Versions Compared


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  • POS
    • There is now a 800x600 setting (there was only 1024x768 before)
    • It's easier to deal with credit card external payment (using an external payment terminal)
    • There is now a French version of the Till Manual (Manuel du point vente)
    • The POS Technical Setup Process has been enhanced, also the POS System page
    • You are now able to switch on/off the virtual keyboards from the Admin screen
  • Ebay
    • Multiple Product Store support provided in eBay. Now user can have multiple Product Store and can maintain hierarchy to support multiple business using different product store.
    • Improved Ebay export screen and shown the WebSites that are associated with the Product Store.
    • Removed the dependency of search form on eBay from catalog component.
    • Improved associated of eBay category records with Catalog. Created new category type "PCCT_EBAY_ROOT" and maintain heirarchy of category association with catalog. This provides clear picture and easy to understand association of category with the catalog.
    • Couple of error message improvements.
      • In case low ATP proper error message was not coming for any product while importing order to the system. It was redirecting the blank page with one line message, that was not verbose enough. Improved error message for this.
      • Fixed bug: Error or Success message was not displaying for buziness time theme.
  • Google Base
    • Multiple Product Store support provided in Google Base. Now user can have multiple Product Store and can maintain hierarchy to support multiple business using different product store.
    • Improved Google Base export screen and shown the WebSites that are associated with the Product Store.
    • Removed the dependency of search form on Google base from catalog component.
  • Google Checkout
    • Process payment notification of Authorization, Capture and Refund from Google Checkout.
    • Improved refund code because it was not sending correct refund amount when we were returning more then one quantity.
    • Send item shipped request from OFBiz to Google in a collection instead of sending multiple request for each item shipped. Also show limitation messages for Google orders, while updating manual adjustments from order detail page.
  • Accounting / AR /AP
    • Refund for orders placed from PayPal express checkout was not working. Fixed this issue.
    • Payment Batches are created by assigning of Payments to FinAccount. In batching FinAccountTrans record is created and then it is assigned to Payment. So on cancelling payment batch if FinAccountTrans status set to cancel. And then association of Payment to FinAccount break and it will available for another batch.
    • Modify AR/AP main screen to be a portal page. Show list of "Past Due Invoices" and "Invoices Due Soon" in different portlets in AR/AP.
    • List Reconciliations under Financial Account must bee associated to the Finanacial Account.
    • FinAccount Reconciliation Search Result Table - Add new column for Cancel Reconciliation.
    • Add new field - Closing balance to Reconciliation Screen - This will sum of Opening Balance(default 0) + Reconciled Balance (default 0).
    • Improved error message while cancelling payment batch.
    • Add new feature to Bulk Print Invoices.
    • Add bulk status change action on AR find invoice screen, also add ability to print bulk invoices.
    • Financial Account Transaction - Enhance Deposit Slip Popup.
    • Reconciliation Screen Enhancements. In Financial Account At Reconciliation Screen (, rename field name "Reconciled Date" by "Reconciliation Date". A write a scheduled service (autoFinAccountReconciliation) which will call once in a day and get all of the reconciliation records whose reconciliation date is set in between current date.
    • Updated Check Run process to use PaymentMethod of paying organizationParty instead of FinAccount. finAccountId is now fetched from PaymentMethod and finAccount Transaction is created.
    • Added bulk action for updating invoice status. Also cleaned up javascript code to take advantage of prototype library. Still remains to move javascript in separate file and also css trick to show button disabled when it is.
    • Removed duplicate definition of CommonPartyDecorator. Added partyDecoratorLocation parameter to ar/ap web.xml file so they can find CommonPartyDecorator.
    • Added view entity to fetch Payment, PaymentType desc, PaymentMethodType desc, status desc and Party names for display in UI. Fixed depositWithdrawPayment.ftl, now uses view.
    • Adding mass payment status change to find screen. Also added few more details in payments list.
    • Renamed CommonAdminDecorator to CommonGlSetupDecorator, new name is close to the purpose. Added commonGlSetupDecoratorLocation context parameter. Allows easy way to override decorator in derived applications.
    • Adding a view to fetch data from Payment Group Member, Payment and FinAccountTrans entities.
    • When creating AP payment use PaymentMethod of organizationParty. FinAccount Transactions are created by fetching finAccountId from PaymentMethod.
    • Adding Find Bank Reconciliations screen.
    • Screenlets for Quick view into invoices past due and invoices coming due soon.
    • Improvements to PaymentGroup UI.Fixed issue with List of deposit slips displaying under FinAccount tab are not associated to FinAccount.This list should contain only those deposit slips which are created for selected FinAccount.
      Added ordering, Show deposit slips in search result in descending order of effective date.
  • Ecommerce
    • Moved few js files from Ecommerce to Ordermgr as Ordermgr screens can't be depended on Ecommerce component.
    • One of the biggest featured introduced in Ecommerce and which was "Layered Navigation of Categories." Layered navigation in an Ecommerce application allows the user to filter the product listing based on categories, features and price ranges. The user can apply multiple filters to the given product listing. He can narrow or expand his search and try different filter combinations so as to find the desired product.
    • HTML cleanup for Product Detail and other pages.
    • OFBiz Change cart item price according to the price role.
    • Shopping cart on checkout page does not gets update when a gift item is added in cart after applying coupon code.
  • Order
    • Add additional screen for gift card certificate buying functionality by CSR in Order manager application in add item page. Also add feature to fill survey on same page. Also if CSR selects "Create as new order" from Actions block for Gift card products then survey responses will be created automatically for the new order, which will be same as last order.
    • Better supportability for products of type MARKETING_PKG_AUTO in order processing and fulfillment process.
      • Show associated products for product of type "MARKETING_PKG_AUTO" on order items section of show cart page in order manager application.
      • Marketing packages should only shown backordered when ATP of product which compose Marketing packages product are less than quantity added in cart.
      • Pick sheets should show Products of type Marketing Packages along with the products which compose Marketing Packages.
      • Show link of production run created on order items section of Order detail page while placing order for product of type MARKETING_PKG_AUTO.
      • Product of type Marketing Packages should be shown on Verify Pick Screen along with Products they are composed of.
    • cancelAllBackOrders scheduled service should not attempt to cancel "Completed" Orders.
    • Fixed Bug: On order view page when clicking on "Create As New Order", the adjustments Shipping and Handling and Sales Tax are duplicated.
    • Order confirmation email doesn't send verbose content when any party doesn't have userlogin associated with it.
  • Product / Facility
    • New feature to upload multiple Additional View Images at Product Content.Moving services to correct component | location and renaming services so would be verbose enough to understand its purpose.
    • Added user friendly error messages on Shipment screens.

October 2009

  • POS
    New Client Profile screen (from Promo button in promo panel) allows you to search for all clients (all fields empty) or to focus on a client (at least one field filed) and edit his/her profile.
    You may select a client, then his/her card id will be used as a promo code. The idea is to generate promo codes and to use them as card numbers when creating physical cards.
    Also this allows much more possibilities as now the POS is customer aware...
