Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Originally written











This is deprecated since revisions 1360689 and 1361073 in trunk and r1361651 in R12.04. Older releases continue to use the previous version here documented.


The new documentation is at Mini Language - minilang - simple-method - Reference. There is still no documentation for Map processor though, the one below can be used


Table of Contents




The Mini-Language concept in Open For Business is similar to the Gang of Four Interpreter pattern, or the Mark Grand Little Language pattern. This is also the central theme of the Building Parsers with Java book by Steven John Metsker which the OFBiz Rule Engine is based on. The idea is to create simple languages that simplify complex or frequently performed tasks.

In business software there are things that are done hundreds or thousands of times in a single application that a Mini-Language can simplify to the point of cutting implementation and maintenance times not by just 50%, but often as much as 70-90%. Yes, certain tasks will take only 10% of the effort and knowledge to perform. This makes it easier people not familiar with the software to manipulate existing or build new functionality.

Mini-Languages tend to have instructions that are more like method calls in a general purpose language. They are meant to solve a specific problem in a specific context, and are generally worthless or need to be modified for other contexts or problems.

Often this idea is implemented using a free form (BNF) or english-like syntax. In Open For Business the Mini-Languages are expressed as XML files to simplify the learning and manipulation of the syntax, in addition to making the Mini-Languages easier to write and extend.

The XML schema (XSD) for the simple-map-processor and simple-method XML files is in the distribution in framework/minilang/dtd/simple-methods.xsd. These are combined into a single file to make it easy to use inlined simple-map-processors inside a simple-method.

Note that the simple-method.xsd file is also available at .

To specify the XML schema for a simple-methods or simple-map-processors XML file use the following:

Code Block

h3. Table of Contents

* [Introduction|#introduction]
* [The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language|#smap]
** [Simple Map Processor Overview|#smapo]
** Make In String Operations
** Process Field Operations
** [Simple Map Processors Example|#smapex]
* [The Simple Method Mini-Language|#simpmeth]
** Simple Method Overview
** Special Context Access Syntax
** Call Operations
** Java Call Operations
** Control and Error Handling Operations
** Event Specific Operations
** Service Specific Operations
** Method Environment Operations
** Entity Engine Misc. Operations
** Entity Engine Find Operations
** Entity Engine Value Operations
** Entity Engine List Operations
** Entity Engine Transaction Operations
** Conditional (If) Operations
** Other Operations
** Simple Methods Example

h3. {anchor:introduction}Introduction

The Mini-Language concept in Open For Business is similar to the Gang of Four Interpreter pattern, or the Mark Grand Little Language pattern. This is also the central theme of the Building Parsers with Java book by Steven John Metsker which the OFBiz Rule Engine is based on. The idea is to create simple languages that simplify complex or frequently performed tasks.

In business software there are things that are done hundreds or thousands of times in a single application that a Mini-Language can simplify to the point of cutting implementation and maintenance times not by just 50%, but often as much as 70-90%. Yes, certain tasks will take only 10% of the effort and knowledge to perform. This makes it easier people not familiar with the software to manipulate existing or build new functionality.

Mini-Languages tend to have instructions that are more like method calls in a general purpose language. They are meant to solve a specific problem in a specific context, and are generally worthless or need to be modified for other contexts or problems.

Often this idea is implemented using a free form (BNF) or english-like syntax. In Open For Business the Mini-Languages are expressed as XML files to simplify the learning and manipulation of the syntax, in addition to making the Mini-Languages easier to write and extend.

The XML schema (XSD) for the simple-map-processor and simple-method XML files is in the distribution in *framework/minilang/dtd/simple-methods.xsd* or on the website at \[{color:#ff0000}{*}to be modified{*}{color} []\]. These are combined into a single file to make it easy to use inlined simple-map-processors inside a simple-method.

To specify the XMLschema for a simple-methods or simple-map-processors XML file use the following:
xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="[to be modified www.ofbiz]">

h3. {anchor:smap}The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language

* [Simple Map Processor Overview|#smapo]
* Make In String Operations
* Process Field Operations
* [Simple Map Processors Example|#smapex]

h3. {anchor:smapo}Simple Map Processor Overview

The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language performes two primary tasks: validation and conversion. It does this in a context of moving values from one Map to another. The input map will commonly contain Strings, but can contain other object types like Integer, Long, Float, Double, 

The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language


Simple Map Processor Overview

The Simple Map Processor Mini-Language performs two primary tasks: validation and conversion. It does this in a context of moving values from one Map to another. The input map will commonly contain Strings, but can contain other object types like Integer, Long, Float, Double, java.sql.Date,









\\ {panel} (i)














{color:#ff0000}\[to be modified{color} www.ofbiz

the file. The idea is to now to use an XML completion tool in development. If you are interested by this issue take a look at

As static documentation you may find a simple-methods.html generated file in attachments. This file may be out of date but with the attached simple-methods.xsl file you are able to generate an updated file. In such case please feel free to put a comment below in order to let us know, thanks.

Simple Map Processors Example

Note that fail-message is used here for the purpose of demonstration but in general it's better to use fail-property because fail-message is not localisable

Code Block

h3. {anchor:smapex}Simple Map Processors Example

<simple-map-processors xmlns:xsi=""
		xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="[to be modified www.ofbiz]">
	<simple-map-processor name="update">
		<make-in-string field="estimatedStartDate">
			<in-field field="estimatedStartYear"><constant>-</constant>
			<in-field field="estimatedStartMonth"><constant>-</constant>
			<in-field field="estimatedStartDay"><constant>T</constant>
			<in-field field="estimatedStartHour"><constant>:</constant>
			<in-field field="estimatedStartMinute"><constant>:</constant>
			<in-field field="estimatedStartSecond">
		<process field="workEffortId"><copy replace="false"/></process>
		<process field="scopeEnumId"><copy/></process>
		<process field="currentStatusId">
				<fail-message message="Status is missing."/>
		<process field="priority">
			<convert type="Long"                <!-- Note that fail-message is used here for the purpose of demonstration but in general it's better to use fail-property because fail-message is not localisable -->
				<fail-message message="PriorityStatus is not a valid whole numbermissing."/>
		<process field="estimatedStartDate">
			<compare-field operator="less" field="estimatedCompletionDate" type="Timestamp" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss">
				<fail-message message="Estimated Start date/time must be BEFORE End date/time."/>
			<convert type="Timestamp" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss">
				<fail-message message="Estimated Start Date is not a valid Date-Time."/                                <!-- Note that fail-message is used here for the purpose of demonstration;
                                but in general it's better to use fail-property because fail-message is not localisable -->
		<process field="estimatedCompletionDatepriority">
			<convert type="TimestampLong">
				<fail-message message="Estimated Completion DatePriority is not a valid whole Date-Timenumber."/>
		<process field="estimatedMilliSecondsestimatedStartDate">
			<convert<compare-field typeoperator="Double">less" field="estimatedCompletionDate" type="Timestamp" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss">
				<fail-message message="Estimated Milli-seconds is not a valid number Start date/time must be BEFORE End date/time."/>
	<simple-map-processor name="delete">
		<process field="workEffortId	<convert type="Timestamp" format="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss">
				<fail-message message="WorkEstimated EffortStart IDDate is missingnot a valid Date-Time."/>
		<process field="estimatedCompletionDate">
			<convert type="Timestamp">
				<fail-message message="Estimated Completion Date is not a valid Date-Time."/>
		<process field="estimatedMilliSeconds">
			<convert type="Double">
				<fail-message message="Estimated Milli-seconds is not a valid number."/>
	<simple-map-processor name="delete">
		<process field="workEffortId">
				<fail-message message="Work Effort ID is missing."/>

