugin

Wiki Markup
This is the consolidated list of changes between Tapestry versions 5.2 and 5.3. To upgrade from 5.2 to 5.3, most users who are not using deprecated features will be able to just update the Maven dependency in their POM file (or download the new JAR file) and the new version will just work. However, please read carefully below before upgrading, and also review the How to Upgrade instructions.


Table of Contents

Breaking Changes

Tapestry now depends on Servlet API version 2.5 (prior releases worked with 2.4).



Tapestry now bundles Underscore.js, a useful library for expressive functional programming in the browser. It is used in no conflict mode, made available as the T5._ object.


In addition, Tapestry will now display a pop-up window containing the full exception report for a server-side error that occurs during an Ajax request, which makes debugging server-side problems that occur as part of an Ajax request significantly easier. Note that this logic is tied to performing a Zone update.

JIRA Issues

Sub-tasks Completed



Bugs Fixed



Improvements Made



New Features Implemented



Tasks Completed




<!-- Last updated: 21 Nov 2011 --> Release Notes - Tapestry 5 - Version 5.3 <h2> Sub-task </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1433</a>] - Remove deprecated methods of PerthreadManager service </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1434</a>] - Remove old IOCSymbols class, and outdated constants from IOCConstants </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1435</a>] - Remove proxy-related building method from ClassFabUtils, since moved to ClassFactory#createProxy() </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1436</a>] - Remove @ApplicationState annotation, replaced with @SessionState </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1437</a>] - Remove @IncludeJavaScriptLibrary and @IncludeStylesheet annotations, replaced by @Import </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1438</a>] - Remove OptimizedApplicationStateObject, replaced with OptimizedSessionStateObject </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1439</a>] - Remove PrimaryKeyEncoder (replaced by ValueEncoder) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1440</a>] - Remove &quot;validateForm&quot; event triggered by Form component (replaced with &quot;validate&quot; event) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1441</a>] - Remove ValidationMessagesSource, replaced with ComponentMessagesSource </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1455</a>] - Remove code and constants related to page pooling </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1456</a>] - Remove symbol for absolute URIs (now always absolute since 5.2) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1457</a>] - Remove SCRIPTS_AT_TOP from SymbolConstants </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1459</a>] - Remove AbstractField.createDefaultParameterBinding() and AbstractTextField.defaultValue() </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1460</a>] - Remove deprecated constants from FormInjector </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1461</a>] - Remove Loop.volatile parameter (replaced with formState parameter in 5.1) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1462</a>] - Remove Element.getParent() </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1463</a>] - Remove EndTagStyle.OMIT </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1464</a>] - Remove ClasspathAssetAliasManager.toResourcePath() </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1465</a>] - Remove Environment.getAccess() </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1466</a>] - Remove deprecated methods from TapestryTestCase </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1467</a>] - Remove deprecated methods from ClassTransformation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1561</a>] - Remove Dependency on ClassTransformer </li> </ul> <h2> Bug </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-5</a>] - Context lost in a form fragment in a property editor component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-7</a>] - Palette component error marker appears on the line below the component when validation fails. </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-8</a>] - Application message catalog is only used when a not localized version is present </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-9</a>] - Component event requests that fail should still send a redirect (to the exception report page) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-16</a>] - Error popups are not positioned well near the edges of the page </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-17</a>] - Null value in RadioGroup returns the string &quot;on&quot; </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-19</a>] - Clicking on autocomplete scrollbar in Internet Explorer clears results </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-21</a>] - Misleading error message when a component sub-class invokes non-default constructor of parent component class </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-26</a>] - When @Validate(&quot;required&quot;) is applied to a field whose type is primitive, the client-side JavaScript includes two invocations of Tapestry.Validator.required </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-31</a>] - DateField Calendar component has scroll bar burn through </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-35</a>] - During an Ajax update, using a &quot;var:&quot; binding prefix causes an exception indicating that the page is not rendering </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-36</a>] - Only the last of multiple t:parameter components with the same name in the same grid are rendered, without an error message. </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-38</a>] - Validation error bubble positioning should be different for checkbox and radio than for other types of fields </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-40</a>] - Pop up error bubbles (for client side validation) do not interact properly with IE 6 select elements </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-115</a>] - Component report doesn&#39;t list parameters inherited from classes outside the project </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-137</a>] - org.hibernate.TransactionException thrown when a transaction is directly rolledback (outside of tapestry-hibernate) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-218</a>] - the tapestry banner image on the component reference index page and the component reference pages links to wrong pages </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-508</a>] - Exception reports can over-zealously squash exceptions </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-698</a>] - PageTester&#39;s setupRequestFromURI incorrectly uses substring twice on same string </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-724</a>] - Tapestry generates invalid HTML (for strict and transitional doctypes) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-763</a>] - Documentation for RenderSupport.addScriptLink() is invalid about where the included links go </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-821</a>] - Compnent event URLs for page in a library whose name contains the dash character will not be recognized by ComponentEventLinkEncoder </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-832</a>] - Hidden input field fails with coercion problem on empty value (patch incl) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-835</a>] - Palette keeps resetting order of selected values on page reload </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-845</a>] - Informal Parameters are not allowed to have the value &quot;&quot; (the empty string) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-875</a>] - BigTypesFormatter should allow for plain space as a grouping separator since FF2 replaces non-breaking space character \u00A0 (grouping separator for Sweden, Finland , etc) with normal space \u0020 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-877</a>] - Fade effect for error popups should be disabled in IE since it can&#39;t properly fade the images </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-891</a>] - RequestImpl.getSession(true) is broken </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-892</a>] - Use of Injection to provide Locale instances to components breaks when multiple Locales are configured as Spring Beans in AppContext </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-922</a>] - Allow a null or blank value to be supplied in Link.addParameter(), and render out the parameter name with the missing value </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-990</a>] - Add a ElementEffect of &quot;none&quot; that does no animation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-998</a>] - Exception when a form element component is not enclosed by a Form is odd: uses the form&#39;s label to identify the component in question </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1117</a>] - Exception message when binding a service interface (and service implementation not found) is confusing </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1146</a>] - In a Multi-Zone update, if the identified Zone does not exist, the content is silently dropped (should log an error to the client-side console) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1227</a>] - Binding a parameter whose type is primitive to null results in a difficult to understand NullPointerException </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1251</a>] - Spring integration should not assume the external context is successfully initialized </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1257</a>] - Javascript error with IE Prototype still in 1.7 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1329</a>] - Tapestry allows a template to define the same extension-point id twice, which causes difficult to understand duplicate component id exceptions </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1331</a>] - EnumValueEncoder should identify legal values when a non-matching string is passed to it for conversion </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1336</a>] - Changed classes do not reload under Tomcat </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1339</a>] - Provide a single extension point to provide a ValidationDecorator instance for both traditional and Ajax renders </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1355</a>] - Threading issue with SessionStateObjects </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1366</a>] - Tapestry must honor the position of added tags in the &lt;head&gt; relative to the &lt;meta&gt; tags, for IE compatibility </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1367</a>] - ajaxExceptionHandler Method name typo </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1368</a>] - The onFailure function provided to Tapestry.ajaxRequest does not always get invoked </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1369</a>] - ExceptionUtils.findCause() does not use the same approach as ExceptionAnalyzer </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1372</a>] - BaseURLSource uses getLocalPort() rather than getServerPort() </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1374</a>] - Quickstart layout component uses deprecated IncludeStyleSheet annotation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1383</a>] - TypeCoercer should &quot;promote&quot; coercions to primitive types into coercions to the corresponding wrapper type </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1392</a>] - SVG assets rended with wrong content type </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1393</a>] - Form component shoould push the BeanValidationContext into the Environment only after onPrepare() </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1408</a>] - datefield popup does not have option to cancel </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1409</a>] - datefield - cannot select same day in different month </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1418</a>] - Image submits do not set the javascript submitting element value. </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1422</a>] - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException when shutting down jmx server </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1423</a>] - Selenium test failures attempt to take a screenshot, which fails on most browsers besides firefox </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1428</a>] - When