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Forms are the traditional way for most web applications to gather significant information from the user. Whether it's a search form, a login screen or a multi-page registration wizard, Tapestry uses standard HTML forms, with HTTP POST actions by default. In addition, AJAX-based form submission is supported using Zones.

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Tapestry provides support for creating and rendering forms, populating their fields, and validating user input. For simple cases, input validation is declarative, meaning you simply tell Tapestry what validations to apply to a given field, and it takes care of it on the server and (optionally) on the client as well. In addition, you can provide event handler methods in your page or component classes to handle more complex validation scenarios.


The Form component emits a number of component events. You'll want to provide event handler methods for some of these.


Next, all the fields inside the form are activated to pull values out of the incoming request, validate them and (if valid) store the changes.

Wiki Markup
_For Tapestry 4 Users:_ Tapestry 5 does not use the fragile "form rewind" approach from Tapestry 4. Instead, a hidden field generated during the render stores the information needed to process the form submission.

 After the fields have done their processing, the Form emits a "validate" event. This is your chance to perform any cross-form validation that can't be described declaratively.


Finally, the Form emits a "submit" event, for logic that doesn't care about success or failure.

Form Event (in order)


When emitted (and typical use)

Method Name@OnEvent Constant



Before rendering the form (e.g. load an entity from a database to be edited)




Before rendering the form, but after prepareForRender




Before the submitted form is processed




Before the submitted form is processed, but after prepareForSubmit




After fields have been populated from submitted values and validated (e.g. perform cross-field validation)




same as validate (deprecated – do not use)




After one or more validation errors have occurred




When validation has completed without any errors (e.g. save changes to the database)




After all validation (success or failure) has finished

canceledSubmitWhenever a Submit or LinkSubmit component containing mode="cancel" or mode="unconditional" is clickedonCanceled()EventConstants.CANCELED

Note that the "prepare" event is emitted during both form rendering and form submission.

Handling Events

Main Article: Forms and Validation Component Events

You handle events by providing methods in your page or component class, either following the onEventFromComponent() naming convention or using the OnEvent annotation. For example:


Storing Data Between Requests

Wiki Markup
{info:title=New in Tapestry 5.4}
Starting in Tapestry 5.4, the default behavior for server-side validation failures is to re-render the page within the same request (rather than emitting a redirect). This removes the need to use a session-persistent field to store the validation tracker when validation failures occur.

As with other action requests, the result of a form submission (except when using Zones) is to send a redirect to the client, which results in a second request (to re-render the page). The ValidationTracker must be persisted (generally in the HttpSession) across these two requests in order to prevent the loss of validation information. Fortunately, the default ValidationTracker provided by the Form component is persistent, so you don't normally have to worry about it.


Code Block
languagejava Example
package com.example.newapp.pages;

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.*;
import org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.Form;
import org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.PasswordField;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject;

public class Login {
    private String userName;

    private String password;

    private UserAuthenticator authenticator;

    private PasswordField passwordField;

    private Form loginForm;

     * Do the cross-field validation
    void onValidateFromLoginForm() {
        if (!authenticator.isValid(userName, password)) {
            // record an error, and thereby prevent Tapestry from emitting a "success" event
            loginForm.recordError(passwordField, "Invalid user name or password.");

     * Validation passed, so we'll go to the "PostLogin" page
    Object onSuccess() {
        return PostLogin.class;

Wiki Markup
Note that the onValidateFromLoginForm() and onSuccess() methods are not public; event handler methods can have any visibility, even private. Package private (that is, no modifier) is the typical use, as it allows the component to be tested, from a test case class in the same package.

Because a form submission is really two requests: the submission itself (which results in a redirect response), then a second request for the page (which results in a re-rendering of the page), it is necessary to persist the userName field between the two requests, by using the @Persist annotation. This would be necessary for the password field as well, except that the PasswordField component never renders a value.