The Simple Method Mini-Language

  • Simple Method Overview
  • Special Context Access Syntax
  • Call Operations
  • Java Call Operations
  • Control and Error Handling Operations
  • Event Specific Operations
  • Service Specific Operations
  • Method Environment Operations
  • Entity Engine Misc. Operations
  • Entity Engine Find Operations
  • Entity Engine Value Operations
  • Entity Engine List Operations
  • Entity Engine Transaction Operations
  • Conditional (If) Operations
  • Other Operations
  • Simple Methods Example


Simple Method Overview

The Simple Method Mini-Language is a simple way to implement an event that is invoked by the Control Servlet or a service that is invoked by the Service Engine. A Simple Method can be invoked through the static methods on the SimpleMethod class, or as an event through an entry in the controller configuration XML file like the following:

Code Block

h3. The Simple Method Mini-Language

* Simple Method Overview
* Special Context Access Syntax
* Call Operations
* Java Call Operations
* Control and Error Handling Operations
* Event Specific Operations
* Service Specific Operations
* Method Environment Operations
* Entity Engine Misc. Operations
* Entity Engine Find Operations
* Entity Engine Value Operations
* Entity Engine List Operations
* Entity Engine Transaction Operations
* Conditional (If) Operations
* Other Operations
* Simple Methods Example

h3. Simple Method Overview {anchor:simpmeth}

The Simple Method Mini-Language is a simple way to implement an event that is invoked by the Control Servlet or a service that is invoked by the Service Engine. A Simple Method can be invoked through the static methods on the SimpleMethod class, or as an event through an entry in the controller configuration XML file like the following:
<event type="simple" path="org/ofbiz/commonapp/workeffort/workeffort/WorkEffortSimpleEvents.xml" invoke="update"/>
{code}\\ or as a service through an entry in a 

or as a service through an entry in a services.xml









Code Block

<service name="createPartyRole" engine="simple" location="org/ofbiz/commonapp/party/party/PartyRoleServices.xml" invoke="createPartyRole" auth="true">
	<description>Create a Party Role (add a Role to a Party)</description>
	<attribute name="partyId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="true"/>
	<attribute name="roleTypeId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
{code}\\ The path or location for a Simple Method is the classpath and filename of the XML file.
In this Mini-Language you can invoke Simple Map Processors, Services and bsh scripts, perform entity related operations, and create messages to return to the caller. Specific operations can be enclosed in if blocks to execute conditionally and values or fields can be copied around in the maps, lists and method environment.

There are a number of tags which can be used to get and set attributes to/from a request or session object when called as an event or to set attributes in the result when called as a service. These operations are only applied when applicable. In other words if you include an *env-to-request* operation it will only be invoked when the simple-method is called as an event and an *env-to-result* operation will only be invoked when the simple-method is called as a service. Everything else is the same when called as an event or a service which makes it easy to write flexible logic that can be mounted/applied in various ways.

There are a number of objects that exist in the method environment when a simple-method starts or that are used as it executes to keep track of certain information. Some will exist when called as an event or a service, these are marked in the XSD. Each name can be overridden using an attribute on the *simple-method* tag. The defaults are listed below in the XSD.
(i) NOTE: The reference information for simple-method has been moved to annotations in {color:#ff0000}\[to be modified{color}{color:#ff0000}\]{color}

h3. Special Context Access Syntax

In strings and field names a special syntax is supported to flexibly access Map member, List elements and to insert environment values into string constants.

The $\{\} 

The path or location for a Simple Method is the classpath and filename of the XML file.

In this Mini-Language you can invoke Simple Map Processors, Services and bsh scripts, perform entity related operations, and create messages to return to the caller. Specific operations can be enclosed in if blocks to execute conditionally and values or fields can be copied around in the maps, lists and method environment.
There are a number of tags which can be used to get and set attributes to/from a request or session object when called as an event or to set attributes in the result when called as a service. These operations are only applied when applicable. In other words if you include an env-to-request operation it will only be invoked when the simple-method is called as an event and an env-to-result operation will only be invoked when the simple-method is called as a service. Everything else is the same when called as an event or a service which makes it easy to write flexible logic that can be mounted/applied in various ways.
There are a number of objects that exist in the method environment when a simple-method starts or that are used as it executes to keep track of certain information. Some will exist when called as an event or a service, these are marked in the XSD. Each name can be overridden using an attribute on the simple-method tag. The defaults are listed below in the XSD.


(info) NOTE: The reference information for simple-method has been moved to annotations in the file. The idea is to now to use an XML completion tool in development. If you are interested by this issue take a look at

As static documentation you may find a simple-methods.html generated file in attachments with reference information. This file may be out of date but with the also attached simple-methods.xsl file you are able to generate an updated file. In such case please feel free to put a comment below in order to let us know about that, thanks.

Special Context Access Syntax

In strings and field names a special syntax is supported to flexibly access Map member, List elements and to insert environment values into string constants.

The ${} (dollar-sign-curly-brace)




























































environment variables,




























You should use the "."












members (the old map/field syntax is deprecated since 2009). For example if you specify the attribute field="product.productName" it






























































































used the attribute field="products.widget.productName"
























































































































































































referring to









































































































































































































































































































































Call Operations





Java Call Operations



Control and Error Handling Operations



Event Specific Operations


Service Specific Operations



Method Environment Operations


All operations in red below have been be replaced by the set operation
field-to-field (deprecated, do not use anymore)
env-to-env (deprecated, do not use anymore)
env-to-field (deprecated, do not use anymore)
field-to-env (deprecated, do not use anymore)
string-to-field (deprecated, do not use anymore)


Control Operations



Entity Engine Misc. Operations


Entity Engine Find Operations


Entity Engine Value Operations


Entity Engine List Operations


Entity Engine Transaction Operations


Conditional (If) Operations


Other Operations


Here is an example of an XML snippet that performs the calculation a=b+(((c+x+2)-d)/e), or in Reverse Polish Notation (a little bit closer to the resulting XML, and the notation used in the Rule Engine) a=(b,/(((c,x,2),-d),e)).

