Versions Compared


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  • There is always a big focus on the trunk and latest branches. We also need to think about what support is available for earlier releases and have a clear plan as well as communication about when a version reaches its end of life.

Question 3: How did you install or implement Apache OFBiz?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
with an integrator0%0
someone else did it for you0%0
we are an integrator40%30
Total Respondents: 75  


Comments and Conclusions



  • The objective of this question was to find out how OFBiz was installed.
  • I would have expected that the majority of non technical end users would have used an integrator but there was no response in this category

Question 4: Evaluate the following statements:


Answer ChoicesStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal
Finding documentation to download and install OFBiz was easy4%21%11%51%14%73
Finding documentation about setting up and configuring OFBiz was easy4%32%23%34%7%73
Finding documentation about how to customise or develop with OFBiz was easy10%35%29%24%3%72
Finding documentation about what OFBiz does 'out of the box' was easy21%40%27%10%3%73

Comments and Conclusions


Question 5: How long have you been using Apache OFBiz?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
Less than 12 months9%7
1-2 years31%23
2-5 years19%14
Over 5 years39%29
Not applicable as only evaluating OFBiz1%1
Total Respondents: 74  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 6: How many Apache OFBiz users do you have?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
10 or more47%34
Total Respondents: 72  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 7: How often do you use or search for information in the Apache OFBiz Wiki?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
Rarely (less than once a month)36%27
Sometimes (less than once a week)35%26
Often (once a week or more)27%20
Total Respondents: 75  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 8: How often do you search the Mailing Lists for information about how Apache OFBiz works?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
Rarely (less than once a month)20%15
Sometimes (less than once a week)31%23
Often (once a week or more)47%35
Total Respondents: 75  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 9: Evaluate the following statements


Answer ChoicesStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal
I think the Technical Documentation is the highest priority3%7%28%33%28%67
I think the End User Documentation is the highest priority3%7%23%25%42%69
I think both Technical and End User Documentation are important4%1%14%38%43%72

Comments and Conclusions

Question 10: Describe your involvement with the Apache OFBiz project and community


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
I am already officially involved21%16
I would like to get more involved28%21
I respond to question in the community mailing lists8%6
I ask questions or read the community mailing lists40%30
What community ?3%2
Total Respondents: 75  


Comments and Conclusions