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The Phone Book Bean Example


And, as usual there is an empty constructor for the Entity Bean


... is the business interface that drives the above mentioned Entity Bean.


... is where the implementation of the local (and if there is, a the remote) interface exists. To explain what the annotations in this Stateless Session Bean means I will enumerate them:


  1. @Stateless - tells Geronimo that this is a stateless session bean
  2. @PersistenceUnit - tells Geronimo to retrieve a persistence unit defined in the persistence.xml and place it in the EntityManagerFactory note

    Note that PersistenceContext is used when you are directly obtaining a EntityManager. For an EntityManagerFactory use PersistenceUnit.



index.jsp is the JSP page that uses the EJB to access the database.



Deployment Plans

persistence.xml will specify the name of the PersistenceUnit. This name is used when referencing for the EntityManagerFactory. I have denoted it as PhonePU. I added an extra property called SynchronizeMappings so that the data in the database will not be overwritten.



Deployment Plan for the Application

plan.xml is generated by building the sample and can be found under ./myphonebook-jetty/target/resources/META-INF/plan.xml to deploy on jetty or ./myphonebook-tomcat/target/resources/META-INF/plan.xml to deploy on tomcat following a successful build of the sample. Shown below is the deployment plan for tomcat.



Building, Configuring, and Deploying the Application

Source Code


for Sample

Please reference Samples General Information for information on obtaining and building the source for this and other samples.

You can checkout the source code of this sample from SVN:

svn checkout Removed

Creating and Populating Database


Use a command prompt to navigate into the myphonebook directory and just give mvn install followed by mvn site command to build. It will create the myphonebook-ear-2.01-SNAPSHOT.ear under the myphonebook folder. Now, you are ready to deploy myphonebook application in the Geronimo Application server using either the plugins generated for tomcat and jetty or the deployment plan that was generated and the ear.