Here is the XML:

Code Block
<calculate field="a">
<calcop operator="get" field="b"/>
<calcop operator="divide">
<calcop operator="multiply">
<calcop operator="add" field="c">
<calcop operator="get" field="x"/>
<number value="2"/>
<calcop operator="negative" field="d"/>
<calcop operator="get" field="e"/>


Simple Methods Example

Note that fail-message is used here for the purpose of demonstration but in general it's better to use fail-property because fail-message is not localisable

Code Block
<simple-methods xmlns:xsi=""

    <simple-method method-name="createProduct" short-description="Create a Product">
        <check-permission permission="CATALOG" action="_CREATE">
            <alt-permission permission="CATALOG_ROLE" action="_CREATE"/>
            <!-- Note that fail-message is used here for the purpose of demonstration but in general it's better to use fail-property because fail-message is not localisable -->
            <fail-message message="Security Error: to run createProduct you must have the CATALOG_CREATE or CATALOG_ADMIN permission, or the limited CATALOG_ROLE_CREATE permission"/>

        <make-value value-field="newEntity" entity-name="Product"/>
        <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="newEntity"/>

        <set from-field="parameters.productId" field="newEntity.productId"/>
        <if-empty field="newEntity.productId">
            <sequenced-id sequence-name="Product" field="newEntity.productId"/>
            <check-id field="newEntity.productId"/>
        <field-to-result field="newEntity.productId" result-name="productId"/>

        <now-timestamp field="nowTimestamp"/>
        <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newEntity.createdDate"/>
        <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newEntity.lastModifiedDate"/>
        <set from-field="userLogin.userLoginId" field="newEntity.lastModifiedByUserLogin"/>
        <set from-field="userLogin.userLoginId" field="newEntity.createdByUserLogin"/>
        <if-empty field="newEntity.isVariant">
            <set field="newEntity.isVariant" value="N"/>
        <if-empty field="newEntity.isVirtual">
            <set field="newEntity.isVirtual" value="N"/>
        <if-empty field="newEntity.billOfMaterialLevel">
            <set field="newEntity.billOfMaterialLevel" value="0" type="Integer"/>

        <create-value value-field="newEntity"/>

        <!-- if setting the primaryProductCategoryId create a member entity too -->
        <if-not-empty field="newEntity.primaryProductCategoryId">
            <make-value entity-name="ProductCategoryMember" value-field="newMember"/>
            <set from-field="productId" map-name="newEntity" to-field-name="productId" to-map-name="newMember"/>
            <set from-field="primaryProductCategoryId" map-name="newEntity" to-field-name="productCategoryId" to-map-name="newMember"/>
            <now-timestamp field="nowStamp"/>
            <set from-field="nowStamp" field="newMember.fromDate"/>
            <create-value value-field="newMember"/>

        <!-- if the user has the role limited position, add this product to the limit category/ies -->
        <if-has-permission permission="CATALOG_ROLE" action="_CREATE">
            <entity-and entity-name="ProductCategoryRole" list="productCategoryRoles" filter-by-date="true">
                <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="userLogin.partyId"/>
                <field-map field-name="roleTypeId" value="LTD_ADMIN"/>

            <iterate entry="productCategoryRole" list="productCategoryRoles">
                <!-- add this new product to the category -->
                <make-value value-field="newLimitMember" entity-name="ProductCategoryMember"/>
                <set from-field="newEntity.productId" field="newLimitMember.productId"/>
                <set from-field="productCategoryRole.productCategoryId" field="newLimitMember.productCategoryId"/>
                <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newLimitMember.fromDate"/>
                <create-value value-field="newLimitMember"/>

    <simple-method method-name="createWorkEffort" short-description="Create Work Effort">
        <make-value value-field="newEntity" entity-name="WorkEffort"/>
        <if-empty field="parameters.workEffortId">
            <sequenced-id sequence-name="WorkEffort" field="newEntity.workEffortId"/>
                <set field="newEntity.workEffortId" from-field="parameters.workEffortId"/>
        <field-to-result field="newEntity.workEffortId" result-name="workEffortId"/>
        <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="newEntity"/>

        <now-timestamp field="nowTimestamp"/>
        <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newEntity.lastStatusUpdate"/>
        <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newEntity.lastModifiedDate"/>
        <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newEntity.createdDate"/>
        <set field="newEntity.revisionNumber" value="1" type="Long"/>
        <set from-field="userLogin.userLoginId" field="newEntity.lastModifiedByUserLogin"/>
        <set from-field="userLogin.userLoginId" field="newEntity.createdByUserLogin"/>
        <create-value value-field="newEntity"/>

        <!-- create new status entry, and set lastStatusUpdate date -->
        <make-value value-field="newWorkEffortStatus" entity-name="WorkEffortStatus"/>
        <set from-field="newEntity.workEffortId" field="newWorkEffortStatus.workEffortId"/>
        <set from-field="newEntity.currentStatusId" field="newWorkEffortStatus.statusId"/>
        <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newWorkEffortStatus.statusDatetime"/>
        <set from-field="userLogin.userLoginId" field="newWorkEffortStatus.setByUserLogin"/>
        <create-value value-field="newWorkEffortStatus"/>

        <!-- Attach the workeffort to a requirement if passed -->
        <if-not-empty field="parameters.requirementId">
            <make-value value-field="workFullfillment" entity-name="WorkRequirementFulfillment"/>
            <set from-field="newEntity.workEffortId" field="workFullfillment.workEffortId"/>
            <set from-field="parameters.requirementId" field="workFullfillment.requirementId"/>
            <create-value value-field="workFullfillment"/>

        <!-- attach to a customer request if passed and copy attached docs -->
        <if-not-empty field="parameters.custRequestId">
            <!-- check status of customer request if valid -->
            <entity-one entity-name="CustRequest" value-field="lookedUpValue"/>
            <set field="goodStatusId" value="CRQ_ACCEPTED"/>
            <if-compare-field operator="not-equals" field="lookedUpValue.statusId" to-field="goodStatusId" >
                <set field="entity" value="Customer request"/>
                <add-error><fail-property resource="CommonUiLabels" property="CommonErrorStatusNotValid"/></add-error>
            <!-- create customer request / work effort relation -->
            <make-value value-field="custRequestWorkEffort" entity-name="CustRequestWorkEffort"/>
            <set field="custRequestWorkEffort.workEffortId" from-field="newEntity.workEffortId" />
            <set field="custRequestWorkEffort.custRequestId" from-field="parameters.custRequestId"/>
            <create-value value-field="custRequestWorkEffort"/>
            <!-- update status of customer request -->
            <set field="updCustReq.custRequestId" from-field="parameters.custRequestId"/>
            <set field="updCustReq.statusId" value="CRQ_REVIEWED"/>
            <call-service service-name="setCustRequestStatus" in-map-name="updCustReq"/>
            <entity-and list="custRequestContents" entity-name="CustRequestContent">
                <field-map field-name="custRequestId" from-field="parameters.custRequestId"/>
            <iterate entry="custRequestContent" list="custRequestContents">
                <set field="newWorkEffortContent.workEffortId" from-field="newEntity.workEffortId"/>
                <set field="newWorkEffortContent.contentId" from-field="custRequestContent.contentId"/>
                <set field="newWorkEffortContent.workEffortContentTypeId" value="SUPPORTING_MEDIA"/>
                <call-service service-name="createWorkEffortContent" in-map-name="newWorkEffortContent"/>
    <simple-method method-name="updateWorkEffort" short-description="Update Work Effort">
        <!-- check permissions before moving on: if update or delete logged in user must be associated OR have the corresponding UPDATE or DELETE permissions -->

