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Current state: Under Discussion Rejected [One of "Under Discussion", "Accepted", "Rejected"]

Discussion threadhere


serverASF JIRA
Planned release: 1.2.0

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


The options accepted by command will change:

  • --zookeeper will be deprecated, which means it will display a warning message saying that removed, it's ignored.
  • --bootstrap-server option will be added: it has a parameter which is an endpoint to a broker (or a comma separated list of brokers)
  • --command-config option will be added: a file path to an admin client configuration properties file

Protocol Changes

KIP-133 introduced the describe and alter admin protocols and KIP-140 a wire format representation for ResourceType. We will modify these to accommodate the new requirements.

Wire Format Types

  • 0: Unknown
  • 1: Any
  • 2: Topic
  • 3: Group
  • 4: Broker
  • 5: User (new)
  • 6: Client (new)

QuotaType (new)

  • 0: ProducerByteRate
  • 1: ConsumerByteRate
  • 2: RequestPercentage

QuotaSource (new)

  • 0: ClientInUser
  • 1: DefaultClientInUser
  • 2: User
  • 3: ClientInDefaultUser
  • 4: DefaultClientInDefaultUser
  • 5: DefaultUser
  • 6: Client
  • 7: DefaultClient

AlterOperation (new)

  • 0: Add
  • 1: Set
  • 2: Delete

Field Types


A new type needs to be added to transfer quota values. Since the protocol classes in Kafka already uses ByteBuffers it is logical to use their functionality for serializing doubles. The serialization is basically a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout. The ByteBuffer serializer writes eight bytes containing the given double value, in Big Endian byte order, into this buffer at the current position, and then increments the position by eight.

The implementation will be defined in org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types with the other protocol types and it will have no default value much like the other types available in the protocol.

Describe Quotas

The justification for a new protocol is that a quota is quite different from a broker or topic config because a quota can sometimes be identified a simple user, client or even a (user,client) tuple while a topic or a broker config can be identified only by the topic's name or the broker's ID. Moreover quotas have their own well defined types.

Code Block
titleDescribeQuotas Request
DescribeQuotas Request (Version: 0) => [resource]
  resource => [quota_resource] [quota_type]
    quota_resource => type name
      type => INT8
      name => STRING
    quota_type => INT8

Request semantics:

  1. Can be sent to any broker
  2. If the name is empty it means that listing the default quota is asked. Responses will be returned the same way for defaults.
  3. If the quota_type array is empty, all quotas are returned. Otherwise, quotas with the provided types are returned.
  4. Authorization:  "DescribeQuotas" can only be interpreted on the "Cluster" resource and represented by the DescribeConfigs ACL due to the similarity in use cases. Unauthorized requests will receive an appropriate AuthorizationFailed error code.


  • functionality won't be available. The design decision behind is that the ConfigCommand tool will be rewritten in the tools module which doesn't depend on the core module. This makes it hard to provide backward compatibility with the current ConfigCommand.
  • --bootstrap-server was added in
    serverASF JIRA
     and will be used here.
  • --adminclient.config option will be added and should be used similarly to other tools, such as --producer.config in the console-producer. This parses a config file and initializes the admin client used internally.
  • --adminclient-property option will be added. It is a key=value list that will be parsed by the command. It initializes the internal admin client.

A new tool, called will be added. The need for this broker is when people use zookeeper as a credentials store for SCRAM (and currently users have no other option), then direct interaction with zookeeper is required to set up the initial credentials with inter-broker communication. The functionality of the tool will cover the following:

  • Add, remove and list SCRAM credentials directly with zookeeper
  • Will continue to use the --zookeeper option to specify the zookeeper host
  • Works similarly to the old config command. Examples:
    • Add new credentials:
      bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --add 'SCRAM-SHA-256=[iterations=8192,password=alice-secret],SCRAM-SHA-512=[password=alice-secret]' --username alice
    • Describe credentials: 
      bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --describe --username alice
    • Remove credentials:
      bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --delete 'SCRAM-SHA-512' --username alice

Protocol Changes

KIP-133 introduced the describe and alter admin protocols and KIP-140 a wire format representation for ResourceType. We will modify these to accommodate the new requirements.

