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Story 1 - Create Picklist

Once CSR puts the orders in approved status , they are in suitable state to be moved to warehouse for their fulfilment. In warehouse, the user (Warehouse Manager) selects a collection of orders on the basis of shipping method, warehouse area or order size. This grouping allows user to get the multiple orders picked in one go and also optimize the quick delivery of the orders. The orders are grouped in a picking plan. Here, user can fulfil a single order also in case he receives a request of a premium customer which need to be fulfilled on high priority.

Use Case:

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Use Case Name

Create Picklist


The Warehouse Manager assesses Warehouse application


The order is in Approved status.

Basic Path

  1. User selects the 'Picking' tab.
  2. User selects batch picking plan. The choices are by Shipping method, by Warehouse area, and by No. of order items.

  3. If the search is by Shipping Method, the system generates and presents a picking plan on the basis of different shipping methods.

  4. User clicks on [Submit] button.
  5. The system generates and presents a picking plan on the basis of selected criteria.

  6. User creates a Picklist from the generated picking plan.

  7. User can print the Picklist and Pick Ticket(s).

  8. User can review the orders which has not picked/packed yet.

Alternative Path 1

In step 3, if the user selects criteria to search by Warehouse Area, the system creates and presents a picking plan on the basis of different warehouse area(s) available.

Alternative Path 2

In step 3, if the user selects to search by Order Size, the system creates and presents a picking plan on the basis of Order Size limits set in the system.

Alternative Path 3

In step 3, the user can select any combination of option for search by criteria

Alternative Path 4

The user can select a single order for creating Picklist.

1. User selects the 'Picking' tab.
2. User views the order ready for picking.
3. User creates the Picklist for the selected order.


The Picklist is created in the system.

Exception Paths

The user may abandon the search at any time.

Story 2 - Manage Picklist

The user (Warehouse Manager) keeps track of the picklists in the system. User can assign a picker and hand-over the picking plan to the picker. Picker will pick the items from the warehouse as mentioned in the picking plan and accordingly he/she will put them in bins of his picking cart. In case he/she finds that picklist(s) is/are not picked yet, user can re-print the Picklist(s) and assign to the picker. In case the user receives notification from the picker that the picklist has been picked from the warehouse, he/she should be able to mark the picklist as 'Picked'. If needed user may cancel the picklist also. In this case the orders in the picklist should be re-available while creating next picking plan. Notably, the picklist can only be cancelled if it is in 'Input' or 'Printed' status.

Use Case:

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Use Case Name

Manage Picklist


Story 1: Create Picklist


The Warehouse Manager selects 'Manage Picklists' option.


Picklists(ready to be picked) exist in the system.

Basic Path

  1. User selects the Picklist and assigns the Picker.

  2. User selects the Picklist and views the Pick/Packing reports.

  3. User marks the Picklist as 'Picked' if he receives notification that the Picklist has been picked from the system.

  4. User can cancel the Picklist if he receives a cancellation order request.


The status of the Picklist is updated.

Exception Paths

User may abandon the system at any time.

Story 3 - Pack Order

Once the picker completes the picking of the order items in the picklist, he/she takes his cart to the packing station for packing of the orders. At packing station, the packer verifies the items of the order in the picklist against items in the picking bin. User (Packer) can provide the handling instructions to the shipper in case he finds the order items need special handling care for delivery. User puts the order items on the weighing machine and records the weight and size of the order items, here user may decide to ship the order in one or multiple shipments(packages) on the basis of dimensions and weight of the order items. User can also ship partial order if few of the order items are back-ordered. User may put the order on hold, in case he finds the order items in the bin do not match with he actual ordered items. Once the shipment package has been completed, user can mark the shipment package as 'Packed' and go ahead for the shipment details. Invoice and packing slip are automatically sent for printing on network configured printer. At this point, the payment get captured in the system and GL ledgers are updated automatically. If due to some reasons, e.g. Shipper's site is down because of some network issue and the process cannot be completed online, then user can proceed with the offline shipping method, here user will manually(by phone calling the shipper) get the tracking number from the shipper and will complete the order manually.

Use Case:

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Use Case Name

Pack Order


User Story 2: Manage Picklist


Packer selects the order to be packed


User has accessed the Shipments main screen and the orders exist in the system which are ready to be packed(Picklist containing is in Input/Assigned/Picked/Printed status or the order is in Approved status).

Basic Path

  1. User clicks on 'PACKING' tab.
  2. User enters the Order Id or Picklist Bin Id and submits the request.

  3. The system checks that the fields whether it is blank or has valid order id.

  4. The system presents user with order items to be packed if valid order id is supplied.
  5. User selects the Packaging Input Box(as per the shipping method selected), enters packaging box dimensions such as length, width, height(in inches) and package weight(in lbs).
  6. User goes to shipment page with 'Picked' status.
  7. User may enter the shipping instructions, if handling instructions need to be provided to Shipper for this package and updates the shipment.
  8. User can update the address or the shipping method, if required.

  9. User can view the shipment order items information.

  10. User completes packing & marks shipment as "Packed”.

  11. User can generate shipping manifest report.
  12. System captures payment. Creates Invoice, shipping label and packing slip for the order is generated and sent to network printer for printing.

Alternative Path
If the order is in multiple Picklist Bins then system should display error message. Packer should enter Picklist Bin Id only, to follow the basic path of the use case.


User packs the shipment and hands over to shipping carrier. Payment is captured and general ledgers of accounting are updated.