        <!-- temporarily commented out, because users assigned to a project or phase should
              have the capability to modify status on sub-tasks, right? Hmmmm.... -->

<!--        <set from-field="workEffortId" map-name="parameters" to-map-name="findWepaMap"/>
        <set from-field="partyId" map-name="userLogin" to-map-name="findWepaMap"/>
        <find-by-and entity-name="WorkEffortPartyAssignment" map="findWepaMap" list="wepaList"/>
        <if-empty field="wepaList">
            <check-permission permission="WORKEFFORTMGR" action="_UPDATE">
                <fail-message message="Security Error: to run updateWorkEffort you must have the WORKEFFORTMGR_UPDATE or WORKEFFORTMGR_ADMIN permission"/>

        <entity-one entity-name="WorkEffort" value-field="lookedUpValue"/>
        <clone-value value-field="lookedUpValue" new-value-field="savedValue"/>

        <now-timestamp field="nowTimestamp"/>

        <!-- if necessary create new status entry, and set lastStatusUpdate date -->
                    <not><if-empty field="parameters.currentStatusId"/></not>
                    <if-compare-field field="parameters.currentStatusId" to-field="lookedUpValue.currentStatusId" operator="not-equals"/>
                <if-not-empty field="lookedUpValue.currentStatusId">
                    <!-- check if the status change is a valid change -->
                    <entity-and entity-name="StatusValidChange" list="validChange">
                        <field-map field-name="statusId" from-field="lookedUpValue.currentStatusId"/>
                        <field-map field-name="statusIdTo" from-field="parameters.currentStatusId"/>

                    <if-empty field="validChange">
                            <fail-message message="The status change from ${lookedUpValue.currentStatusId} to ${parameters.currentStatusId} is not a valid change"/>
                        <log level="error" message="The status change from ${lookedUpValue.currentStatusId} to ${parameters.currentStatusId} is not a valid change"/>

                <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="lookedUpValue.lastStatusUpdate"/>
                <make-value value-field="newWorkEffortStatus" entity-name="WorkEffortStatus"/>
                <set from-field="lookedUpValue.workEffortId" field="newWorkEffortStatus.workEffortId"/>
                <set from-field="parameters.currentStatusId" field="newWorkEffortStatus.statusId"/>
                <set from-field="parameters.reason" field="newWorkEffortStatus.reason"/>
                <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="newWorkEffortStatus.statusDatetime"/>
                <set from-field="userLogin.userLoginId" field="newWorkEffortStatus.setByUserLogin"/>
                <create-value value-field="newWorkEffortStatus"/>
        <!-- after checking status change, set all parameters -->
        <set-nonpk-fields map="parameters" value-field="lookedUpValue"/>

        <!-- only save if something has changed -->
        <if-compare-field field="lookedUpValue" to-field="savedValue" operator="not-equals" type="Object">
            <!-- only set lastModifiedDate after comparing new & old to see if anything has changed -->
            <set from-field="nowTimestamp" field="lookedUpValue.lastModifiedDate"/>
            <set from-field="userLogin.userLoginId" field="lookedUpValue.lastModifiedByUserLogin"/>
            <if-not-empty field="lookedUpValue.revisionNumber">
                <set field="lookedUpValue.revisionNumber" value="${lookedUpValue.revisionNumber + 1}" type="Long"/>
                <set field="lookedUpValue.revisionNumber" value="1" type="Long"/>
            <store-value value-field="lookedUpValue"/>




h3. Java Call Operations


Creates an object of the given class and if the field-name is specified saves it in that field.

The string and field sub-elements are passed to the constructor method as arguments in the order they are specified. If the sub-elements do not match the constructor method arguments an error will be returned.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| class-name | Y | The name of the class to construct an object of. |
| field-name | N | The name of a field to put the new object in. If not specified the object will be created but ignored after that. |
| map-name | N | The name of the map the field will go in. If not specified the field will be put in the environment. |

|| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* || *How&nbsp;Many* || *Description* ||
| string | 0 to many | Used to specify an inline String argument to the constructor method. |
| field | 0 to many | Used to specify a field to be passed as an argument to the constructor method. The field can be in a map in the environment or if no map-name is specified then the field will come directly from the environment. |

Calls a method on an existing object that exists in a field in the environment or in a map in the environment.

The string and field sub-elements are passed to the method as arguments in the order they are specified. If the sub-elements do not match the method arguments an error will be returned.

The return value will be put in the named field if an value is returned and if a field and optionally a map name are specified.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| obj-field-name | Y | The name of the field the object is in that has the method to be called. |
| obj-map-name | N | The name of the map the field of the object is in that has the method to be called. If this is not specified the environment will be used to find the field in. |
| method-name | Y | The name of the method to call on the given object. |
| ret-field-name | N | The name of the field to put the result in. If not specified any return value will be ignored. |
| ret-map-name | N | The name of the map the field of the return value is in. If not specified but the field name is then the environment will be used to find the field in. |

|| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* || *How&nbsp;Many* || *Description* ||
| string | 0 to many | Used to specify an inline String argument to the method call. |
| field | 0 to many | Used to specify a field to be passed as an argument to the method call. The field can be in a map in the environment or if no map-name is specified then the field will come directly from the environment. |

Calls a static method on a class.

The string and field sub-elements are passed to the method as arguments in the order they are specified. If the sub-elements do not match the method arguments an error will be returned.