Wire Format Types

  • 0: Unknown
  • 1: Any
  • 2: Topic
  • 3: Group
  • 4: Broker
  • 5: User (new)
  • 6: Client (new)

QuotaType (new)

  • 0: ProducerByteRate
  • 1: ConsumerByteRate
  • 2: RequestPercentage

QuotaSource (new)

  • 0: ClientInUser
  • 1: DefaultClientInUser
  • 2: User
  • 3: ClientInDefaultUser
  • 4: DefaultClientInDefaultUser
  • 5: DefaultUser
  • 6: Client
  • 7: DefaultClient

Field Types


A new type needs to be added to transfer quota values. Since the protocol classes in Kafka already uses ByteBuffers it is logical to use their functionality for serializing doubles. The serialization is basically a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout. The ByteBuffer serializer writes eight bytes containing the given double value, in Big Endian byte order, into this buffer at the current position, and then increments the position by eight.

The implementation will be defined in org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.types with the other protocol types and it will have no default value much like the other types available in the protocol.

Describe Quotas

The justification for a new protocol is that a quota is quite different from a broker or topic config because a quota can sometimes be identified a simple user, client or even a (user,client) tuple while a topic or a broker config can be identified only by the topic's name or the broker's ID. Moreover quotas have their own well defined types.

Code Block
titleDescribeQuotas Request
DescribeQuotas Request (Version: 0) => [resource]
  resource => [quota_resource] [quota_type]
    quota_resource => type name
      type => INT8
      name => STRING
    quota_type => INT8

Request semantics:

  1. Can be sent to any broker
  2. If the name is empty it means that listing the default quota is asked. Responses will be returned the same way for defaults.
  3. If the quota_type array is empty, all quotas are returned. Otherwise, quotas with the provided types are returned.
  4. Authorization:  "DescribeQuotas" can only be interpreted on the "Cluster" resource and represented by the DescribeConfigs ACL due to the similarity in use cases. Unauthorized requests will receive an appropriate AuthorizationFailed error code.


Code Block
titleDescribeQuotas Response
DescribeQuotas Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [resource]
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  resource => [quota_resource] [quota]
    quota_resource => 
Code Block
titleDescribeQuotas Response
DescribeQuotas Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [resource]
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  resource => [quota_resource] [quota]
    quota_resource => type name
      type => INT8
      name => STRING
    quota_collection => error_code error_message [quota_entry]
      error_code => INT16
      error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
      quota_entry => quota_type quota_value quota_source
        quota_type => INT8
        quota_value => DOUBLE
        quota_source => INT8


Code Block
titleAlterQuotas Request
AlterQuota Request (Version: 0) => validate_only [resource]
  validate_only => BOOLEAN
  resource => [quota_resource] [quota]
    quota_resource => type name
      type => INT8
      name => STRING
    quota => quota_type quota_value quota_operation
      quota_type => INT8
      quota_value => DOUBLE
      quota_operation => INT8

Request Semantics

  1. Can be sent to any broker
  2. If name is empty it means that altering a default quota is asked.
  3. Authorization:  "AlterQuotas" can only be interpreted on the "Cluster" resource and represented by the AlterConfigs ACL due to the similarity in use cases. Unauthorized requests will receive an appropriate AuthorizationFailed error code.
  4. For tools that allow users to alter quota configs, a validation/dry-run mode where validation errors are reported but no creation is attempted is available via the validate_only parameter.
  5. The AlterQuotas protocol has an incremental semantics. By this we mean that the request will update only those quotas which are sent in the request. 
  6. Removing quotas will be done by sending a NaN as the valueSet operation also does Add if needed to be backward compatible with the existing ConfigCommand semantics.


Code Block
titleAlterQuotas Response
AlterQuotas Response (Version: 0) => throttle_time_ms [resource]
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  resource => [quota_resource] [quota]
    quota_resource => type name
      type => INT8
      name => STRING
    quota => error_code error_message quota_type
      error_code => INT16
      error_message => NULLABLE_STRING
      quota_type => INT8

DescribeConfigs and AlterConfigs (SCRAM)


      quota_type => INT8


This request needs some change as currently the --add-config operation of ConfigCommand would do incremental operations in Zookeeper but the AlterConfigs protocol sets the whole properties object. The purpose of this change to add an enum boolean parameter to the configs request so that it can specify the operation behavior (incremental or set/add/delete) which needs to be executed. 

