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A Zone can be updated via an EventLink, ActionLink or Select component, or by a Form. All of these components support a zone parameter, which provides the id of the Zone's <div>. Clicking such a link will invoke an event handler method on the server as normal ... except that the return value of the event handler method is used to send a partial page response to the client, and the content of that response is used to update the Zone's <div> in place.

Code Block

<t:actionlink t:id="someLink" zone="myzone">update</t:actionlink>
<t:zone t:id="myZone" id="myzone">
    The current time is ${currentTime}


This return value is often just the zone's own body (as below), but it can also be an injected component or block. The value will be rendered, and that markup will be used on the client side to update the Zone's <div>.

Code Block

private Request request;

private Zone myZone;
Object onClickFromSomeLink()
   return myZone.getBody(); // AJAX request, return zone's own body


To support graceful degradation, you should detect that case in your event handler method and return a traditional response: a page, page name or page class. This is accomplished by injecting the Request object, and invoking the isXHR() method. This value will be true for Ajax requests, and false for traditional request.

Code Block

private Request request;

private Zone myZone;
Object onClickFromSomeLink()
    // return either the zone body (ajax) or whole page (non-ajax)
    return request.isXHR() ? myZone.getBody() : null;


The renderer for each zone can be the zone itself, a block, a component, a Renderable or a RenderCommand ... or an object, such as String, that can be coerced to either of these.

Code Block
titleFor Tapestry 5.3 and laterjava

private Zone userInput;

private Zone helpPanel;

private AjaxResponseRenderer ajaxResponseRenderer;

void onActionFromRegister()
        userInput).addRender("helpPanel", helpPanel);
Code Block
titleFor Tapestry 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3java

private Form registrationForm;

@Inject Block registrationHelp;

Object onActionFromRegister()
    return new MultiZoneUpdate("userInput",

    Note that MultiZoneUpdate is deprecated starting with Tapestry 5.3.


Remember that the component id (t:id) is used to inject the Zone component into the containing page or component. The
client-side id (id) is used ... on the client side to orchestrate requests and updates. You will often seen the following construct:

Code Block

<t:zone t:id="myZone" id="myzone"> ... </t:zone>

<t:actionlink t:id="update" zone="myzone">update</t:actionlink>


To have Tapestry update a zone without the usual yellow highlight effect, just specify "show" for the update parameter:

Code Block
<t:zone t:id="myZone" t:update="show">

You may also define and use your own JavaScript effect function (with lower-case names), like this:

Code Block

Tapestry.ElementEffect.myeffectname = function(element){ YourJavascriptCodeGoesHere; };


Autocomplete can be added to an existing text field:

Code Block

  <t:textfield t:id="accountName" t:mixins="autocomplete" size="100"/>


You must write an event handler to provide these completions. The name of the event is "providecompletions". The context is the partial input value, and the return value will be converted into the selections for the user.

For example:

Code Block

  List<String> onProvideCompletionsFromAccountName(String partial)
    List<Account> matches = accountDAO.findByPartialAccountName(partial);

    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

    for (Account a : matches)

    return result;
