Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • git clone
  • git checkout asf-site
  • Update the website content including docs:
    • The gradle target releaseTarGz generates the Kafka website content including the Kafka documentation (with the exception of a few pages like project-security.html, which are only tracked in the kafka-site repository). This build target also auto-generates the configuration docs of the Kafka broker/producer/consumer/etc. from their respective Java sources. The build output is stored in ./core/build/distributions/kafka_2.13-2.8.0-site-docs.tgz.
    • Untar the file and rename the site-docs/ folder to 28/ (or, if the latter already exists, replace its contents). That's because the docs for a release are stored in a separate folder (e.g., 27/ for Kafka v2.7 and 28/ for Kafka v2.8), which ensures the Kafka website includes the documentation for the current and all past Kafka releases.
  • Update the javadocs:
    • Create the release Javadocs with the gradle target aggregatedJavadoc, with output under ./build/docs/javadoc/.
    • Copy the javadoc folder to 28/ (i.e., the full path is 28/javadoc/). If this is bug fix release, do this after the vote has passed to avoid showing an unreleased version number in the published javadocs.
  • Commit & push

Blog Post

  • For minor and major releases, consider writing a blog in If you don't have a blog account, just log into once with your Apache credential and notify the Kafka PMC chair, who can then invite you to the blog space. Follow the instructions for creating a preview.  Send the a link to the preview blog post to dev mailing for comments before publishing. (See INFRA-20646 for an issue about previews of blog entry drafts.). Since the Apache blogs platform is now sunset, we've added a blog section to the Kafka website. Unfortunately this requires writing it in HTML, see the blog.html file in kafka-site.
  • It's nice to thank as many people as we can identify.  This script assumes that the previous release was 3.2.x and the current release is 3.3.0

    No Format
    # Configure the branch name for the current release and the previous release
    # Get the latest common commit between them
    # List of all contributors
    git shortlog -sn --no-merges "$MERGE_BASE..$CURRENT_RELEASE_BRANCH" | cut -f2 | sort --ignore-case | uniq > /tmp/kafka_contributors.txt
    # Copy the list (don't forget to drop the trailing comma)
    cat /tmp/kafka_contributors.txt | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,/, /g' | xclip -selection clipboard

  • Consider incorporating any suggestions from the dev thread until release is announced