a parameter is bound but does not match a formal parameter, the exception should also include a list of formal parameter names </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1429</a>] - PageTester does not call registry.performRegistryStartup or TapestryAppInitializer.announceStartup </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1442</a>] - XSS vulnerability in calendar component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1444</a>] - Index pages in subfolders should have precedence over start pages </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1448</a>] - Example for org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.Errors uses invalid xml </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1475</a>] - In a multipart file upload, request parameters in the URL are not exposed, only parameters in the request body </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1483</a>] - AssetPathConstructorImpl should use BaseURLSource </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1486</a>] - When Tapestry adds CSS and JS files to the page, it should ensure that CSS files are above any JavaScript files </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1491</a>] - In Chrome the buttons in the Palette component do not appear greyed-out when disabled </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1497</a>] - No error message upon exception calling initializer function with German locale </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1500</a>] - Update ComponentClassResolve&#39;s JavaDocs </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1510</a>] - The @Advise annotation limits advice to just a specific interface type </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1511</a>] - RequestSecurityManager.checkPageSecurity() should return request security instead of INSECURE in case when security is disabled </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1527</a>] - BeanEditForm loses object found by onPrepare() during render </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1533</a>] - File download breaks zone managers due to unload event </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1535</a>] - When there&#39;s a type mismatch between a container component at the field with @InjectComponent, the type of the containing component should be part of the exception message </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1546</a>] - TranslatorSource incorrectly annotated with @UsesConfiguration when it should now be @UsesMappedConfiguration (as of 5.2) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1549</a>] - ParameterWorker forces evaluation of default method, even if the parameter is bound by other means </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1551</a>] - FormFragment change visibility/hide and remove event listeners should call event.stop() to prevent container fragments from also being hidden </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1554</a>] - Tapestry fails on OpenJDK with a java.lang.reflect.GenericSignatureFormatError </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1555</a>] - Property Expression Array Disallows null and this </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1562</a>] - Tree leafs are not selectable </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1563</a>] - Need configuration for queue size w/ ParallelExecutor; as is, limited to pool core size threads, rather than pool max size </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1571</a>] - t5-console.js throws exception in Chrome for debug, info, and warn </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1576</a>] - JPA Integration 5.3.0 with Primary Key Entity Classes Fails </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1577</a>] - Duplication in operation trace when invoking certain methods </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1578</a>] - When toggling the visibility of a form fragment, the effective visibility doesn&#39;t change until after the animation completes </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1580</a>] - A Form with an event listener for &quot;canceled&quot; event can cause an NPE popping off a BeanEditContext from the Environment that wasn&#39;t pushed </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1585</a>] - @InjectPage annotation can leak page instances from one locale to another </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1593</a>] - Type should be an allowed return value from Ajax action requests </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1596</a>] - Tapestry should validate that component ids reference in event handler method names (or @OnEvent annotation) exist </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1598</a>] - AlertManager service does the wrong thing if the Ajax request will terminate with a redirect </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1599</a>] - Upgrade Selenium to 2.3.1 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1605</a>] - Template parsing of expansions can&#39;t handle map expressions </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1608</a>] - tapestry-ioc establishes dependency on TestNG that brings much unwanted stuff into runtime classpath </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1612</a>] - Tapestry.updateZoneOnEvent() has a poorly formatted message when the element is not found </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1613</a>] - Mixin inherited from parent model does not inherit order </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1614</a>] - Component Javadocs need clarification on encoder parameter being &quot;required&quot; </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1620</a>] - Tml parsing expression error </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1629</a>] - A Tree component that does not have a selection model bound should not track selections on the client or server </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1630</a>] - A TreeModelAdapter that returns null from getChildren() causes an NPE </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1631</a>] - Tapestry creates client ids for error popups containing the &#39;:&#39; character, which is problematic for some browsers (and some testing tools) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1632</a>] - When