Code Block
titleAlterConfigs Request
AlterConfigs Request (Version: 1) => [resources] validate_only
  validate_only => BOOLEAN
  resourcesAlterConfigs Request (Version: 1) => resource_type resource_name [configs]
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
    configs => config_name config_value config_operation
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => STRING
      config_operation => INT8[resources] validate_only incremental_update
  validate_only => BOOLEAN
  incremental_update => BOOLEAN                                           // new addition

Request Semantics:

  1. The changes done will be incremental in version 1, opposed to the atomic behavior in version 0. For instance in version 0 sending an update for producer_byte_rate for userA would result in removing all previous data and updating userA's config with producer_byte_rate. Now in version 1 opposed to version 0 it will either add to the config set present in Zookeeper and keeps other existing configs.
  2. By default in the broker we parse an AlterConfigRequest version 0 with Set operation and handle it with the currently existing behavior.

AdminClient APIs

  resources => resource_type resource_name [configs]
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
    configs => config_name config_value
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => STRING

Request Semantics:

  1. The default value of incremental_update is false. That means that the request will wipe the node's data and sets what is sent in the request.
  2. Setting the incremental_update flag to true makes sure that existing configs are not deleted.
  3. Deleting a config in incremental mode is done by sending an empty string as value.
  4. Other existing semantics aren't changed.

AdminClient APIs

Code Block
public static class Quota {
    public QuotaType type(
Code Block
public static class Quota {
    public QuotaType type();
    public double value();
    public QuotaSource source();

public enum QuotaType {
    PRODUCER_BYTE_RATE((byte) 0, "producer_byte_rate"),
    CONSUMER_BYTE_RATE((byte) 1, "consumer_byte_rate"),
    REQUEST_PERCENTAGE((byte) 2, "request_percentage");

    QuotaType(byte id, String name);
    public bytedouble idvalue();
    public StringQuotaSource quotaNamesource();
public enum AlterOperationQuotaType {
    ADDPRODUCER_BYTE_RATE((byte) 0, "producer_byte_rate"),
    SETCONSUMER_BYTE_RATE((byte) 1, "consumer_byte_rate"),
    DELETEREQUEST_PERCENTAGE((byte) 2, "request_percentage");

    AlterOperationQuotaType(byte id, String name);
    public byte id();
    public String quotaName();

public enum QuotaSource {
    CLIENT_OF_USER((byte) 0, "Client of user"),
    DEFAULT_CLIENT_OF_USER((byte) 1, "Default client of user"),
    USER((byte) 2, "User"),
    CLIENT_OF_DEFAULT_USER((byte) 3, "Client of default user"),
    DEFAULT_CLIENT_OF_DEFAULT_USER((byte) 4, "Default client of default user"),
    DEFAULT_USER((byte) 5, "Default user"), CLIENT((byte) 6, "Client"),
    DEFAULT_CLIENT((byte) 7, "Default client");

    QuotaSource(byte id, String description);
    public byte id();
    public String description();
 * Makes sure that the list of resources that is used as key in a hashmap is immutable and has a fixed implementation for the hashCode.
public class ConfigResourceList {
    public List<ConfigResource> getResourceList();
public class AdminClient {
    public DescribeQuotasResult describeQuotas(Map<ConfigResourceList, Collection<QuotaType>>, DescribeQuotasOptions options);
    public AlterQuotasResult alterQuotas(Map<ConfigResourceList, Collection<Quota>> configs, AlterQuotasOptions options, AlterQuotasOptions options);
public class DescribeQuotasOptions extends AbstractOptions<DescribeQuotasOptions>  { 
    public DescribeQuotasOptions timeoutMs(Integer timeout);

