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JIRAKAFKA-5142 - KIP-145 - Expose Record Headers in Kafka Connect

Released: 1.1.0

Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


A new org.apache.kafka.connect.Header interface will be added and used as the public API for a single header on a record. The interface defines simple getters for the key, the value, and the value's schema, as well as convenience methods that convert the value to specified types. These are immutable objects, and there are also methods to creating a new Header object with a different name or value.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.header;
public interface Header {

    // Access the key and value
    String key(); // never null
    SchemaAndValue schemaAndValue(); // never null, but may contain null schema and/or null value
    Schema schema(); // may be null
    Object valueAsObjectvalue(); // may be null

    // ConvertMethods theto valuecreate toa thecopy
 specified type, throwing theHeader exception when the conversion is not possiblewith(Schema schema, Object value);
    ObjectHeader valueAsTyperename(Schema.TypeString typekey) throws DataException;

    // Convenience methods to convert the value to a desired type, throwing the exception when the conversion is not possible
    byte[] valueAsBytes() throws DataException;
    String valueAsString();
    byte valueAsByte() throws DataException;
    short valueAsShort() throws DataException;
    int valueAsInt() throws DataException;
    long valueAsLong() throws DataException;
    float valueAsFloat() throws DataException;
    double valueAsDouble() throws DataException;
    boolean valueAsBoolean() throws DataException;
    <T> List<T> valueAsList() throws DataException;
    <K, V> Map<K, V> valueAsMap() throws DataException;
    Struct valueAsStruct() throws DataException;

    // Convenience methods to convert the value to a logical type, throwing the exception when the conversion is not possible
    java.util.Date valueAsDate() throws DataException;
    java.util.Date valueAsTime() throws DataException;
    java.util.Date valueAsTimestamp() throws DataException;
    BigDecimal valueAsDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode) throws DataException;

    // Methods to create a copy
    Header with(Schema schema, Object;


A new org.apache.kafka.connect.Headers interface will also be added and used as the public API for the ordered list of headers for a record. This is patterned after Kafka client's org.apache.kafka.common.header.Headers interface as an ordered list of headers where multiple headers with the same name are allowed. The Connect Headers interface defines methods to access the individual Header objects sequentially and/or by name, and to get information about the number of Header objects. It also defines methods to add, remove, and retain Header objects using a variety of signatures that will be easy for connectors and transforms to use. And since multiple Header objects can have the same name, transforms need an easy way to modify and/or remove existing Header objects, and the apply(HeaderTransform) and apply(String, HeaderTransform) methods make it easy to use custom lambda functions to do this.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.header;
public interface Headers extends Iterable<Header> {

    // Information about the Header instances
    int size();
    boolean isEmpty();
    Iterator<Header> allWithName(String key);
    Header lastWithName(String key);

    // Add Header instances to this object
    Headers add(Header header);
    Headers add(String key, SchemaAndValue schemaAndValue);
    Headers add(String key, Object value, Schema schema);
    Headers addString(String key, String value);
    Headers addBoolean(String key, boolean value);
    Headers addByte(String key, byte value);
    Headers addShort(String key, short value);
    Headers addInt(String key, int value);
    Headers addLong(String key, long value);
    Headers addFloat(String key, float value);
    Headers addDouble(String key, double value);
    Headers addBytes(String key, byte[] value);
    HeaderHeaders renameaddList(String key);


A new org.apache.kafka.connect.Headers interface will also be added and used as the public API for the ordered list of headers for a record. This is patterned after Kafka client's org.apache.kafka.common.header.Headers interface as an ordered list of headers where multiple headers with the same name are allowed. The Connect Headers interface defines methods to access the individual Header objects sequentially and/or by name, and to get information about the number of Header objects. It also defines methods to add, remove, and retain Header objects using a variety of signatures that will be easy for connectors and transforms to use. And since multiple Header objects can have the same name, transforms need an easy way to modify and/or remove existing Header objects, and the apply(HeaderTransform) and apply(String, HeaderTransform) methods make it easy to use custom lambda functions to do this.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.header;
public interface Headers extends Iterable<Header> {, List<?> value, Schema schema);
    Headers addMap(String key, Map<?, ?> value, Schema schema);
    Headers addStruct(String key, Struct value);
    Headers addDecimal(String key, BigDecimal value);
    Headers addDate(String key, java.util.Date value);
    Headers addTime(String key, java.util.Date value);
    Headers addTimestamp(String key, java.util.Date value);

    // Remove and/or retain the latest Header
    Headers clear();
    Headers remove(String key);
    Headers retainLatest(String key);
    Headers retainLatest();

