Versions Compared


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6) This design also can work into an implement (attributed set of schemas for security) in regards ACL.  The Kafka server can do whatever it is trying to-do with the data.  The expectation here is that it can reach into a message and grab out the fields it knows about without having to know anything about the message.  The plugable schema storage layer should handle this nuance of mapping the calling applications understanding of the map and what the schema has stored.  The relationship between the callers mapped name == the schema mapped name is 1:many. e.g. the server wants to .get("identity") which has a structure it is expecting.  The kafka server should be able to get this ByteBuffer so it can read it regardless of the implementation.  Having this feature allow that to be more seamless.

7) I think built in initial support for Avro would be awesome and probably account for the largest percentage of existing Kafka installations.  We could use Camus encoders/decoders for avro / and json but with a layer of faster xml databind over it e.g. 


Code Block
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{DeserializationFeature, ObjectMapper}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
object JsonUtil {
  val mapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper
  mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
  def toJson(value: Map[Symbol, Any]): String = {
    toJson(value map { case (k,v) => -> v})
  def toJson(value: Any): String = {
  def toMap[V](json:String)(implicit m: Manifest[V]) = fromJson[Map[String,V]](json)
  def toObj[V](json:String)(implicit m: Manifest[V]) = fromJson[V](json)
  def toSeq[V](json:String)(implicit m: Manifest[V]) = fromJson[Seq[V]](json)
  def fromJson[T](json: String)(implicit m : Manifest[T]): T = {
object MarshallableImplicits {
  implicit class Unmarshallable(unMarshallMe: String) {
    def toMapFrom: Map[String,Any] = JsonUtil.toMap(unMarshallMe)
    def toMapOf[V]()(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Map[String,V] = JsonUtil.toMap[V](unMarshallMe)
    def toObj[V]()(implicit m: Manifest[V]): V = JsonUtil.toObj[V](unMarshallMe)
    def toSeq[V]()(implicit m: Manifest[V]): Seq[V] = JsonUtil.toSeq[V](unMarshallMe)
    def fromJson[T]()(implicit m: Manifest[T]): T =  JsonUtil.fromJson[T](unMarshallMe)
  implicit class Marshallable[T](marshallMe: T) {
    def toJson: String = JsonUtil.toJson(marshallMe)

Then we can make our objects from json easily.  Starting with this first is another approach it would definitly get things work better faster and we can refactor in avro to make sure it does support plugins.