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Console enhancements

A quick look at some console enhancements added into this Apache Geronimo 2.1



The Geronimo Administration Console is a Web based interface that provides a convenient, user friendly way to administer many aspects of the Geronimo Server. Once you have the Apache Geronimo server started (see Tools and commands) you can access the Administration Console by pointing your browser to the following URL:

http://localhost:8080/consoleImage Removed

The Administration Console log in page is depicted in the following figure.


#Embedded DB
#Debug Views

Welcome Anchor WelcomeWelcome

This is the welcome page you see when you log in. It provides a general description of what the Geronimo Administration Console is as well as some shortcut links to common tasks such as:

Common Console Actions

  • Image Removed Database Pools
  • Image Removed Security Realms
  • Image Removed JMS Resources
  • Deploy Applications
  • Web Server Ports
  • Memory & Uptime Server Information

This page also provide links to:


Geronimo Documentation

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Server Anchor ServerServer

Organized under the Server group you will find statistical information as well as links for configuring and administering the different servers. This group is organized as follows:

Image Removed Image Added #Information
Image Removed #JVM
Image Removed Image Added #Java System Info
Image Added #Server Logs
Image Removed Image Added #Shutdown
Image Removed Image Added #Web Server
Image Removed #JMS Server
Image Removed Image Added #Thread Pools
Image Removed Image Added #Apache HTTP
Image Added #Monitoring
Image Added #JMS Server

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Information Information

This portlet displays the server's uptime and the resources being used by the JVM.


server information such as the version, start time and up time. In addition, it also provides information about the JVM such as Java Version, Vendor, Node, and Server Memory Usage.

Java System Info Java System Info


This portlet displays the values of the system properties available to the server process.

Server Logs Anchor Server LogsServer Logs

This option provides four portlets, Log Manager, Server Log Viewer, Derby Web Access Log Viewer and Web Access Derby Log Viewer.

  • Log Manager
    This portlet allows the user to select a configuration file for logging and/or change the log level and Refresh periodinterval. The default "Config file" is a standard log4j file and defines the location where the Geronimo Server will log Geronimo output. The configuration file also defines the log level , the maximum log file size, and other attributes associated with loggingwhich allows a finer control of what is being logged.
  • Server Log Viewer
    This portlet displays the Geronimo server log and is helpful for debugging problems with the Geronimo Console and with deployed applications.Derby Log Viewer
    This portlet displays the log file for Geronimo's internal database, Derby.
  • Web Access Log Viewer
    This portlet displays and filters the Web container log file. This log file contains HTTP accesses and messages from JSP and servlet applications that are running on Geronimo. By default this portlet displays the contents of the log file for the current date. You can apply different filtering criteria to view only data of your interest.
  • Derby Log Viewer
    This portlet displays the log file for Geronimo's internal database, Derby.

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Shutdown Anchor ShutdownShutdown

This portlet allows a warm reboot of the server or a shutdown of it. A warm reboot will shutdown all applications and services and reboot the Geronimo kernel within the same process. The Administration Console session will be disconnected. Reconnect after the server is back up.A shutdown will shutdown the server and cause the JVM to exit. To continue using the Geronimo Console after a shutdown, Geronimo must be restarted.

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Web Server Anchor Web ServerWeb Server

This option provides two portlets, Web Server Manager and Network Listeners.

  • Web Server Manager
    When this portlet is enabled, it will collect server performance statistics. The values being measured are:
    • Total Requests
    • Connections
    • Errors
    • Total 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx Responses
    • Active Request Count (Current, Low, High)Active Requests
    • Request Duration
    • Connections Open
    • Connection Requests
    • Connection Duration

      For the last five values, Count, Average and Maximum will be also displayed.

  • Network Listeners
    This portlet displays all the connector listeners (HTTP, HTTPS and AJP) and status for both Jetty and Tomcat Web containers. From this portlet you can add new listeners and change the status (stop, start, restart, edit, delete) of the existing connectors.