    // Create a Informationcopy aboutof thethis HeaderHeaders instancesobject
    intHeaders sizeduplicate();

    boolean isEmpty();
    Iterator<Header> allWithName(String key);
    Header lastWithName(String key);

    // Add Header instances to this object// Apply transformations to named or all Header objects
    Headers addapply(HeaderHeaderTransform headertransform);
    Headers addapply(String key, SchemaAndValueHeaderTransform schemaAndValuetransform);
    Headersinterface add(String key, Object value, Schema schema);
HeaderTransform {
        HeadersHeader addStringapply(String key, String valueHeader header);
    Headers addBoolean(String key, boolean value);
    Headers addByte(String key, byte value);
    Headers addShort(String key, short value);
    Headers addInt(String key, int value);
    Headers addLong(String key, long value);
    Headers addFloat(String key, float value);
    Headers addDouble(String key, double value);
    Headers addBytes(String key, byte[] value);
    Headers addList(String key, List<?> value, Schema schema);
    Headers addMap(String key, }


Connect Records

Every Kafka message contains zero or more header name-value pairs, and so the Connect record classes will be modified to have a non-null Headers object that can be modified in place. The existing ConnectRecord abstract class is the base class for both SourceRecord and SinkRecord, and will be changed to have the new headers field populated with a ConnectHeaders object. The signatures of all existing constructors and methods will be unmodified to maintain backword compatibility, but the existing constructor will populate the new headers field with a ConnectHeaders object. And, the toString()hashCode(), and equalTo(Object) methods will be changed to make use of the new headers field.

A new constructor and several new methods will be added to this existing class:

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.connector;
public abstract class ConnectRecord<R extends ConnectRecord<R>> {

   /* The following will be added to this class */
   private final Headers headers;
   public ConnectRecord(String topic, Integer kafkaPartition,
                     Schema keySchema, Object key,
                     Schema valueSchema, Object value,
                     Long timestamp, Iterable<Header> headers) {
       this(topic, kafkaPartition, keySchema, key, valueSchema, value, timestamp);
       if (headers == null) {
           this.headers = new ConnectHeaders();
       } else if (headers instanceof ConnectHeaders)Map<?, ?> value, Schema schema);
    Headers addStruct(String key, Struct value);
    Headers addDecimal(String key, BigDecimal value);
    Headers addDate(String key, java.util.Date value);
    Headers addTime(String key, java.util.Date value);
    Headers addTimestamp(String key, java.util.Date value);

    // Remove and/or retain the latest Header
    Headers clear();
    Headers remove(String key);
    Headers retainLatest(String key);
    Headers retainLatest();

    // Create a copy of this Headers object
    Headers duplicate();

    // Apply transformations to named or all Header objects
    Headers apply(HeaderTransform transform);
    Headers apply(String key, HeaderTransform transform);
    interface HeaderTransform {
        Header apply(Header header);
    this.headers = (ConnectHeaders)headers;


Connect Records

Every Kafka message contains zero or more header name-value pairs, and so the Connect record classes will be modified to have a non-null Headers object that can be modified in place. The existing ConnectRecord abstract class is the base class for both SourceRecord and SinkRecord, and will be changed to have the new headers field populated with a ConnectHeaders object. The signatures of all existing constructors and methods will be unmodified to maintain backword compatibility, but the existing constructor will populate the new headers field with a ConnectHeaders object. And, the toString()hashCode(), and equalTo(Object) methods will be changed to make use of the new headers field.

A new constructor and several new methods will be added to this existing class:

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.connector;
public abstract class ConnectRecord<R extends ConnectRecord<R>> {

   /* The following will be added to this class */
   private final Headers headers;
   public ConnectRecord(String topic, Integer kafkaPartition,
                     Schema keySchema, Object key,
     else {
           this.headers = new ConnectHeaders(headers);

   public Headers headers() {
       return headers;

   public abstract R newRecord(String topic, Integer kafkaPartition, Schema keySchema, 
                               Object key, Schema valueSchema, Object value, Long timestamp, 
                 Schema valueSchema, Object value,
                     Long timestamp, Iterable<Header> headers) {
       this(topic, kafkaPartition, keySchema, key, valueSchema, value, timestamp);
       if (headers == null) ;