The return value will be put in the named field if an value is returned and if a field and optionally a map name are specified.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| class-name | Y | The name of the class to call the static method on. |
| method-name | Y | The name of the static method to call on the given class. |
| ret-field-name | N | The name of the field to put the result in. If not specified any return value will be ignored. |
| ret-map-name | N | The name of the map the field of the return value is in. If not specified but the field name is then the environment will be used to find the field in. |

|| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* || *How&nbsp;Many* || *Description* ||
| string | 0 to many | Used to specify an inline String argument to the method call. |
| field | 0 to many | Used to specify a field to be passed as an argument to the method call. The field can be in a map in the environment or if no map-name is specified then the field will come directly from the environment. |

h3. Control and Error Handling Operations


The message lists from invoking are not checked until the check-errors tag is used. The named list is checked and if it contains any messages they are put in the servlet request object and the specified error code is returned to the control servlet.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| error-code | N | Defaults to "error". |
| error-list-name | N | The name of the list to in the method environment to check for error messages. Defaults to "error_list". |

|| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* || *How&nbsp;Many* || *Description* ||
| error-prefix | 0 or 1 | \\ |
| error-suffix | 0 or 1 | \\ |
| message-prefix | 0 or 1 | \\ |
| message-suffix | 0 or 1 | \\ |

Adds an error message with to the given error list from either an inline message or a message from a properties file.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| error-list-name | N | The name of the list to in the method environment to check for error messages. Defaults to "error_list". |

|| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* || *How&nbsp;Many* || *Description* ||
| fail-message | 0 or 1 | Used to specify an inline message. Has one attribute called 'message'. |
| fail-property | 0 or 1 | Used to get the message from a properties file. Has two attributes: resource and property. |

Returns immediately from the simple-method with the given response code string.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| response-code | N | The string to return as a response code. Defaults to "success". |

h3. Event Specific Operations


The field-to-request tag copies a field from a map to the specified servlet request attribute.

The tag is only used when the simple-method is called as an event, it is ignored otherwise.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |
| request-name | N | The name of the request attribute to use. Defaults to the field-name. |

The field-to-session tag copies a field from a map to the specified servlet session attribute.

The tag is only used when the simple-method is called as an event, it is ignored otherwise.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |
| session-name | N | The name of the session attribute to use. Defaults to the field-name. |

The request-to-field tag copies an attribute from the servlet request to a field of a map in the method environment.

The tag is only used when the simple-method is called as an event, it is ignored otherwise (except the default value, if specified).
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to set the field in the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |
| default | N | A default value to use if the request attribute is null or is a String and is empty. This will also be used when NOT running as an event. |
| request-name | N | The name of the request attribute to use. Defaults to the field-name. |

The request-parameters-to-list tag appends a request parameter values from the servlet request to the specified list.

The tag is only used when the simple-method is called as an event, it is ignored otherwise.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| request-name | Y | The name of the request parameter values to use. |
| list-name | N | The name of the list in the method environment that the request parameter values will be appended to. (default: request-name) |

The session-to-field tag copies an attribute from the servlet session to a field of a map in the method environment.

The tag is only used when the simple-method is called as an event, it is ignored otherwise (except the default value, if specified).
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to set the field in the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |
| default | N | A default value to use if the session attribute is null or is a String and is empty. This will also be used when NOT running as an event. |
| session-name | N | The name of the session attribute to use. Defaults to the field-name. |

The webapp-property-to-field tag copies a property value from a properties file in a ServletContext resource to a field.

The tag is only used when the simple-method is called as an event, it is ignored otherwise (except the default value, if specified).
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| resource | Y | The resource location of the properties file inside the webapp, and relative to the root of the webapp (can be inside a war file). An example of this is "/WEB-INF/". |
| property | Y | The property whose value will be put in the field. |
| default | N | A default value to use if the property value is null or empty. This will also be used when NOT running as an event. |
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to set the field in the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |

h3. Service Specific Operations


The field-to-result tag copies a field from a map to the specified service result field.

The tag is only used when the simple-method is called as a service, it is ignored otherwise.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |
| result-name | N | The name of the request attribute to use. Defaults to the field-name. |

h3. Method Environment Operations


The map-to-map tag copies all fields from one map to another map.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | Y | The name of the map in the method environment the fields will come from. |
| to-map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment the fields will go to. If empty the fields will be copied to the environment. |
{color:#ff0000}*\[All in red must be replaced by set operation\]&nbsp;*{color}


{color:#ff0000}The field-to-field tag copies a field from a map to a field in another map.{color}
|| {color:#ff0000}{*}Attribute&nbsp;Name{*}{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Required?*{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Description{*}{color} ||
| {color:#ff0000}map-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name of the map in the method environment the field will come from. If this is null or empty it will default to the method environment itself.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}field-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}Y{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name (key) of the map field to copy.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}to-map-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name of the map in the method environment the field will go to. If empty will default to the map-name. Note that if no map-name was specified this will default to the method environment. So, you can copy from the environment to the environment or from the environment to a map, but to copy from a map to the environment you must use the field-to-env operation defined below.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}to-field-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name (key) of the map field to put the original field in. If empty will default to the field-name.{color} |

The field-to-list tag appends a field to the specified list.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |
| list-name | Y | The name of the list in the method environment that the object will be appended to. |

{color:#ff0000}The env-to-field tag copies a field from the method environment to a field in a map.{color}
|| {color:#ff0000}{*}Attribute&nbsp;Name{*}{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Required?*{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Description{*}{color} ||
| {color:#ff0000}env-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}Y{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name of the method environment field the object will come from.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}map-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name of the map in the method environment the field will go to. If empty or not specified this will default to the method environment itself.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}field-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name (key) of the map field to put the original field in. If empty will default to the env-name.{color} |

{color:#ff0000}The field-to-env tag copies a field from a map to a field in the method environment.{color}
|| {color:#ff0000}{*}Attribute&nbsp;Name{*}{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Required?*{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Description{*}{color} ||
| {color:#ff0000}field-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}Y{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name (key) of the map field to get the object from.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}env-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name of the method environment field the object will be put in. If empty will default to the field-name.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}map-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name of the map in the method environment the field will come from. If empty or not specified this will default to the method environment itself.{color} |

{color:#ff0000}The string-to-field tag puts the inlined string value in the specified field.{color}
|| {color:#ff0000}{*}Attribute&nbsp;Name{*}{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Required?*{color} || {color:#ff0000}{*}Description{*}{color} ||
| {color:#ff0000}string{color} | {color:#ff0000}Y{color} | {color:#ff0000}The string value to be put in the field.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}map-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}field-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}Y{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name (key) of the map field to use.{color} |
| {color:#ff0000}arg-list-name{color} | {color:#ff0000}N{color} | {color:#ff0000}The name (key) of a list to use for argument values for any place holders in the string. Formatting is done with the Java MessageFormat class. Place holders, for example, are denoted as follows:{color} \\
{0}, {1}, etc and can appear anywhere in the string. |

The string-to-list tag appends the inlined string value in the specified List.
|| *Attribute Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| string | Y | The string value to append to the list. |
| list-name | Y | The name of the list in the method environment. |
| arg-list-name | N | The name (key) of a list to use for argument values for any place holders in the string. Formatting is done with the Java MessageFormat class. Place holders, for example, are denoted as follows: {0}\\  \\  {color:#ff0000},{color}{1}\\  \\  {color:#ff0000}, etc and can appear anywhere in the string.{color} |