Rendering the page gives a reasonably pleasing first pass:

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The Tapestry Form component is responsible for creating the necessary URL for the form submission (this is Tapestry's responsibility, not yours).


Code Block
titleuserName component as rendered
<div class="form-group">
  <label for="userName" class="control-label">User Name</label>
  <input id="userName" class="form-control" name="userName" type="text">


Form Validation

The above example is a very basic form which allows the fields to be empty. However, with a little more effort we can add client-side validation to prevent the user from submitting the form with either field empty.


Tapestry provides the following built-in validators:


Constraint Type




Ensures that the given input looks like a valid e-mail address

<t:textfield value="userEmail" validate="email" />



Enforces a maximum integer value

<t:textfield value="age" validate="max=120,min=0" />



Makes sure that a string value has a maximum length

<t:textfield value="zip" validate="maxlength=7" />



Enforces a minimum integer value

<t:textfield value="age" validate="max=120,min=0" />



Makes sure that a string value has a minimum length

<t:textfield value="somefield" validate="minlength=1" />


Does nothing (used to override a @Validate annotation)

<t:textfield value="somefield" validate="none" />



Makes sure that a string value conforms to a given pattern

<t:textfield value="letterfield" validate="regexp=^[A-Za-z]+$" />


Makes sure that a string value is not null and not the empty string

<t:textfield value="name" validate="required" />

checked (Since 5.4.5)booleanMakes sure that the boolean is true (checkbox is checked)<t:Checkbox value="value" validate="checked" />
unchecked (Since 5.4.5)booleanMakes sure that the boolean is false (checkbox is unchecked)<t:Checkbox value="value" validate="unchecked" />

Centralizing Validation with @Validate


Now, we'll rebuild the app, refresh the browser, and just hit enter:

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The form has updated, in place, to present the errors. You will not be able to submit the form until some value is provided for each field.

HTML5 Client-side Validation

When the tapestry.enable-html5-support configuration symbol is set to true (it is false by default), the Tapestry's built-in validators will automatically enable the HTML5-specific "type" and validation attributes to the rendered HTML of Tapestry's form components, triggering the HTML5 client-side validation behavior built into most modern browsers. For example, if you use the "email" and "required" validators, like this:

Code Block
<t:textfield validate="email,required" .../>

then the output HTML will look like this:

Code Block
<input type="email" required ...>


  • The "required" validator adds the "required" attribute to the rendered HTML
  • The "checked" validator adds the "required" attribute to the rendered HTML  (Since 5.4.5)

  • The "regexp" validator adds the "pattern" attribute to the rendered HTML
  • The "email" validator sets the type attribute to "email" in the rendered HTML
  • The "min" validator sets the type attribute to "number" and adds the "min" attribute in the rendered HTML
  • The "max" validator sets the type attribute to "number" and adds the "max" attribute in the rendered HTML
  • When bound to a number type, the TextField component sets the type attribute to "number" in the rendered HTML


Entering any two values into the form and submitting will cause a round trip; the form will re-render to present the error to the user:

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Notice that the cursor is placed directly into the password field.


The message can be customized by adding an entry to the page's message catalog (or the containing component's message catalog). As with any localized property, this can also go into the application's message catalog.


Customizing Validation Messages for BeanEditForm

The BeanEditForm component also supports validation message customizing. The search for messages is similar; the formId is the component id of the BeanEditForm component (not the Form component it contains). The fieldId is the property name.


Validation Macros


Lists of validators can be combined into validation macros. This mechanism is convenient for ensuring consistent validation rules across an application. To create a validation macro, just contribute to the ValidatorMacro Service in your module class (normally, by adding a new entry to the configuration object, as shown below. The first parameter is the name of your macro, the second is a comma-separated list of validators:

Code Block
languagejava (partial)
public static void combinePasswordValidators(MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration) {

Then, you can use this new macro in component templates and classes:

Code Block
<input t:type="textField" t:id="password" t:validate="passwordpasswordValidator" />

Code Block
private String password;