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This option provides two portlets, JMS Server Manager and JMS Network Listeners.



  • JMS Network Listeners
    This portlet displays all the network connectors configured for the currently available JMS Brokers. From this portlet you can also start, stop, edit, add and delete JMS network connectors.

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Thread Pools AnchorThread PoolsThread Pools

This portlet lists all the thread pools defined in the server. It shows the pool size and allows you to monitor individually each of the listed thread pools. By monitoring these threads you can gather statistical information such as pool max, lowest recorded, highest recorded and threads in use.

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Apache HTTP Anchor Apache HTTPApache HTTP

This portlet is a wizard that walks you through the process of configuring Apache Geronimo to use a remote Apache 2 HTTP server. To configure the remote HTTP server you will need to install the mod_jk Apache module on the remote server. Based on a series of questions the wizard will guide you through the configuration process.

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Monitoring Monitoring

The Geronimo monitoring plug-in is broken down between server and client plug-ins, referred to as the 'Agent' and 'Console' respectively. When properly setup, these plug-ins provide both local and remote real-time JSR77 compliant statistic monitoring, as well as historical tracking of any exposed statistic with visual representations drawn in the form of graphs through the Dojo Toolkit's dojoX Charting packages. Click here for more details on the Monitoring plugin.

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JMS Server JMS Server

This option provides two portlets, JMS Server Manager and JMS Network Listeners.

  • JMS Server Manager
    This portlet displays the available JMS Brokers and their state.
  • JMS Network Listeners
    This portlet displays all the network connectors configured for the currently available JMS Brokers. From this portlet you can also start, stop, edit, add and delete JMS network connectors. Some connectors available to be added to ActiveMQ are tcp, stomp, vm, udp and multicast listeners.

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Services Services AnchorServicesServices

Organized under this group you will find links for configuring the following services:

Image Removed #Common Libs
Image Removed Image Added #Repository
Image Added #Database Pools
Image Removed Image Added #JMS Resources


Repository Repository

This portlet provides two functionalities. It assists in adding an archive into the Repository. Secondly it


This portlet displays the artifacts installed in the server's repository. The layout of the repository is the same as that used by Apache Maven making it possible to easily copy files over. From this portlet you can also install new artifacts.

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Database Pools Database Pools

This portlet displays all the available database pools and their status. Only server-wide database pools can be edited in this portlet, database pools deployed as part of a single application cannot, you will have to change the deployment plan in the application instead.


This portlet includes a database pool creation wizard for new pools and also lets you import database pools from JBoss 4 and WebLogic 8.1.

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JMS Resources Anchor JMS ResourcesJMS Resources

This portlet lists all the JMS resource groups and states available in the Geronimo server, that is queues and factories. From this portlet you can create new JMS resource groups, this portlet provides two wizards, one for ActiveMQ and one for another JMS provider. For this last one the latter you will have to provide the specific resource adapter RAR needed to connect to that particular provider.

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Applications Anchor ApplicationsApplications

Organized under this group you will find links for installing and administering applications.

Image Added #Web App WARs
Image Added #System Modules
Image Added Image Removed #Deploy New
Image Removed #Application EARs
Image Removed #Web App WARs
Image Removed Image Added #EJB JARs
Image Removed Image Added J2EE Connectors
Image Removed Image Added #App Clients
Image Removed #System Modules
Image Removed #Plugins

Deploy New

This portlet allows you to deploy new applications to the Apache Geronimo server. Web applications require deployment plans, which are either packaged with the war file or kept in a separate file which is typically called geronimo-web.xml.

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Image Added #Deploy New
Image Added #Plugins
Image Added #Plan Creator

Web App WARs Web App WARs

This portlet displays the installed Web Applications and their status. From this portlet you can also stop, start and uninstall the available Web Applications.

In addition, there is a new feature added "Expert Mode" that allows users more advanced options.  Expert mode, which is commonly seen as the expert user checkbox, allows you to enable all actions for components. This can be understood as an override feature that will fully enable the user to perform options (Stop, Restart, Uninstall) on components which would otherwise be grayed out and cause the application server to malfunction.