public class DescribeQuotasResult {
    public Map<List<Resource>, KafkaFuture<Collection<Quota>>> values();
public class AlterQuotasOptions extends DescribeQuotasOptionsAbstractOptions<AlterQuotasOptions> { 
    public DescribeQuotasOptionsAlterQuotasOptions timeoutMs(Integer timeout);
	public AlterQuotasOptions validateOnly(boolean validateOnly);

public class DescribeQuotasResultAlterQuotasResult {
    public Map<List<Resource>, KafkaFuture<Collection<Quota>>>KafkaFuture<Void>> valuesresults();
public class AlterConfigsOptions extends AlterQuotasOptionsAbstractOptions<AlterConfigsOptions> { 
    public AlterQuotasOptionsAlterConfigsOptions timeoutMs(Integer timeouttimeoutMs);
	    public AlterQuotasOptionsAlterConfigsOptions validateOnly(boolean validateOnly);

public class AlterQuotasResult {    public boolean shouldValidateOnly();
    public AlterConfigsOptions incrementalUpdate(boolean incrementalUpdate); // new
    public Map<List<Resource>, KafkaFuture<Void>> resultsboolean shouldUpdateIncrementally(); // new

Request API

Code Block
public class QuotaCollection {
	public QuotaCollection(ApiError error, Collection<Quota> entries);

    public QuotaCollection(Collection<Quota> entries);

    public ApiError error();
    public Collection<Quota> entries();
public class DescribeQuotasRequest extends AbstractRequest {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public static DescribeQuotasRequest parse(ByteBuffer buffer, short version);
	public static class Builder extends AbstractRequest.Builder {
		public Builder(Map<List<Resource>, Collection<QuotaType>> quotaSettings);
		public DescribeQuotasRequest build(short version);
	public DescribeQuotasRequest(short version, Map<List<Resource>, Collection<QuotaType>> quotaSettings);
	public DescribeQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public Map<List<Resource>, Collection<QuotaType>> quotaTypes();

public class DescribeQuotasResponse extends AbstractResponse {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();

	public DescribeQuotasResponse(int throttleTimeMs, Map<ConfigResourceList, KafkaFuture<Collection<Quota>>>);
	public DescribeQuotasResponse(Struct struct);

	public Map<List<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotas();
public class AlterQuotasRequest extends AbstractRequest {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public static class Builder extends AbstractRequest.Builder {
		public Builder(Map<List<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotaSettings);
		public DescribeQuotasRequest build(short version);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(short version, Map<List<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotas, boolean validateOnly);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public Map<List<Resource>, QuotaCollection> quotas();
public class AlterQuotasResponse extends AbstractResponse {
	public static Schema[] schemaVersions();
	public AlterQuotasRequest(short version, Map<List<Resource>, ApiError> quotas, boolean validateOnly);
	public AlterQuotasRequest(Struct struct, short version);
	public Map<List<Resource>, ApiError> errors();
    public int throttleTimeMs();


New Command Line Interface

The command line interface will change a little bit in terms of help message and response format as we will use argparse4j for parsing arguments.


No Format
                                                    CONFIGS FOR TOPIC topicA