a submit component does not have a specific id, the default id &quot;submit&quot; collides ont the client side with the HTMLFormElement.submit() method, causing JavaScript errors when the form is submitted </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1636</a>] - Tapestry does not compile using OpenJDK </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1642</a>] - A mixin parameter that is required but also provides a default property results in an &quot;unbound parameter&quot; exception, starting in Tapestry 5.3 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1643</a>] - Restore ability to contribute a library mapping that includes the &quot;/&quot; character (as was possible in 5.1) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1644</a>] - Symbol tapestry.compatibility.unknown-component-id-check-enabled when set to false still acts as if true </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1647</a>] - PerThreadOperationTracker uses a synchronized block with high thread contention </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1648</a>] - AbstractReloadableObjectCreator is still based on Javassist APIs, not plastic </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1650</a>] - On a cold start with a large number of incoming requests, Tapestry can deadlock inside PlasticClassLoader/PlasticClassPool </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1652</a>] - template expansion no longer trims whitespace off the right side of the expansion </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1656</a>] - Problem when inheriting annotated methods from a abstract superclass </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1657</a>] - Environment should use the UnknownValueException class, for better reporting on the exception page </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1664</a>] - @InjectResource annotation should be removed, behavior of @Inject on a field should be changed to consider resources first </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1670</a>] - Debug output includes [[invoking-method]] (i.e., missing message key) when invoking contribution methods </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1671</a>] - Running &quot;gradle idea&quot; fails on a clean checkout </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1673</a>] - Tapestry 5.2 property expressions supported references to public static fields of classes; this is not supported by 5.3 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1675</a>] - Tapestry 5.3 allows a subcomponent to define a parameter with the same name as a base component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1676</a>] - When an @InjectComponent annotation fails due to missing component, it should identify the class name and field for the injection </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1680</a>] - A mixin with a formal parameter will prevent an informal parameter of the same name from being bound on the component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1682</a>] - 5.3-beta-x Maven Archetype does not work </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1685</a>] - TapestryModule contributes a MarkupRendererFilter with id &#39;InjectDefaultStyleheet&#39; ; the id has a typo and should be &#39;InjectDefaultStylesheet&#39; </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1686</a>] - Exceptions at application startup when the current directory includes spaces in the path name </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1687</a>] - ImportWorker (responsible for @Import) creates improper advice for importing stacks, calling invocation.proceed() too often </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1693</a>] - Spring beans of type java.lang.String can confuse Tapestry, which will use them in preference to other injections, such as @Symbol </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1697</a>] - Datepicker color/style problem only on WebKit/Mac browsers </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1699</a>] - JpaValueEncoder.toValue throws NPE when mapping annotations are placed on methods </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1700</a>] - Changes to partial markup rendering mean that the critical elementId JSON key is no longer set in the response when injecting content into a Form </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1701</a>] - If the incoming request does not include a locale in the path, the application uses the server locale (not a locale extracted from the request headers) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1706</a>] - JS syntax error in Tapestry.ajaxRequest() when Ajax fails </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1710</a>] - AssetSource service can retain large numbers of Asset and Resource objects </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1712</a>] - Tapestry.DEBUG_ENABLED, when false (default), should prevent debugging output from being displayed, but is ignored </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1713</a>] - A property expression that generates a list can not reference public static field </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1716</a>] - Zone updates fail due to underscore.js critical bug </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1717</a>] - Assets get cache expiry header of year 1979 in production mode </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1720</a>] - HTML 5 doctype is not preserved, gets transformed into XHTML 1.0 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1721</a>] - A JavaScript typo prevents the error icon for fields containing validation errors from appearing </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1723</a>] - Tapestry should honor the javax.annotation.PostConstruct as the same as Tapestry PostInjection annotation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1724</a>] - In rare cases, Tapestry may fail to transform a class due to a &quot;JSR/RET are not supported with computeFrames option&quot; exception </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1726</a>] - JavaScript Assets fail to load for already-minified JS assets in Production mode </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1727</a>] - PageCatalog page can fail with an odd ClassCastException </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1728</a>] - Quickstart