Image Added

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System Modules System Modules

This portlet displays the installed Application EARs System Modules and their status. From this portlet you can also stop, start and uninstall the available Application EARsSystem Modules.

In addition, this portlet makes use of the "Expert Mode" feature as described here.

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Application EARs Application EARs

This portlet displays the installed Web Applications Application EARs and their status. From this portlet you can also stop, start and uninstall the available Web ApplicationsApplication EARs.

In addition, this portlet makes use of the "Expert Mode" feature as described here.

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This portlet displays the installed EJB JARs and their status. From this portlet you can also stop, start and uninstall the available EJB JARs.

In addition, this portlet makes use of the "Expert Mode" feature as described here.

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J2EE Connectors AnchorJ2EE_CJ2EE_C

This portlet displays the installed J2EE Connectors and their status. From this portlet you can also stop, start and uninstall the available J2EE Connectors.

In addition, this portlet makes use of the "Expert Mode" feature as described here.

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App Clients App Clients

This portlet displays the installed Application Clients and their status. From this portlet you can also stop, start and uninstall the available Application Clients.

In addition, this portlet makes use of the "Expert Mode" feature as described here.

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Deploy New Deploy New

This portlet displays the installed System Modules and their status. From this portlet you can also stop, start and uninstall the available System Modulesallows you to deploy new applications to the Apache Geronimo server. Web applications require deployment plans, which are either packaged with the war file or kept in a separate file which is typically called geronimo-web.xml.

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Plugins Plugins

This portlet allows you to install or create Geronimo plugins. From this portlet you can select a remote plugins repository and search for available plugins and install them or export to plugins just about any module you have already installed in Geronimo. In addition you can create custom assembly server packages built with only the modules you specify.

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Plan Creator Plan Creator

This portlet features assisting you in creating a Geronimo Deployment Plan. Currently only supporting WAR files. For details visit the Plan Creator section.

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Security Security

Image Added #Users and Groups


Image Removed #Console Realm
Image Removed #Security Realm
#Certificate Authority


Image Added #Security Realm

Users and Groups Users and Groups


This option provides two portlets, Console Realm Users and Console Realm Groups.


  • Console Realm Groups
    This portlet displays all the Console Realm Groups and allows you to add, modify and delete them.

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Keystores Keystores

This portlet walks you through the process of configuring keystores to use with SSL connectors. From this portlet you can add or edit keystores, add Trust Certificates and create private keys.

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Certificate Authority Certificate Authority

This portlet allows you to create a Certification Authority (CA) in Geronimo and issue certificates in reply to Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs). Click here for more detailed instructions.

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Security Realm Security Realm

This portlet displays all available security realms and their status. Only server-wide security realms can be edited in this portlet, security realms deployed as part of a single application cannot, you will have to change the deployment plan in the application instead.


This portlet also includes a security realm creation wizard for creating new realms.

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This portlet walks you through the process of configuring keystores to use with SSL connectors. From this portlet you can add or edit keystores, add Trust Certificates and create private keys.

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This portlet allows you to create a Certification Authority (CA) in Geronimo and issue certificates in reply to Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs).

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Embedded DB Anchor Embedded DBEmbedded DB

Organized under this group you will find links:


Image Added #DB Info


Image Added #DB Manager

DB Info

This portlet displays information about the internal database, such as:


  • Run SQL
    This portlet lets you run SQL commands to manipulate the data in the tables, create a new database or delete a database. You can enter the SQL commands in the SQL Command(s) text box, select the database that will be used and then click on Run SQL to execute the command.

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Debug Views Anchor Debug ViewsDebug Views

Organized under this group you will find links:

Image Removed Image Added #JMX Viewer
Image Removed Image Added #LDAP Viewer
Image Removed Image Added #ClassLoader Viewer
Image Removed Image Added #JNDI Viewer
Image Removed Image Added #Dependency Viewer

JMX Viewer