                                     Name   Value                                Sensitive  Read-only                 Source
                         compression.type = producer                                 false      false    Source
     Default config
                   compressionmessage.format.typeversion = producer1.0-IV0                                  false      false         Default userconfig
                   message.format.version = 1.0-IV0 = 6000                                     false      false   Dynamic topic config
  Default user
   leader.replication.throttled.replicas =          = 6000                     false      false         Default falseconfig
      false     Client of user
    leader.replication.throttled.replicas =      max.message.bytes = 1000012                                  false      false         Default userconfig
           = 0    max.message.bytes = 1000012                                  false      false         Default userconfig
                    minmessage.compactiontimestamp.lag.mstype = 0 CreateTime                               false      false        false Default config
    false       Default user
          min.insync.replicas = 1       message.timestamp.type = CreateTime                               false      false         Default userconfig
                      min  segment.insyncjitter.replicasms = 10                                        false      false         Default userconfig
               = 0        preallocate = false                              false      false      false Default user
       Default config
                     index.interval.bytes preallocate= =4096 false                                    false      false         Default userconfig
                     index.interval.bytes = 4096min.cleanable.dirty.ratio = 0.5                                      false      false         Default userconfig
                min.cleanable.dirty.ratiounclean.leader.election.enable = 0.5false                                    false  false    false  false       Default userconfig
                unclean.leader.election.enable = false        retention.bytes = 10                          false      false       Defaultfalse user
     false   Dynamic topic config
                retention.bytes = 10 = 86400000                                 false      false         Default config
                      deletecleanup.retention.mspolicy = 86400000delete                                   false      false         Default userconfig
                           cleanup.policy = delete = 9223372036854775807                       false      false      false   Default config
   Default user
follower.replication.throttled.replicas =                           = 9223372036854775807    false      false         Default config
  false      false       Default user
  follower.replication.throttled.replicas =         segment.bytes = 1073741824                               false      false         Default userconfig
                            segment retention.bytesms = 604800000 1073741824                               false      false         Default userconfig
                             retention = 604800000                                false      false         Default userconfig = 9223372036854775807                      false = 604800000   false         Default config
                   false      false  flush.messages = 9223372036854775807   Default user = 9223372036854775807              false      false  false      false Default config
     Default user
                segment.index.bytes = 10485760         flush.messages = 9223372036854775807                      false      false         Default userconfig
                      segment producer.indexbyte.bytesrate = 104857601000                                     false      false           Default user

As seen above, the describe format becomes more organized and it will also return default properties (as the protocol currently supports that). In case of alter we will also do an extra describe after executing the alter and print the most fresh state.

Compatibility, Deprecation, And Migration Plan


Firstly, behavior of the the --zookeeper  command line parameter will change. After this change it will print a warning message saying its ignored. Therefore option will be removed from and the backing code will be replaced. Therefore every user will need to change --zookeeper to --bootstrap-servers, --adminclient-property or --adminclient-property or --adminclient.config.config. SCRAM update will be done by the newly introduced tool. Other existing behavior will be kept.

Secondly, users as of this KIP would be able to describe all topics or brokers in one step but can't do it for clients and users. For those who have this use case will would still need to use the old command for a while (see below). The reason for this change is currently MetadataRequest provides enough information about topics and brokers so it's possible to describe all of them in one step but there's no such information about clients and users.

Finally, backward compatibilty (for instance a 12.1 0 client wants to admin a 1.0 server) will be impacted as some of the protocols are newly created and doesn't exist in old servers. In these cases users should continue using the scala version of the ConfigCommand by putting the core jar on their classpath and defining the USE_OLD_KAFKA_CONFIG_COMMAND=true environment variable. This variable will set the main class to the old command in the config and invokes that. This way the environment variable ensures that users who aren't able to use the new command currently would need to make minimal changes in order to continue using it. the protocols are newly created and doesn't exist in old servers. In these cases users should continue using the scala version of the ConfigCommand by putting the core jar on their classpath.

The old Alternatively though the command could be launched through like this:


From the compatibility point of view there might be a bigger impact as mentioned above. Since the command now uses the wire protocols (including some newly introduced ones) the backward compatibility will be impacted. That means that a user can't use a 12.1 0 client to administrate a 1.0 broker as in the older broker some of the wire protocols don't exist. This again should be acceptable most of the users as most of the admin commands require the core jar on the classpath which means that most of the time the commands are executed from an environment with the same version of the brokers. In the remaining cases users will have to change to use kafka-run-class or the USE_OLD_KAFKA_CONFIG_COMMAND environment variableof the brokers. Therefore the old tool should still be available.


kafka.admin.ConfigCommand will print a warning message saying it is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0.To ease the migration for users who are stuck with this command, the USE_OLD_KAFKA_CONFIG_COMMAND will be introduceda future version.

Special Migration Tools

There are no tools required.


The current --zookeeper option will be disabled removed with this change as it has minimal impact on the current users.

Listing multiple users' and clients' quotas at once won't be possible. If this is required, users would need to use the old tool.

Test Plan

Most of the functionality can be covered with end-to-end tests. There will be unit tests also to verify the protocol and the broker side logic.