archetype does not include the build.gradle </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1731</a>] - Dynamic loading of JavaScript libraries is sometimes broken in IE (in rare cases) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1732</a>] - Tapestry should not swallow client-side initialization exceptions, as that makes it harder to debug </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1737</a>] - Loading all pages using PageCatalog page fails with java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal field modifiers in class org/apache/tapestry5/corelib/pages/package-info: 0x12 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1742</a>] - AfterRender() in Loop component should not short circuit </li> </ul> <h2> Dependency upgrade </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1653</a>] - Update dependencies to latest versions </li> </ul> <h2> Improvement </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-2</a>] - DateField customization </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-27</a>] - Improve exception message for default field validation when value parameter is not bound. </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-44</a>] - enable creation of custom &quot;onException&quot; event handler </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-46</a>] - Palette component should support drag and drop of the options </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-55</a>] - Persistence strategy should alternately be specified via an annotation on the persisted field </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-58</a>] - Tapestry should be smarter about event handler methods refiring events with the same name </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-65</a>] - Validate fields based on EJB annotations </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-76</a>] - Provide decorators service matching based on annotations </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-83</a>] - add a contructor with page class as parameter to BeanBlockContribution </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-96</a>] - Component parameter report should document alternate types </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-98</a>] - The TypeCoercer should be able to coerce String to Enum types, even without a specific contribution </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-99</a>] - Frequently instantiated service implementations should have a specialized instantiation class created to prevent extra reflection calls </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-113</a>] - Ordering with pre/post requisites could be simplified, improved </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-117</a>] - Allow contributing whole page to BeanBlockSource </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-167</a>] - Applications should support both secured or unsecured access based on initial access method </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-170</a>] - Basic generics support should apply to parameters of event handler methods as well as getters and setters </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-171</a>] - Filter out attributes with default value (from DTD) when parsing templates </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-172</a>] - It should be possible to merge validation constraints from the @Validate annotation with those explicitly set via the validate parameter </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-174</a>] - Allow Zone requests to be cancelled </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-175</a>] - maintain querystring parameters during @Secure redirect from http to https </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-176</a>] - Enable @Mixins annotation in component classes </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-178</a>] - Support for optional validator constraints </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-180</a>] - make an ClientPersistentFieldStorageImpl abstract class </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-183</a>] - Include mention of webdefault.xml in tapestry-test page </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-189</a>] - When re-rendering a page with form validation errors, error pop-ups should be presented to the user as with normal client-side validation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-198</a>] - Handling Exceptions in Components by replacing/returning another component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-199</a>] - Tapestry writes localization initialization information for DateField even when in locale &quot;en&quot; </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-203</a>] - Palette should be able to determine the generic type of the List passed to it, and use that to create default bindings for the model and encoder parameters </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-204</a>] - The email validator should include client-side validation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-450</a>] - Add rel=&quot;nofollow&quot; to t:grid sort links </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-455</a>] - Allow discarding of persistent field changes for specific strategy only </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-606</a>] - Add Finnish translation to javascript messages (Translated messages attached.) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-650</a>] - Enhance form autofocus to accept fieldname as a value </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-683</a>] - The Tapestry object should include an info() for logging to the console (as it already includes error(), debug(), etc.) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-741</a>] - CSS files should be automatically minimalized, like JavaScript files </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-743</a>] - It is too much work to hide all T5 pages inside a virtual folder, for use in mixed-implementation deployments </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-746</a>] - Zone should include an option to periodically update itself </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-840</a>] - Support character references in tml files with HTML 5 Doctype </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-853</a>] - Move away from Javassist </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-888</a>] - The Tapestry.ErrorPopup client-side class should create the div/span as needed (not at page initialization) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-933</a>] - EnumValueEncoder will create a ValueEncoder even when there&#39;s a specific String-&gt;Enum type coercion </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-939</a>] - Chinese localization for ValidationMessages_zh_CN </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-941</a>] - Chinese localization for corelib components </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-955</a>] - Add @Optional annotation to mark contribution methods that can be ignored if the indicated service does not exist </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-980</a>] - ValidationDecorator should be a service, rather than just a contributed object, to make it easier to override </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1040</a>] - Allow HTML5 doctype to be printed </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1184</a>] - m2eclipse update site changed </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1199</a>] - ClassTransformation should include an API specifically for adding a component event handler to a component class </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1208</a>] - In development mode, Tapestry should &quot;shadow&quot; field &amp; parameter values to instance variables, to assist with debugging </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1308</a>] - When an Ajax requests replies with the error page, Tapestry should present the contents in a popup window </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1310</a>] - The Enum ValueEncoder should be case insensitive </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1320</a>] - ServiceActivity improvements </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1323</a>] - Change Quickstart Template to Match New Site Design </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1348</a>] - Component report should accept multiple root packages </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1350</a>] - TapestryFilter should allow sub-classes to specify additional module classes, not just ModuleDefs </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1356</a>] - When contributing to a service configuration, values should be coerced to the correct type rather than rejected if not the correct type </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1359</a>] - Add way to be notified that the Registry is about to shutdown (but before service proxies are disabled) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1361</a>] - Tapestry should include a coercion from Flow to List </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1362</a>] - Tapestry should provide coercions from String to JSONObject and JSONArray </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1378</a>] - Allow Delegate component to be used for creating in-template components </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1382</a>] - Tapestry should provide a coercion from Flow to boolean, that evaluates to true if the Flow is not empty </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1389</a>] - Access properties of generic page and component fields </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1390</a>] - Functional programming improvements </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1396</a>] - Invocation class should provide access to the annotations placed on the method beeing invoked </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1414</a>] - Add HOSTNAME symbol to SymbolConstants, use in BaseUrlSource </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1419</a>] - Tapestry tests should be able to be run from more than just Jetty </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1431</a>] - Quickstart should enable the Blackbird client-side console </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1450</a>] - Component report should print information about deprecated components or deprecated parameters </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1451</a>] - Form component should indicate that a form submission was canceled on the client side </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1458</a>] - Mark tapestry.suppress-redirect-from-action-requests as deprecated, for removal in Tapestry 5.4 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1469</a>] - Allow for multiple application root packages by contributing additional LibraryMappings with empty virtual folder </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1473</a>] - Running integration tests with Tomcat6Runner it should be possible to configure the application under test by providing a local context.xml file </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1476</a>] - Deprecate MultiZoneUpdate, replace with an injectable service to collect zone updates </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1482</a>] - Upgrade Prototype to 1.7 / Scriptaculous 1.9.0 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1485</a>] - Quickstart archetype should define a ProductionModeModule and DevelopmentModeModule with support inside web.xml </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1489</a>] - Re-storage of session attributes at end of request should be configurable (can be set to off for non-clustered applications) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1492</a>] - New features for SeleniumTestCase </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1495</a>] - Tapestry&#39;s property expression language should support map creation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1496</a>] - Link components should support easily adding request parameters to the generated link </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1508</a>] - Reduce memory utilization of Tapestry page instances </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1519</a>] - Ensure that all calls to invoke methods and constructors with dependencies are tracked with the OperationTracker </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1521</a>] - JavaScriptSupport.addInitializerCall() should support JSONArray of function parameters, as RenderSupport does </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1523</a>] - Dutch validation messages </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1538</a>] - Optimize client-side URL rebuilding in IE 7 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1539</a>] - Optimize document scans used by Tapestry.FieldEventManager to not locate the label or icon until actually needed </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1541</a>] - Optimization load of scripts (javascripts and stylesheets) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1547</a>] - Tapestry should include built-in coercions from String to JSONObject and JSONArray </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1558</a>] - FormFragment should allow more fine grained control over when to be considered &quot;invisible&quot; </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1564</a>] - RenderSupport is used in even though it has been deprecated </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1565</a>] - It should be easier to make a series of contributions to an OrderedConfiguration so that the contributions are in sequential orderer </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1567</a>] - Contributions to the ValueEncoderSource service should allow bare ValueEncoders, which can be coerced to ValueEncoderFactory </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1574</a>] - Provide constants for available data types </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1581</a>] - MarkupWriterImpl makes many, many defensive copies of its listener list </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1588</a>] - French properties file for the kaptcha component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1591</a>] - tapestry-ioc should not depend on tapestry-json </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1594</a>] - Provide edit block for Kaptcha component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1597</a>] - Update Italian local support </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1603</a>] - Tapestry should omit stack frames related to the OperationTracker from exception report </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1617</a>] - PeriodicExecutor should support CRON expressions </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1621</a>] - TypeCoercer currently uses Object -&gt; String and String -&gt; Boolean, there should be a direct coercion from Object -&gt; Boolean for &lt;t:if/&gt; performance. </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1627</a>] - Enable OperationTracker to produce debug trace of all operations </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1628</a>] - Have Submit documentation explicitly state when the disabled attribute is evaluated </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1633</a>] - Hardcoded value for &quot;Dismiss All&quot; in AlertManager </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1637</a>] - Tapestry should use SoftReferences for page instances, rather than run a janitor thread to clean them up </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1638</a>] - Reduce thread contention inside ComponentClassResolverImpl </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1639</a>] - Missing danish translations </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1641</a>] - The ValueEncoder for Hibernate entity types should encode transient instances as null rather than throw an exception </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1649</a>] - ComponentClassResolver should allow &quot;common package root name&quot; of a single term, and not require two terms </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1651</a>] - It should be possible for a LinkCreationListener to override Tapestry and make a Link secure or insecure after the fact </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1663</a>] - The @BindParameter annotation should support inherited parameters </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1665</a>] - Tapestry could create non-singleton services more efficiently </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1669</a>] - Palette Documentation </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1674</a>] - Add ServiceBinder.withSimpleId() that generates a service id from the implementation class name </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1677</a>] - Use Symbols for Default Component Parameter Values </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1683</a>] - RegistryShutdownHub broken link on &quot;Service Life Cycle&quot; documentation page </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1690</a>] - OperationTracker should be injectable in Tapestry components </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1692</a>] - Underscore.js should be used in no-conflict mode </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1702</a>] - T5 to log where it thinks the Application Module should be if not found </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1747</a>] - Make labels generated by Checklist component clickable </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1748</a>] - Alerts component should render informal parameters </li> </ul> <h2> New Feature </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-67</a>] - Split persistence strategy into two parts: where the data is stored (session, client, hidden fields, etc.) and duration (normal, flash, maybe others) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-68</a>] - Add ability to use Seam and Tapestry 5 together </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-71</a>] - Add a Tree component in corelib </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-72</a>] - Improve Groovy support in Tapestry </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-73</a>] - JavaScript libraries should be automatically packed/minimalized </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-82</a>] - Allow Blocks to render themselves initially </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-85</a>] - Make Java Class optional for Rendering Pages </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-94</a>] - Add a &quot;hidden fields&quot; parameter to BeanEditor and BeanEditForm </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-102</a>] - Add a &quot;default sort column&quot; parameter to Grid