The to-string tag converts the Object in the specified field to a String, putting the string in the same field.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |

The clear-field tag clears/removes the specified field.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |

The operations contained by the iterate tag will be executed for each of the entries in the list, and will make the current entry available in the method environment by the entry-name specified. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| entry-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that will contain each entry as we iterate through the list. |
| list-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the list to iterate over. |

|| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* || *How&nbsp;Many* || *Description* ||
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under the iterate tag. |

The first-from-list tag will get the first entry from the given list and put it in the environment field with the given entry-name.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| entry-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that will contain the first entry in the list. |
| list-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the list to get the first entry from. |

h3. Entity Engine Misc. Operations


The now-timestamp-to-env tag creates a java.sql.Timestamp object with the current date and time in it and puts it in a field in the method environment.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| env-name | Y | The name of the method environment field the timestamp will be put in. |

The now-date-to-env tag creates a java.sql.Date object with the current date in it and puts it in a field in the method environment.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| env-name | Y | The name of the method environment field the date will be put in. |

The sequenced-id-to-env tag gets a sequenced ID from the Entity Engine (through the delegator) and puts it in the specified method environment field. The object will be a java.lang.Long, but can of course be converted to a String.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| sequence-name | Y | The name of the sequence to pass to the delegator. The same name must always be used for sequenced IDs that will be used for a certain entity field otherwise non-unique keys may result. |
| env-name | Y | The name of the method environment field the sequenced ID will be put in. |

The set-current-user-login tag sets the UserLogin GenericValue object to be used for authentication for the rest of the method. This is mostly used for calling services, etc.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the UserLogin GenericValue object. |

h3. Entity Engine Find Operations


The find-by-primary-key tag uses the delegator to find an entity value by its primary key. The resulting GenericValue object will be placed in the method environment using the specified value-name.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |
| entity-name | Y | The name of the entity to find an instance of. |
| map-name | Y | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. |
| delegator-name | N | By default this operation is done using the delegator that is part of the simple-method calling context. This allows you to override the default delegator by naming an alternate delegator. |
| use-cache | N | Specifies whether or not the delegator's cache should be searched before going to the database. This results in much faster retrieval times, but can return stale data that is not the most current in the database. Must be "true" or "false", defaults to "false". |

The find-by-and tag uses the delegator to find entity values by anding the fields passed in the map. The resulting GenericValue objects will be placed in the method environment using the specified list-name.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| list-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the list of GenericValue objects. |
| entity-name | Y | The name of the entity to find instances of. |
| map-name | Y | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. |
| order-by-list-name | Y | The name of a list in the method environment that contains a list of strings specifying fields to order the results by. |
| delegator-name | N | By default this operation is done using the delegator that is part of the simple-method calling context. This allows you to override the default delegator by naming an alternate delegator. |
| use-cache | N | Specifies whether or not the delegator's cache should be searched before going to the database. This results in much faster retrieval times, but can return stale data that is not the most current in the database. Must be "true" or "false", defaults to "false". |
| use-iterator | N | Specifies whether or not to use the EntityListIterator when doing the query. This is much more efficient for large data sets because the results are read incrementaly instead of all at once. Note that when using this the use-cache setting will be ignored. Also note that an EntityListIterator must be closed when you are finished, but this is done automatically by the iterate operation. Must be "true" or "false", defaults to "false". |

The filter-list-by-and tag filters the given list by the fields in the specified map.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| list-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the list of GenericValue objects. |
| to-list-name | N | The name of the method environment field the filtered list will be put into. Defaults to the value of the list-name attribute (ie goes to the same place it came from, replacing the old list). |
| map-name | N | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. If no map is used this will just make a copy of the list. |

The filter-list-by-date tag filters the given list by the valid date using the from and thru dates in each value object.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| list-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the list of GenericValue objects. |
| to-list-name | N | The name of the method environment field the filtered list will be put into. Defaults to the value of the list-name attribute (ie goes to the same place it came from, replacing the old list). |
| valid-date-name | N | The name of a field in the method environment date to filter by. Defaults to now. |
| from-field-name | N | The name of the GenericValue field to use as the beginning effective date. Defaults to *fromDate*. |
| thru-field-name | N | The name of the GenericValue field to use as the ending effective date. Defaults to *thruDate*. |
| all-same | N | Specifies whether or not all GenericValue objects in the list are of the same entity. Defaults to *true*. |

h3. Entity Engine Value Operations


The make-value tag uses the delegator to construct an entity value. The resulting value will not necessarily exist in the database, but will simply be assembled using the entity-name and fields map. The resulting GenericValue object will be placed in the method environment using the specified value-name.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |
| entity-name | Y | The name of the entity to construct an instance of. |
| map-name | N | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. |

The clone-value tag make a copy of the value in the method environment field specified by value-name. The resulting GenericValue object will be placed in the method environment using the specified new-value-name.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |
| new-value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that will contain the new GenericValue object. |

The create-value tag persists the specified GenericValue object by creating a new instance of the entity in the datasource. An error will result if an instance of the entity exists in the datasource with the same primary key.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |

The store-value tag persists the specified GenericValue object by updating the instance of the entity in the datasource. An error will result if an instance of the entity does not exist in the datasource with the same primary key.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |

The remove-value tag removes the specified GenericValue object by removing the instance of the entity in the datasource. An error will result if an instance of the entity does not exist in the datasource with the same primary key.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |

The remove-by-and tag uses the delegator to remove entity values from the datasource and is constrained by anding the fields passed in the map. Make sure the map contains something, or all values will be removed.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| entity-name | Y | The name of the entity to remove instances of. |
| map-name | Y | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. |

Uses the delegator to clear elements from the cache; intelligently looks at the map passed to see if it is a byPrimaryKey, and byAnd, or an all.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| entity-name | Y | The name of the entity to clear cache lines of. |
| map-name | Y | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. If the fields in the map form the full primary key the entry will be removed from the byPrimaryKey cache. If the map exists but the fields do not include a full primary key the entry will be removed from the byAnd cache. If no map-name is specified the entry will be removed from the all cache. |

This is a very simple tag that should be used sparingly because of the performance impact. It clears all lines from all Entity Engine caches. It has no attributes or sub-elements.


