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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Paths stored in Zookeeper

Wiki MarkupNotation: When an element in a path is denoted \ [xyz\], that means that the value of xyz is not fixed and there is in fact a znode for each possible value of xyz. For example /topics/\[topic\] would be a directory named /topics containing a directory for each topic name. An arrow -> is used to indicate the contents of a znode. For example /hello -> world would indicate a znode /hello containing the value "world". A path is persistent unless it’s marked as ephemeral.

We store the following paths in Zookeeper:


  1. Partition-reassigned listener:
    1. child change on /brokers/partitions_reassignedunmigrated-wiki-markup
    2. child change on /brokers/partitions_reassigned/\[topic\]

Zookeeper listeners on all brokers


    1. Leader-change listener: value change on /brokers/topics/\[topic\]/\[partition_id\]/leaderunmigrated-wiki-markup
    2. State-change listener: child change on /brokers/state/\[broker_id\]

Configuration parameters

    1. LeaderElectionWaitTime: controls the maximum amount of time that we wait during leader election.
    2. KeepInSyncTime: controls the maximum amount of time that a leader waits before dropping a follower from the in-sync replica set.


Code Block
while(true) {
  pr = commitQ.dequeue
  canCommit = false
  while(!canCommit) {
    canCommit = true
    for each r in ISR
       if(!offsetReached(r, pr.offset)) {
	canCommit = false
   if(!canCommit) {
      write p.ISR to ZK
  for each c in CUR
      if(c.leo >= pr.offset) {
	p.ISR.add(c); p.CUR.delete(c); write p.ISR to ZK
      checkReassignedReplicas(pr, p.RAR, p.ISR)
       r.hw = pr.offset         // increment the HW to indicate that pr is committed
      send ACK to the client that pr is committed

offsetReached(r: Replica, offset: Long) {
   if(r.leo becomes equal or larger than offset within KeepInSyncTime)  return true
   return false

checkLoadBalancing() { // see if we need to switch the leader to the preferred replica
   if(leader replica is not the preferred one & the preferred replica is in ISR) {
       delete /brokers/topics/[topic]/[partition_id]/leader  in ZK
       stop this commit thread
       stop the HW checkpoint thread

checkReassignedReplicas(pr: ProduceRequest, RAR: Set[Replica], ISR: Set[Replica])

    // see if all reassigned replicas have fully caught up and older replicas have stopped fetching, if so, switch to those replicas

    // optimization, do the check periodically

    If (every replica in RAR has its leo >= pr.offset) {
       if(!sentCloseReplica.get) {
		oldReplicas = AR - RAR
          for(oldReplica <- oldReplicas) {
             if(r.broker_id != broker_id)
               sendStateChange(“close-replica”, oldReplica.broker_id, epoch)
       }else {
         // close replica is already sent. Wait until the replicas are closed or probably timeout and raise error
          if(broker_id is in (AR - RAR) && (other replicas in (AR - RAR) are not in ISR anymore)) {
            // leader is not in the reassigned replicas list
             completePartitionReassignment(RAR, ISR, AR, true)
        	else if(every replica in (AR-RAR) is not in ISR anymore) {
             completePartitionReassignment(RAR, ISR, AR, false)

completePartitionsReassignment(RAR: Set[Replica], ISR: Set[Replica], AR: Set[Replica], stopCommitThread: Boolean)
    //newly assigned replicas are in-sync, switch over to the new replicas
    //need (RAR + ISR) in case we fail right after here

    write (RAR + ISR) as the new ISR in ZK     
    update /brokers/topics/[topic]/[partition_id]/replicas in ZK with the new replicas in RAR
//triggers leader election

    if(stopCommitThread || (broker_id is not preferred replica))
      if(this broker_id is not in the new AR)
         sendStateChange(“close-replica”, broker_id, epoch)
      delete /brokers/partitions_reassigned/[topic]/[partition_id] in ZK
    if(stopCommitThread || (broker_id is not preferred replica))
    { //triggers leader election
      delete /brokers/topics/[topic]/[partition_id]/leader in ZK 
      stop this commit thread