The existing SourceRecord class will be modified to add a new constructor and to implement the additional newRecord(...) method. Again, the signatures of all existing constructors and methods will be untouched to maintain backward compatibility.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.source;
public class SourceRecord extends ConnectRecord<SourceRecord> {
    /* The following will be added to this class */
    public SourceRecord(Map<String, ?> sourcePartition, Map<String, ?> sourceOffset,
  this.headers = new ConnectHeaders();
       } else if (headers instanceof ConnectHeaders) {
      String topic, Integer partition,
  this.headers = (ConnectHeaders)headers;
       } else {
           this.headers = new ConnectHeaders(headers);Schema keySchema, Object key,

   public Headers headers() {
       return headers;
Schema valueSchema, Object }
   public abstract R newRecord(String topic, Integer kafkaPartition, Schema keySchema, 
            Long timestamp, Iterable<Header> headers) {
        super(topic,       Object partition, keySchema, key, Schema valueSchema, Object value, Long timestamp, headers);
        this.sourcePartition = sourcePartition;
        this.sourceOffset = sourceOffset;

    Iterable<Header> headers);


The existing SourceRecord class will be modified to add a new constructor and to implement the additional newRecord(...) method. Again, the signatures of all existing constructors and methods will be untouched to maintain backward compatibility.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.source;
public class SourceRecord extends ConnectRecord<SourceRecord> {public SourceRecord newRecord(String topic, Integer kafkaPartition, Schema keySchema, Object key, Schema valueSchema, Object value,
    /* The following will be added to this class */

    public SourceRecord(Map<String, ?> sourcePartition, Map<String, ?> sourceOffset,
       Long timestamp, Iterable<Header> headers) {
        return new    StringSourceRecord(sourcePartition, sourceOffset, topic, Integer partition,
                        Schema kafkaPartition, keySchema, Object key,
 valueSchema, value, timestamp, headers);


Likewise, the existing SinkRecord class will be modified to add a new constructor and to implement the additional newRecord(...) method. Again, the signatures of all existing constructors and methods will be untouched to maintain backward compatibility.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.sink;
public class SinkRecord extends ConnectRecord<SinkRecord> {
 Schema valueSchema, Object value,
/* The following will be added to this class */

    public SinkRecord(String topic, int partition, 
         Long timestamp, Iterable<Header> headers) {
        super(topic, partition, Schema keySchema, Object key, Schema valueSchema, Object value, long timestampkafkaOffset, headers);
        this.sourcePartition = sourcePartition;
        this.sourceOffset = sourceOffset;
  Long  }

    @Overridetimestamp, TimestampType timestampType, Iterable<Header> headers) {
    public   SourceRecord newRecordsuper(String topic, Integer kafkaPartitionpartition, Schema keySchema, Object key, Schema valueSchema, Objectvalue, valuetimestamp, headers);
        this.kafkaOffset = kafkaOffset;
        this.timestampType = timestampType;

    public SinkRecord LongnewRecord(String timestamptopic, Iterable<Header>Integer headers) {
        return new SourceRecord(sourcePartition, sourceOffset, topic, kafkaPartition, keySchema, key, valueSchema, value, timestamp, headers);


Likewise, the existing SinkRecord class will be modified to add a new constructor and to implement the additional newRecord(...) method. Again, the signatures of all existing constructors and methods will be untouched to maintain backward compatibility.

Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.sink;
public class SinkRecord extends ConnectRecord<SinkRecord> {
    /* The following will be added to this class */

    public SinkRecord(String topic, int partition, 
                      Schema keySchema, Object key, Schema valueSchema, Object value, long kafkaOffset,
                      Long timestamp, TimestampType timestampType, Iterable<Header> headers) {
        super(topic, partition, keySchema, key, valueSchema, value, timestamp, headers);
        this.kafkaOffset = kafkaOffset;
        this.timestampType = timestampType;

    public SinkRecord newRecord(String topic, Integer kafkaPartition, Schema keySchema, Object key, Schema valueSchema, Object value,
                                Long timestamp, Iterable<Header> headers) {
        return new SinkRecord(topic, kafkaPartition, keySchema, key, valueSchema, value, kafkaOffset(), timestamp, timestampType, headers);


Serialization and Deserialization

This proposal adds a new interface that is patterned after the existing interface except with header-specific method names and signatures.

kafkaPartition, Schema keySchema, Object key, Schema valueSchema, Object value,
                                Long timestamp, Iterable<Header> headers) {
        return new SinkRecord(topic, kafkaPartition, keySchema, key, valueSchema, value, kafkaOffset(), timestamp, timestampType, headers);


Serialization and Deserialization

This proposal adds a new interface that is patterned after the existing interface except with header-specific method names and signatures.