Looks for each PK field in the named map and if it exists there it will copy it into the named value object.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |
| map-name | Y | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. |
| set-if-null | N | Specifies whether or not to set fields that are null or empty. Defaults to true. |

Looks for each non-PK field in the named map and if it exists there it will copy it into the named value object.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| value-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the GenericValue object. |
| map-name | Y | The name of a map in the method environment that will be used for the entity fields. |
| set-if-null | N | Specifies whether or not to set fields that are null or empty. Defaults to true. |

h3. Entity Engine List Operations


The store-list tag uses the delegator to store all entity values in the list. This is different than storing a single value in that values in the list will be inserted if it does not exist or updated if it does exist.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| list-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the list of GenericValue objects. |

The remove-list tag uses the delegator to remove all entity values in the list. For each value in the list if it is a primary key just that entity instance will be removed, but if it is not a full primary key all entity instances will be removed from the datasource that match the constraint of the field map.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| list-name | Y | The name of the method environment field that contains the list of GenericValue objects. |

h3. Entity Engine Transaction Operations


The transaction-begin tag will begin a transaction if one is not already in place. If a transaction is begun the environment field named as the began-transaction-name will be set to true, otherwise it will be set to false.

Note that unless the simple-method is flagged to not use a transaction all simple-methods will be inside a transaction. The same is true for service calls through the Service Engine.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| began-transaction-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains a Boolean specifying whether or not a transaction was begun in the current transaction demarcation. Defaults to "beganTransaction". |

The transaction-commit tag will commit a transaction if a transaction was begun in the current demarcation context as represented by the environment field named as the began-transaction-name. If the Boolean in that field is false no commit will be done.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| began-transaction-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains a Boolean specifying whether or not a transaction was begun in the current transaction demarcation. Defaults to "beganTransaction". |

The transaction-rollback tag will rollback a transaction if a transaction was begun in the current demarcation context as represented by the environment field named as the began-transaction-name. If the Boolean in that field is false a set rollback only will operation will be done instead of rollback which will force the transaction to rollback regardless of which method or object is responsible for beginning and ending the transaction.
|| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* || *Required?* || *Description* ||
| began-transaction-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains a Boolean specifying whether or not a transaction was begun in the current transaction demarcation. Defaults to "beganTransaction". |

h3. Conditional (If) Operations


The if operation offers a flexible way of specifying combinations of conditions, alternate conditions, and operations to run on true evaluation of the conditions or to run otherwise.

The other if operations are meant for a specific, simple condition when used outside of the condition sub-element of this operation. The attributes of the other if operations are the same when used inside this operation. In this case they are empty tags and do not have any sub-elements because the operations to run are under the then or else tags.
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| condition | 1 | A simple element with no attributes that contains the condition that will be evaluated to determine which sub-operations to execute. To combine the other if operations documented below the and, or, xor, and notelements can be used. The and, or, and xor elements can contain as many general if operations and modifier/combination elements (ie and, or, xor, and not). |
| then | 1 | The then element is used to contain operations that will run if the condition evaluate to true. A then tag must be included, but can be empty. |
| else-if | 0 to many | The else-if element can be used to specify alternate conditional execution blocks. Each else-if element must contain two sub-elements: condition and then. These operations are used the same as the condition and then elements describes above. If the condition of the parent if element is evaluated to false, each condition of the else-if sub-elements will be evaluated, and the operations under the then element corresponding first condition that evaluates to true will be run. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else element can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition evaluates to false, and if no else-ifsub-conditions evaluate to true. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if tag. |

The operations contained by the if-validate-method tag will only be executed if the validate method returns true. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| map-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name). |
| field-name | Y | The name of the map field that will be validated. |
| method | Y | The name of the method that will be called to validate the field. It must be a static method that takes a single String parameter and return a boolean. |
| class | N | The name of the class that contains the validation method. If not specified defaults to "org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate". |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under an if-\* tag. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-\* tag. |

The operations contained by the if-compare tag will only be executed if the comparison returns true. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| map-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name). |
| field-name | Y | The name of the map field that will be compared. |
| operator | Y | Specified the comparison operator must be one of the following: less, greater, less-equals, greater-equals, equals, not-equals, or contains. |
| value | Y | The value that the field will compared to. Must be a String, but can be converted to other types. |
| type | N | The data type to use for the comparison. Must be one of the following: String, Double, Float, Long, Integer, Date, Time, or Timestamp. If no type is specified the default will be String. |
| format | N | A format specifier to use when converting String objects to other data types, mainly Date, Time and Timestamp. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under an if-\* tag. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-\* tag. |

The operations contained by the if-compare-field tag will only be executed if the comparison returns true. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| map-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name). |
| field-name | Y | The name of the map field that will be compared. |
| operator | Y | Specified the comparison operator must be one of the following: less, greater, less-equals, greater-equals, equals, not-equals, or contains. |
| to-map-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be compared will come from. If left empty will default to the method environment. It does not default to the map-name because that would make it impossible to compare a map field to an environment field. |
| to-field-name | N | The name of the to-map field that the main field will be compared to. If left empty will default to the field-name. |
| type | N | The data type to use for the comparison. Must be one of the following: String, Double, Float, Long, Integer, Date, Time, or Timestamp. If no type is specified the default will be String. |
| format | N | A format specifier to use when converting String objects to other data types, mainly Date, Time and Timestamp. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under an if-\* tag. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-\* tag. |

The operations contained by the if-regexp tag will only be executed if the value complies with the regular expression. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| map-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name). |
| field-name | Y | The name of the map field that will be compared. |
| expr | Y | A regular expression that the map value must comply with. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under an if-\* tag. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-\* tag. |

The operations contained by the if-empty tag will only be executed if the map field is empty. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| map-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name). |
| field-name | Y | The name of the map field that will be compared. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under an if-\* tag. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-\* tag. |

The operations contained by the if-not-empty tag will only be executed if the map field is not empty. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| map-name | N | The name of the method environment field that contains the map that the field to be validated will come from. If not specified the field-name will be treated as a method environment field name (an env-name). |
| field-name | Y | The name of the map field that will be compared. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under an if-\* tag. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-\* tag. |

The operations contained by the if-has-permission tag will only be executed if the user has the specified permission, and optionally the action. This tag can contain any of the simple-method operations, including the conditional/if operations.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| permission | Y | The name of the permission in the database. The user must belong to a security group that has this permission. |
| action | N | If an action is specified the user can have one of two permissions: the permission + "_ADMIN" or permission + action. Examples of actions include "_CREATE", "_VIEW", etc. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| Any Operation | 0 to many | Any simple-method operation can be nested under an if-\* tag. |
| else | 0 or 1 | The else tag can be used to contain operations that will run if the condition fails, or in other words if the operations under the if tag do not run. It can contain any simple-method operation. The else tag must be placed as the last tag under the if-\* tag. |

The check-permission tag checks to see if the current user has the specified permission. The the user does not have the specified permission or there is no user associated with the context then the failure message from fail-message or file-property will be added to the specified error list.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| permission | Y | The name of the permission in the database. The user must belong to a security group that has this permission. |
| action | N | If an action is specified the user can have one of two permissions: the permission + "_ADMIN" or permission + action. Examples of actions include "_CREATE", "_VIEW", etc. |
| error-list-name | N | The name of a list in the method environment that the error messages will be added to. Will be created if does not exist. Defaults to "error_list". |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| alt-permission | 0 to many | Allows you to specify alternate permissions, any of which will satisfy this check permission. If the current userLogin does not have any of these permissions the error will be added to the list. Has two attributes: permission and action that behave just as the corresponding attributes described above for the check-permission element. |
| fail-message | one | An inline failure message. |
| fail-property | one | A failure message from a properties file. |

