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Table of Contents

Common EU requirements



including VAT in


the web shop (commerce component)

Implemented since R10.04 see this David's comment (he implemented it) and this thread for details


Separating collected and due taxes is mandatory and done in OFBiz though no VAT specific accounts exist. See "Purchase order VAT" section below. We need at least an incoming tax (sales) GLAccount and an outgoing tax (purchase) GLAccount. Here is an interesting comment by Enrique Ruibal A.

Discounts applied per line

Currently OFbiz applies global discount on invoice level. This is not always valid for VAT depending on countries.
For instance it's OK for UK, and maybe Germany, but not in France and Italy where they should be grouped by VAT rates.


The price for the customer is the same. But the VAT to be paid to the tax authority is wrong in the 1st case. It's also a problem if your client want to recover VAT from tax authority. Another way is to calculate based on the price including VAT but to remove the non exigible part (here 19.6 - 17.64 = 1,96, ie 10% of the total VAT paid in the 1st case)


In most countries there is need for monthly or in general periodic VAT reports with all sales and purchases.


Since 1st January 2010, VAT is handled another way in EU (at least in France). In France for instance, you must declare (on the Net) the fiscal values (for instance total amount, without taxes, due for services supplied in EU, but not in France) each 10 of month for the previous month. This results from this EU directive in order to prevent VAT carrousel. You don't charge VAT, but must show the customer VAT EU number on invoices.


There is not always direct connection between invoice date and VAT. E.g in Poland if purchase invoice is received more than 2 months from purchase it will not decrease amount of VAT to be paid. Same in France, must be the same month, but you may regularise in a delay of 2 years.


For Export invoice there can be requirement for document which will confirm that goods has been exported (to apply 0% VAT)

Purchase order VAT

I will implement this shortly the following way: (have a customer who wants it)


Paul Foxworthy 2010-10-21 The trouble is that the product store is being used to determine the tax that applies for sales, but there is no product store for purchases. There needs to be another way of determining the tax that applies to purchase orders. It is true, as tax on a purchase order is just an estimate , but if you are paying at the time of purchase order, you want an accurate estimate so you pay the right tax with the order.

Shipment cost VAT

Shipment cost should be VAT aware (amounts should be splitted for netto + VAT on invoices). There is a field for that in Tax Autorithies/Product Rate : TaxAuthorityRateProduct.taxShipping.


But there are a large variety of laws depending on cases and countries. OFBIZ-1067710679 has been opened for that.

France requirements (from misc. articles in French)

If you re-invoice the carrier's costs to the nearest euro and the carrier has not charged you VAT, you can not charge VAT on the transport.


For other more complex cases, please refer to

Invoices requirements (including rounding)

We should research the common ground for invoices and POS receipts Quoting Jacopo in this commit
Now most of the mandatory information required by EU/VAT countries as described here
This commit implements


Important: the information that are not relevant for "sales tax" invoices (e.g. US invoices) are not rendered if VAT taxes are not available in the invoice.

UK requirements (from this interesting thread. We should check if OFBiz is OK, I guess so but maybe some quirks)
VAT invoices must show:

  • an identifying number;
  • your name, address and VAT registration number;
  • the time of supply (tax point);
  • date of issue (if different to the time of supply);
  • your customer's name (or trading name) and address;
  • the type of supply (see 16.3.2 below); and
  • a description which identifies the goods or services supplied.


  • the total charge made, excluding VAT;
  • the rate of any cash discount offered;
  • each rate of VAT charged and the amount of VAT charged at each rate and shown in sterling; and
  • the total amount of VAT charged, shown in sterling.
    It seems that for most UE coutries (at least UK, France and Italy) it's not mandatory to calculate VAT for each item but for each existing rate in the invoice.

France requirements (from Wikipedia in french)

  • An unique bill number based on a chronological and continuous sequence,
  • the complete names of salesman and customer with respective addresses,
  • the individual number of identification to the VAT of the salesman and customer (the number of VAT of the customer remains optional for operations realised in France),
  • the date back to delivery or bill transmission.


  • The tax amount to pay and, by rate, VAT excluded total and corresponding tax (If the liable is brought to bill another VAT that the French VAT, she/he must specify very clearly that it is a tax of such or such foreign country).
  • If need be, a mention indicating that the operation benefits from a measure of exemption (with law reference), or of an auto-liquidation or profitable margin system.
  • The date at which the payment must take place,
  • the rate of the payable penalties begining the day following the date at which the payment must take place,
  • discount conditions.

Exemption tracking

Exemption and zero rate adjustments are not tracked at the accounting level (Invoice and InvoiceItem entities). This makes sense as no payments can be applied against them. Anyway it's not an issue as we can trace back to order adjustments (OrderAdjustment entity) from invoices through the OrderBilling entity.

Requirements by






Unique invoice number based on a chronological and continuous sequence








Discounts applied per line



Ofbiz supports invoice level discounts. This is not valid for VAT. For VAT, amount for each line must be known, so discounts
have to be recalculated for each line.








I.e. there can be invoices with different VAT rates per line.





Important: rounding may only take place one time per VAT rate (after all calc. VAT amounts are summed up for that rate)











Some products can have different tax rate when selling to different type of customer. E.g. In Poland flat/house renting is 0% for individual
customer but 22% when renting for company. This is usually handled by creating different products for different VAT rates.



Similar situtation in Germany: FastFood restaurants: take-a-way food has 7%, stay-here is 19%, usually handled via different products, too.



Same in France : only rates change (5.5% and 19.6%) (I wonder why they did not choose 5.55468 and 19.65548754, hey it's France ;o)



Has different VAT rates, for different type of goods



Official EU document Wikipedia (could be more updated than EU document)



0%, 7%, 19%



2.1%, 5.5% 19.6% (there is no 0% rate in France only conditionnal exemption)



0%, 4%, 8%, 18%



Apply VAT for sales in INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION country Official EU document 




Apply VAT for sales outside EU



Buyer may get VAT back from German Customs Auth. when he proves, that goods leave Germany (or EU?)



There are some exceptions with DOM-TOM (no metropolitan territories) and electricity.
See for details, notably about services
which can be complex


no: goods
complex : services







Apply VAT for sales outside INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION country && inside EU && with valid VAT ID (B2B)



INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION may have to proof that goods left Germany (for Tax Auth.)



In Poland there is also need for spedition document to have proof that goods left Poland



Same in France (document de transport)
Les exportations par le vendeur français sont exonérées de TVA lorsqu'elles remplissent certaines conditions :
- inscription de mentions concernant l'exportation dans les livres comptables,
- production d'une déclaration d'exportation visée par le bureau des douanes, le DAU (document administratif unique).

Pour les marchandises d'une valeur inférieure à 800 euros et d'un poids net inférieur à 1 000 kg, le DAU peut être remplacé par une simple facture commerciale, dont l'exportateur doit conserver le deuxième exemplaire visé par le service des douanes.

Ces règles sont assouplies si l'expédition est effectuée par paquets postes ou colis postaux d'une valeur inférieure à 8 000 euros
More at (PDF in French)

Mandatory mentions on invoices.

  • For goods : «exonération TVA, article 262 ter I du CGI»
  • For services : «exonération TVA, article 259B du CGI»





Apply VAT for sales outside INTERNAL_ORGANIZATION country && inside EU && without valid VAT ID (B2C)












Apply VAT for purchases like sales






Common South America requirements