component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-110</a>] - let make JSONObject secured </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-111</a>] - Protect serialized object blobs from being tampered by external user </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-120</a>] - Make Tapestry 5 ready for IDE content assistance </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-122</a>] - Integrate scriptaculous Ajax.InPlaceEditor with Tapestry </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-141</a>] - The ServiceActivityScoreboard should provide greater detail, including method invocation counts and elapsed times </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-142</a>] - HTML Button component with Form support </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-143</a>] - Add client-side column resizing to grid. </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-144</a>] - TestBase should support creating new class mocks (using easymockclassextension), not just traditional interface mocks </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-145</a>] - TextField should include a parameter that will render a &quot;suffix&quot; (that appears between the field itself and any error decoration icons) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-149</a>] - Add JPA-annotation-driven validator </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-153</a>] - Way to simulate annotations on classes, fields and methods </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-155</a>] - Tapestry is missing a BinaryStreamResponse for streaming binary data to the client </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-158</a>] - @Persist(&quot;redirection&quot;) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-159</a>] - TapestryFilter should support HTTP 1.1 byte ranges </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-546</a>] - ObjectLocator.getService(Class) should be expanded to pass a varargs of marker annotation types </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-742</a>] - Add optional component tracing comments to rendered output </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-753</a>] - Provide some way to get the current page instance being rendered inside a service </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1385</a>] - Provide support for JSR-330 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1421</a>] - Create a standard way to track messages to be presented to the user </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1472</a>] - Provide basic integration with JPA 2 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1502</a>] - Make it easier to create JavaScript Stacks using a standard implementation with an OrderedConfiguration </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1528</a>] - Tapestry-specific JavaDoc plugin that generates parameter documentation, etc. </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1542</a>] - Support for skinning/theming Tapestry pages </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1543</a>] - Introduce Tapestry schema in version 5_3 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1550</a>] - Provide a multiple selection component that renders check boxes for available selection options </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1572</a>] - Discard unused page instances if not used within a certain period </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1586</a>] - Introduce the Kaptcha component </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1587</a>] - Provide support for Serbian locale </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1595</a>] - Provide support for Macedonian locale </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1609</a>] - Generate Maven archetype from within gradle builds </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1678</a>] - Add a builtin PageCatalog page that gives a listing of all loaded pages, with option to force load all pages </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1688</a>] - Tapestry should expose environment variables as symbols </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1696</a>] - Tapestry should include a @WhitelistOnly page annotation that only allows access to the page when it is accessed from a local (or otherwise acceptable) host </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1708</a>] - Add ability to control where Ajax-injected CSS links are placed </li> </ul> <h2> Task </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-75</a>] - Create Doxia APT Macro to make it easier to link to JavaDoc </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-116</a>] - Replace Maven build with Gradle build </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-161</a>] - Devise test stategy for DateField and other DHTML/JS intensive components </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-162</a>] - The need for specific content in webdefault.xml file should be documented </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-973</a>] - Identify and fix the issue that causes intermittent build failures </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1286</a>] - Remove Maven APT files for documentation that has moved into the Confluence wiki </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1397</a>] - Remove Tutorial source from SVN </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1402</a>] - Remove deprecated Alias service (which was replaced in 5.1 with the simpler ServiceOverride service) </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1432</a>] - Remove classes and methods deprecated in Tapestry 5.2 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1514</a>] - Upgrade YUICompressor dependency to latest, 2.4.6 </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1610</a>] - Provide JavaDoc styling similar to Tapestry website&#39;s style </li> </ul> <h2> Test </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1413</a>] - Test to make sure the ability to give a multizoneupdate a String rather than a zone works </li> </ul> <h2> Wish </h2> <ul> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-953</a>] - org.apache.tapestry5.dom.Node.remove() should set nextSibling to null </li> <li>[<a href=''>TAP5-1505</a>] - Let URLEventContext implement its own toString() </li> </ul>
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