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Current state"Under DiscussionAccepted"

Discussion thread: here

JIRA: None yet KAFKA-7215

Released: 2.1

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


Then again, these improvements still require manual intervention or at the very least complex infrastructure code that automates the process.
It would be very useful if Kafka had a way to quarantine unexpected failures in certain logs such that they don't affect the cleaning of other logs. While this would not fix the issue, it would significantly slow down the process and provide users with adequate time for detection and repair.

Public Interfaces

Two New Metricsmetrics:

  • `uncleanable-partitions-count` (Int) - Count of partitions that are uncleanable

New broker value:

  • per logDir
  • `uncleanable-bytes` (Long) - The current number of uncleanable bytes per logDir. This is the sum of uncleanable bytes for every uncleanable partition in a certain log directory`max.uncleanable.partitions` - the maximum amount of uncleanable partitions a single LogDir can have before it is marked as offline

Proposed Changes

Catch any unexpected (non-IO) exceptions in `CleanerThread#cleanOrSleep()`.


When evaluating which logs to compact, skip the marked as uncleanable ones.

Introduce new broker configurable value - `max.uncleanable.partitions`. When the marked partitions reach this threshold, mark the disk they are on as offline. (this most likely indicates a problem with the disk itself)

Needs Discussion

  • A metric that tracks the overall uncleanable bytes seems like it would be useful. I am not sure how easy that is to implement and I wonder if that functionality (fetching log segments and determining their size) could cause additional errors

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The "time-since-last-run" metric will slightly change its behavior, since the LogCleaner will now continue to run once it encounters an error. Previous implementations that track the "time-since-last-run" metric for potential disk failures might be affected, but at least disk damage is maximally mitigated by marking the log directory as offline. If all log directories are offline, "time-since-last-run" will not be updatedThis KIP should have no compatibility issues.

Rejected Alternatives

If there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.

  • Restart `CleanerThread` - it will most likely inevitably hit the same problem before it is able to compact more
  • Mark disk volumes as "uncleanable" on first encountered error. While this would work, in practice it would not help as most deployments use a single volume. Also, if the error is caused by a bug in the partition itself (as shown by most JIRA issues in the Motivation paragraph), this will unnecessarily stop compaction of all other partitions.
  • Mark log directories as offline after a certain threshold of uncleanable bytes or number of uncleanable partitions. - uncleanable partitions threshold proved insufficient since previous problems that have been encountered affected a small number of partitions (__consumer_offsets topic). threshold of uncleanable bytes is hard to get right, as it should be different for each user and the default value should best be -1 (disabled)