Exception Paths

User may abandon the operation at any time. The packing process resumes from where it was abandoned earlier.

Story 4 - Receiving inventory

The User (Shipment Receiver/Warehouse Manager) receives the purchase box from the shipper and verifies 'Purchase Order' for the items received against the items on order. If the quantity is not the quantity ordered or is of a different product, then Shipment Receiver should indicate the discrepancy on the 'Receiving Slip'. For rejecting any items, user will contact supplier and return the concerned items(it will be a manual process), here user is allowed to receive partial shipment also. The user keeps track of the quantity accepted in the inventory with the respective unit price of the product. The user can decide to put the products in existing location or some new place in warehouse. Once the user has completed verification and assignment of the location, he can mark the product as received. System should automatically update and adjust stock-levels received.

Use Case:

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Use Case Name

Receiving Inventory


The Warehouse manager selects a purchase order or product to be received in the inventory.


Purchase order is in Approved status in the system

Basic Path1

  1. The user enters the Purchase Order Id and submits the find request.

  2. Purchase Order is checked for the items received against the items on order.

  3. The user can reject the items If the product that arrives against the purchase order is found Not Ordered, Over Shipped or Found Damaged.

  4. The user enters/updates the quantity accepted in the inventory and unit price of respective products.

  5. The user may add a new location/facility or choose location from any pre-existing one for putting away the inventory being received.

  6. For adding a location/facility details like type (Pick/Primary or Bulk), Owner, Area, Area unit etc. need to be entered.

  7. Once the verification has been completed, user receives the selected products and marks the shipments as received.

  8. Inventory gets updated in the system.

Basic Path 2

  1. The user enters the Product Id to receive a particular product.
  2. The user selects the supplier.

  3. The user selects the facility location.

  4. The user enters the date of receiving the product, quantity and per unit price for the product while purchasing.

  5. The user receives the product and can receive more inventory items of the same product by updating the receiving details.


Products are received in the warehouse and the inventory counts get updated accordingly.

Story 5 - Overview of product and Manage variances

The user (Warehouse Manager) reviews product details, where user will be provided with the current status of the product and its location details in warehouse. The user adds the variances in the inventory, in case the product is found damaged, lost, stolen or found in inventory at some other location. Some last variances should also be view-able to the user.  

Use Case:

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Use Case Name

Overview of Product and Manage Variances


User story 4: Receiving


Warehouse manager wants to have a quick overview of the inventory for a specific product and enter variances found in the inventory.


Product is active in the system and have been received.

Basic Path

  1. The user goes to 'Inventory' after it has been received.

  2. The user can verify the inventory present for the product and locations where it has been kept in warehouse.

  3. The user goes to the Physical Inventory for that product.
  4. The user can enter the variances in the inventory, in case the product is found damaged, lost, stolen or found in inventory by chance.

  5. The user can submit the variances in the inventory.


The inventory has been updated.

Story 6 -  Inventory Count

The user (Warehouse Manager) performs inventory count and records data in XLS or CSV file. At this time, Warehouse has to stop its other functioning and also making new entries in software system. So fulfilment of orders, receiving of new items, intra warehouse stock movements should not be done while performing Periodic inventory count. User views the inventory of the product with its inventory details. User can view the inventory items with its locations and product Id(s). User can also find the deferences of the inventory items in inventory items details.

Use Case:

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Use Case Name

Inventory Count


The warehouse manager accesses the warehouse application.


The warehouse stock has been counted and the data is ready with warehouse manager in xls or csv file format.

Basic Path

  1. The user selects 'Inventory' tab.

  2. The user clicks on [Find] button.
  3. The user views total inventory with its ATP, QOH, Minimum stock, default price and other details.
  4. The user can print, export the inventory data in xls or csv format.
  5. The user can view the other details like inventory items total, grand total or inventory average costs.
  6. The user selects 'Inventory Items' tab.
  7. The user views inventory items with its facility location and product information.
  8. The user can also find the deferences of the inventory items in inventory items details.
Post-conditionThe user is able view and export the inventory items.
Story 7 - Stock Moves

User (Warehouse Manager) does changes in stocks in warehouse when goods are received, issued. Changes in stocks also takes place at storage locations when goods are moved from one location to another location within the warehouse or in between two warehouses. User makes decision for moving stocks on following criteria.

Stock moves needed before picking

In this case, when automatic reservations of goods are done for sales order, and goods are reserved from bulk storage location (because pick storage location does not have enough goods), goods needs to be moved to pick location before warehouse manager creates pick list and picker goes to pick goods from pick location. Here to fulfil sales order, stock movement is needed from bulk location to pick location. In this case, system will help to generate the need for stock movement.

Stocks are less than minimum threshold defined in pick storage location


Use Case:

Image Removed


Use Case Name


Stock Moves




The Warehouse Manger accesses the warehouse application.




The inventory count has reached minimum threshold level for primary pick locations.


  1. The user selects 'Stock Moves' tab.

  2. Select the product which need to moved by selecting radio button: 'Pick locations having quantity below minimum threshold.'
  3. User clicks on [Confirm selected moves] button.
  4. The stocks gets successfully moved.
  5. The inventory should be updated for the target location w.r.t to the respective product #.


  1. The user selects 'Stock Moves' tab.
  2. The user Selects product Id, from location and to location.
  3. The user enters the quantity desired to be moved.
  4. The user clicks on [Quick Stock Move] button.
  5. The inventory should be updated for the target location w.r.t to the respective product #.




Refer child pages for release specific Warehouse Management User Story, Use Case and Test Case Library.