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Tapestry has an active community of users and developers. This is an overview of how to participate, along with a list of some of the great contributions of the community members.

Table of Contents

Getting Involved

Reporting Problems / Getting Support

Include Page
Mailing Lists
Mailing Lists

Tapestry issues are tracked in the Apache JIRA.

Unless your problem is clear as day, it's a good idea to discuss it on the Tapestry Users mailing list first, before adding an issue. At the same time, it's generally unlikely that a bug will be fixed unless a JIRA Issue is created.

Eric Raymond has a detailed guide to asking questions the right way. If you are not getting a response to your problem, it's likely because you aren't asking it the right way.

Just saying something is "broken" or "failed" is not enough. How did it fail? Did it do the wrong thing? Throw an exception? Not respond in any way? What exactly did you expect to happen? All of this information should be made available when looking for help, plus context on the general problem you were trying to solve in the first place (there may be a better solution entirely). Read Eric Raymond's guide ... it's fun and informative.

Contributing translations for Tapestry built-in messages

If Tapestry's built-in messages aren't available in your language, you are welcome to contribute a new translation of the message catalogs. For easy instructions, see Localization.

Source Code Access

Source code for Tapestry can be downloaded along with pre-compiled binaries.

Tapestry uses Git to manage the project's source code.

Web access to the Tapestry repository is available as GIT-WIP at Apache.

Access using Git client:

No Format
$ git clone

(See Building Tapestry from Source for more info.)

Becoming a Contributor

The best way to become a contributor is to become active on the mailing list; Tapestry is known to have an active and helpful community on the mailing list, and the more mentors we can add, the better.

If you want to help out with documentation, you must sign an Apache Contributor License Agreement, at which point we can grant write access to the Confluence Wiki (where official documentation is created).

Providing patches (with tests!) is another way to become a contributor. (See the Developer Bible for important guidance on source code formatting, class naming conventions, etc.)

Becoming a Committer

Active contributors may be asked to become full committers, with write access to the source code. Generally, contributors who have been consistently active and helpful for three to six months are eligible for committer access. If you think you are in that category, don't be shy about contacting members of the Tapestry PMC (Project Management Committee).


Community Contributions




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Chenille Kit by Massimo Lusetti

Collection of modules, services, utilities and components (many of which require only tapestry-ioc). Includes Accordion, ColorPicker, Editor, Kaptcha, MultipleSelect, RoundCornerContainer, ThumbNail, and many more useful components. Also provides integrations with Google services, LDAP, Lucene, Mail, Quartz, JasperReports, Bean Scripting Framework, and more.

Equanda-tapestry5 by Joachim Van der Auwera

Components useful for building enterprise applications. Includes Accordion, Form Traversal, Tabs, TextAreaAutoExpander, TreeTable, . Among other things, these focus on easy input of data without the need for a mouse.

ioko-tapestry-commons by Ben Gidley, et al.

Provides components for caching, cache control, and simple Flash movie integration.

Tapx by Howard M. Lewis Ship

Collection of modules and components: improved DatePicker, dynamic Tapestry templates, offline rendering using Tapestry, YUI integration, Confirm dialog mixin, Kaptcha components, and more!

Tapestry5-jQuery by GOT5

Tapestry5-Jquery lets you use jQuery to completely replace Prototype, Scriptaculous and the base tapestry.js script.

Exanpe-T5-Lib by Laurent Guérin et Julien Maupoux

A library of components: accordion, ajax loader, slider, tab view, secured password, color picker, tooltip, hideable panel and more! Live demo is provided.

FlowLogix by Lenny Primak

a collection of components, services and utilities that integrates Tapestry into JEE environments and provides other commonly needed functionality.

More Modules...


Ars Machina by Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo

Tapestry/Hibernate extensions for Generic DAOs, standard CRUD interfaces, and user access logging and tracking.

Tynamo project by Tynamo Team / Kalle Korhonen & Alejandro Scandroli

Tynamo is model-driven, full-stack web framework based on Tapestry 5, allowing you to jump directly from your Hibernate entities to a full-blown CRUD application. Tynamo provides several modules, including tapestry-model, tapestry-conversations, tapestry-hibernate-seedentity, tapestry-resteasy and tapestry-security.



Tapestry JumpStart by Geoff Callender

JumpStart is an easy way to learn Tapestry by example. It's an online demo application, and also a downloadable open source app ready for you to explore and modify.

Tapestry Stitch by Lance

Sample components and concepts in Apache Tapestry 5

Shams Examples by Mohammad H. Shamsi

A variety of examples of Tapestry 5 pages and components.

Community's Wiki (Moin Moin)

The wiki contains a wealth of user-generated tips and techniques for using Tapestry

IDE Integrations

loom-t5 by Chris Scheid

Eclipse plugin for building Tapestry 5 projects


An Eclipse plugin for Tapestry 5 by Dmitry Gusev, with a "Quick Switch" between templates and component classes, a Tapestry Context view, and many other convenience features. This is currently the best choice for Eclipse users.

Tapestry Tools by Gavin Lei

Tapestry Tools is an Eclipse plugin for Tapestry 5 which has been built by Gavin Lei within the timeframe of GSoC 2012.

IntelliJ 10 by JetBrainsIntelliJ 10 by Jet Brains

IntelliJ has Tapestry 5 support included right out of the box.

loom-t5 by Chris Scheid

Eclipse plugin for building Tapestry 5 projects

Code Completion in Eclipse

How to use the built in JSP Eclipse Editor and a custom tld file to get Tapestry 5 code completion in Eclipse

Getting Involved

Reporting Problems / Getting Support


Tapestry issues are tracked in the Apache JIRA.

Unless your problem is clear as day, it's a good idea to discuss it on the Tapestry Users mailing list first, before adding an issue. At the same time, it's generally unlikely that a bug will be fixed unless a JIRA Issue is created.

Eric Raymond has a detailed guide to asking questions the right way. If you are not getting a response to your problem, it's likely because you aren't asking it the right way.

Just saying something is "broken" or "failed" is not enough. How did it fail? Did it do the wrong thing? Throw an exception? Not respond in any way? What exactly did you expect to happen? All of this information should be made available when looking for help, plus context on the general problem you were trying to solve in the first place (there may be a better solution entirely). Read Eric Raymond's guide ... it's fun and informative.

Contributing translations for Tapestry built-in messages

If Tapestry doesn't suport your language and you would like to contribute a new translation of the message catalogs, feel free to translate the following files.

Then open a new feature request here, attach the translated files, and they'll be included in the next release!


Please note that a patch is always preferred over an archive of properties files.

Source Code Access

Source code for Tapestry can be downloaded along with pre-compiled binaries.

Tapestry uses Git to manage the project's source code.

Web access to the Tapestry repository is available as;a=summary.

Access using Git client:

No Format

$ git clone

Becoming a Contributor

The best way to become a contributor is to become active on the mailing list; Tapestry is known to have an active and helpful community on the mailing list, and the more mentors we can add, the better.

If you want to help out with documentation, you must sign an Apache Contributor License Agreement, at which point we can grant write access to the Confluence Wiki (where official documentation is created).

Providing patches (with tests!) is another way to become a contributor.

Becoming a Committer