Code Block
public interface HeaderConverter extends Configurable, Closeable {

     * Convert the header name and byte array value into a {@link Header} object.
     * @param topic the name of the topic for the record containing the header
     * @param headerKey the header's key; may not be null
     * @param value the header's raw value; may be null
     * @return the {@link SchemaAndValue}; may not be null
    SchemaAndValue toConnectHeader(String topic, String headerKey, byte[] value);

     * Convert the {@link Header}'s {@link Header#valueAsBytes() value} into its byte array representation.
     * @param topic the name of the topic for the record containing the header
     * @param headerKey the header's key; may not be null
     * @param schema the schema for the header's value; may be null
     * @param value the header's value to convert; may be null
     * @return the byte array form of the Header's value; may be null if the value is null
    byte[] fromConnectHeader(String topic, String headerKey, Schema schema, Object value);

     * Configuration specification for this set of header converters.
     * @return the configuration specification; may not be null
    ConfigDef config();

Note that unlike Converter, the new HeaderConverter interface extends the Configurable interface that is now common for Connect interfaces that may have additional configuration properties.

It is possible for any existing implementation of Converter to also implement HeaderConverter, and all three existing Converter implementations in Connect will be changed accordingly to also implement this new interface by serializing/deserializing header values similarly to how they serialize/deserialize keys and values:

  • StringConverter
  • ByteArrayConverter
  • JsonConverter

A new HeaderConverter implementation will be added to convert all built-in primitives, arrays, maps, and structs to and from string representations. Unlike the StringConverter that uses the toString() methods, the SimpleHeaderConverter uses JSON-like representation for primitives, arrays, maps, and structs, except for simple string values that are unquoted. This form corresponds directly to what many developers would think to serialize values as strings, and it allos the SimpleHeaderConverter to parse these any and all such values and most of the time to infer the proper schema. As such, this will be used for the default HeaderConverter used in the Connect worker.

The following table describes how these values will be persisted by the SimpleHeaderConverter.

Schema.TypeDescription of string represesntationExample
BOOLEANEither the true or false literals strings 
BYTE_ARRAYBase64 encoded string representation of the byte array 
INT8The string representation of a Java byte. 
INT16The string representation of a Java short. 
INT32The string representation of a Java int. 
INT64The string representation of a Java long. 
FLOAT32The string representation of a Java float. 
FLOAT64The string representation of a Java double. 
STRINGThe UTF-8 representation of the string, without surrounding quotes. 
ARRAYA JSON-like representation of the array. Array values can be of any type, including primitives and non-primitives. Embedded strings are quoted. However, when parsing, the schema will only be inferred when all values are of the same type. 
MAPA JSON-like representation of the map. Although most properly-created maps will have the same type of key and value, maps with any keys and values are also supported. Map values can be of any type, including primitives and non-primitives. Embedded strings are quoted. However, when parsing, the schema will be inferred only when the keys are strings and all values have the same type.
{ "foo": "value", "bar": "strValue", "baz" : "other" }
STRUCTA JSON-like representation of the struct. Struct object can be serialized, but when deserialized will always be parsed as maps since the schema is not included in the serialized form.
{ "foo": true, "bar": "strValue", "baz" : 1234 }
DECIMALThe string representation of the corresponding java.math.BigDecimal. 
TIMEThe IOS-8601 representation of the time, in the format "HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'".16:31:05.387UTC
DATEThe ISO-8601 representation of the date, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".2017-05-21
TIMESTAMPThe ISO-8601 representation of the timestamp, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'".2017-05-21T16:31:05.387UTC


Configuration Properties

The Connect workers need to be configured to use a HeaderConverter implementation, and so one additional worker configuration named header.converter will be defined, defaulting to the SimpleHeaderConverter. A similar configuration property with the same name and default will be added to the connector configuration, allowing connectors to override the worker's header converter. Note that each Connector task will have its own header converter instance, just like the key and value converters.

Converting Header Values

Each Header has a value that can be used by sink connectors and simple message transforms. However, the type of the header's values depends on how the headers were created in the first place and how they were serialized and deserialized. A new set of conversion utility methods will be added to make it easy for SMTs and sink connectors to convert the header values into a type that it can easily use. These conversions may require both the original schema and value. The conversions to and from strings use the same mechanism described by the SimpleHeaderConverter above. 

For example, an SMT or sink connector might expect a header value to be a long, and can use these utility methods to convert any numeric value (e.g., int, short, String, BigDecimal, etc.). Or, a sink connector might expect a Timestamp logical data type, so it can use the Values.convertToTimestamp(s,v) method to convert from any ISO-8601 formatted string representation of a timestamp or date, or number of millis past epoch represented as a long or string.