The check-id tag checks to see if the ID value in the given field is a valid ID string. Valid IDs can be any sequence of characters or digits but must not containt the following characters: space \[ \], doublequote \["\], single quote \['\], ampersand \[&\], question mark \[?\], less-than sign \[<\], greater-than sign \[>\].
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| field-name | Y | The name of the field that contains the ID value to check. |
| map-name | N | The name of the Map that contains the field. If not specified the environment will be used to find the field. |
| error-list-name | N | The name of a list in the method environment that the error messages will be added to. Will be created if does not exist. Defaults to "error_list". |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| fail-message | one | An inline failure message. |
| fail-property | one | A failure message from a properties file. |

h3. Other Operations


The property-to-field tag puts the inlined string value in the specified field.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| resource | Y | The resource location of the properties file. |
| property | Y | The property whose value will be put in the field. |
| default | N | The default value to use if the specified property is empty. |
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |

The log tag logs a message used the OFBiz Debug class, which uses Log4J to log to the console, a file, or some other location. The message is a concatenation of the message attribute and then all of the field and string sub-element values in the order they are specified.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| level | Y | The logging/debug level to use. Must be one of the following: verbose \| timing \| info \| important \| warning \| error \| fatal \| always. These are the standard OFBiz logging levels. |
| message | N | A shortcut for simple messages. If used along with field and/or string sub-elements the inline string in the message will come first. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| field | 0 to many | Inserts the value of the field into the message where specified. |
| string | 0 to many | Inserts the value of the inline string into the message where specified. |

The calculate tag performs the specified calculation and puts the result in an object in the field of the specified map (see the calculate element attribute descriptions above). The type of the object can be specified with the{*}type* attribute, but defaults to Double.

The calculate tag can contain *calcop* and{*}number* tags, and the{*}calcop* tag can also contain these two tags to enable nested calculations.

Each calcop tag has three attributes: operator, map-name and field-name. Only the operator is required. The operator specifies the operation to perform on the given field and nested calcops and numbers. It must be one of the following: get \| add \| subtract \| multiply \| divide \| negative.

Regardless of the operator the action is very similar. It translates to a formula like the following: (V1 [operator] V2 [operator] V3). In other words a final result is calculated by applying the operator to the values in the order they are specified. If a field-name (and optionally map-name) is specifies on the calcop tag that field will be used as the first value, otherwise the first nested *calcop* or *number* will be the first value.

The get operator is just an alias for add. It adds all of the values under it. Likewise the negative operator is almost an alias for subtract, with the exception that the first value is negated instead of left positive. For convenience the calculate tag itself acts like an add, in other words the calcops and numbers under it are all added together.
| *Attribute&nbsp;Name* | *Required?* | *Description* |
| map-name | N | The name of the map in the method environment. If not specified the field-name will be used to get the field from the method environment. |
| field-name | Y | The name (key) of the map field to use. |
| type | N | The object type to put into this field. Can be: Double \| Float \| Long \| Integer. The default is Double. |
| *Sub-Element&nbsp;Name* | *How&nbsp;Many* | *Description* |
| calcop | 0 to many | This tag is used to apply an operator in the calculation. It can have calcop and number tags nested under it, making it also act like a parenthesis. It has three attributes: operator, map-name, and field-name. These are described below. |
| number | 0 to many | This is used to put a numeric constant (a number) into the calculation. It has one attribute: value. This must be a properly formatted number or an error will result. |
Here is an example of an XML snippet that performs the calculationa=b+(((c+x+2)*\-d)/e), or in Reverse Polish Notation (a little bit closer to the resulting XML, and the notation used in the Rule Engine)a=*{*}+(b,/(+{*}+(+(c,x,2),-d),e)). Here is the XML: <calculate field-name="a">
<calcop operator="get" field-name="b"/>
<calcop operator="divide">
<calcop operator="multiply">
<calcop operator="add" field-name="c">
<calcop operator="get" field-name="x"/>
<number value="2"/>
<calcop operator="negative" field-name="d"/>
<calcop operator="get" field-name="e"/>

h3. Simple Methods Example

<simple-methods xmlns:xsi=""
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="\[{color:#ff0000}{*}to be modified{*}{color} []\]"><simple-method method-name="createProduct" short-description="Create an Product">
<check-permission permission="CATALOG" action="_CREATE"><fail-message message="Security Error: to run createProduct you must have the CATALOG_CREATE or CATALOG_ADMIN permission"/></check-permission>
<check-id field-name="productId" map-name="parameters"/>

<make-value value-name="newEntity" entity-name="Product"/>
<set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
<set-pk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>

{color:#000000}<now-timestamp-to-env env-name="{color}{color:#000000}newEntity.{color}{color:#000000}lastModifiedDate"/>{color}
{color:#000000}<now-timestamp-to-env env-name="{color}{color:#000000}newEntity.{color}{color:#000000}createdDate{color}{color:#000000}"/>{color}
{color:#000000}<set from-field="{color}{color:#000000}userLogin.{color}{color:#000000}userLoginId" field="{color}{color:#000000}newEntity.{color}{color:#000000}lastModifiedByUserLogin"/>{color}
{color:#000000}<set from-field="{color}{color:#000000}userLogin.{color}{color:#000000}userLoginId" field="{color}{color:#000000}newEntity.{color}{color:#000000}createdByUserLogin{color}{color:#000000}"/>{color}
{color:#000000}<create-value value-name="newEntity"/>{color}

<\!-\- induce keywords if autoCreateKeywords is emtpy or Y-\->
<if-empty field-name="autoCreateKeywords" map-name="newEntity">
<if-compare field-name="autoCreateKeywords" map-name="newEntity" operator="equals" value="Y">
<simple-method event-name="create" short-description="Create Work Effort">
<call-map-processor xml-resource="org/ofbiz/commonapp/workeffort/workeffort/WorkEffortMapProcessors.xml"
processor-name="update" in-map-name="parameters" out-map-name="context"/>
<call-service service-name="createWorkEffort" in-map-name="context">
<default-message>Work Effort successfully created.</default-message>
<result-to-request result-name="workEffortId"/></service>
<simple-method event-name="update" short-description="Update Work Effort">
<call-map-processor xml-resource="org/ofbiz/commonapp/workeffort/workeffort/WorkEffortMapProcessors.xml"
processor-name="update" in-map-name="parameters" out-map-name="context"/>
<call-service service-name="updateWorkEffort" in-map-name="context">
<default-message>Work Effort successfully updated.</default-message></service>