These utility methods can be used for header values or for any value in keys, values, or within Structs, arrays, and maps. 


Code Block
package org.apache.kafka.connect.storagedata;
public interfaceclass HeaderConverter extends Configurable, Closeable {

    /**Values {

    // *All Convertmethods thereturn headernull namewhen andvalue byteis arraynull, valueand intothrow a {@link Header} object.DataException
    // * @paramif topic the namevalue ofcannot thebe topicconverted forto the recorddesired containingtype.
 the header
  // If the *value @paramis headerKeyalready the header's key; may not be nulldesired type, these methods simply return it.
    public *static @paramBoolean value the header's raw value; may be nullconvertToBoolean(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    public *static @returnByte the {@link SchemaAndValue}; may not be null
     */convertToByte(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    SchemaAndValuepublic toConnectHeader(String topic, String headerKey, byte[]static Short convertToShort(Schema schema, Object value);

 throws   /**DataException {...}
    public *static ConvertInteger the {@link Header}'s {@link Header#valueAsBytes() value} into its byte array representation.
     * @param topic the name of the topic for the record containing the headerconvertToInteger(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    public static Long convertToLong(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    public *static @paramFloat headerKey the header's key; may not be nullconvertToFloat(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    public * @param schema the schema for the header's value; may be nullstatic Double convertToDouble(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    public *static @paramString value the header'sconvertToString(Schema schema, Object value to convert; may be null) {...}
    public * @return the byte array form of the Header's value; may be null if the value is null
    byte[] fromConnectHeader(String topic, String headerKey, static java.util.Date convertToTime(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    public static java.util.Date convertToDate(Schema schema, Object value) throws DataException {...}
    public static java.util.Date convertToTimestamp(Schema schema, Object value);

    /** value) throws DataException {...}
    public static BigDecimal * Configuration specification for this set of header converters.convertToDecimal(Schema schema, Object value, int scale) throws DataException {...}
    // *These @returnonly thesupport configurationconverting specification;from maya notcompatible bestring null
form, which    */
    ConfigDef config();

Note that unlike Converter, the new HeaderConverter interface extends the Configurable interface that is now common for Connect interfaces that may have additional configuration properties.

It is possible for any existing implementation of Converter to also implement HeaderConverter, and all three existing Converter implementations in Connect will be changed accordingly to also implement this new interface by serializing/deserializing header values similarly to how they serialize/deserialize keys and values:

  • StringConverter
  • ByteArrayConverter
  • JsonConverter

Configuration Properties


is the same
    // format used in the SimpleHeaderConverter described above
    public static List<?> convertToList(Object value) {...}
    public static Map<?, ?> convertToMap(Object value) {...}
    // Only supports returning the value if it already is a Struct.
    public static Struct convertToStruct(Object value) {...}


Several new Simple Message Transformations (SMTs) will also be defined to make it easy for Connect users to move/copy headers into fields on the keys/values, and to create headers from existing fields on the keys/values.


The following is a sample configuration that moves two fields in the records' value into headers on the record:, and removes the fields.


Code Block
transforms.moveValueFieldsToHeader.fields=txnId, address, address



The following is a sample configuration that copies one header into a field in the record's value, but leaves the header as-is.


Code Block




This new transformation adds or inserts a header to each record. The transformation takes as inputs:


  1. Reuse the existing Kafka Header and Headers interfaces – This simple alternative would represent the header values only as opaque binary arrays, making it very difficult for Connect users to combine into data pipelines several connectors and transformations from multiple developers. It also would mean that the keys and values in Connect records are defined with schemas and various value types, but header values are handled very differently.
  2. Reuse the existing Kafka Header and Headers interfaces with utility methods – Similar to the previous alternative, except a family of utility methods would help connector and transform implementations work with headers. This was not clean, and still required connector and transform implementations to know how to serialize and deserialize the header values.
  3. Support only string header values – This option is easy to use, but significantly less flexible than Kafka's header support.
  4. Simpler serialization and deserialization – Modest header interfaces, with limited/simpler serialization and deserialization logic.
  5. Flexible header values but with cast/conversion methods as utilities – This would simplify the various interfaces (particularly Connect's Header interface), but at the expense of usability. The benefit is that it would be easier to implementConversion methods directly on the Header interface, rather than the Values.convertToX utility methods. Having the conversion methods on Header would be easier to use for headers, but the static utility methods serve the same purpose yet can be used anywhere and for any values.

See the history of this page for details on several earlier approaches.
