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Comment: add some links





Use quit or exit to leave the interactive shell.


Resets the configuration to the default values (as of Hive 0.10: see HIVE-3202).

set <key>=<value>

Sets the value of a particular configuration variable (key).
Note: If you misspell the variable name, the CLI will not show an error.


Prints a list of configuration variables that are overridden by the user or Hive.

set -v

Prints all Hadoop and Hive configuration variables.

add FILE[S] <filepath> <filepath>*
add JAR[S] <filepath> <filepath>*
add ARCHIVE[S] <filepath> <filepath>*

Adds one or more files, jars, or archives to the list of resources in the distributed cache. See Hive Resources below for more information.

list FILE[S]
list JAR[S]

Lists the resources already added to the distributed cache. See Hive Resources below for more information.

list FILE[S] <filepath>*
list JAR[S] <filepath>*
list ARCHIVE[S] <filepath>*

Checks whether the given resources are already added to the distributed cache or not. See Hive Resources below for more information.

delete FILE[S] <filepath>*
delete JAR[S] <filepath>*
delete ARCHIVE[S] <filepath>*

Removes the resource(s) from the distributed cache.

! <command>

Executes a shell command from the Hive shell.

dfs <dfs command>

Executes a dfs command from the Hive shell.

<query string>

Executes a Hive query and prints results to standard output.

source FILE <filepath>

Executes a script file inside the CLI.


  • FILE resources are just added to the distributed cache. Typically, this might be something like a transform script to be executed.
  • JAR resources are also added to the Java classpath. This is required in order to reference objects they contain such as UDFs. See Hive Plugins for more information about custom UDFs.
  • ARCHIVE resources are automatically unarchived as part of distributing them.


  • ... MAP a.networkid USING 'wc -l' ...
    Here wc is an executable available on all machines.
  • ... MAP a.networkid USING '/home/nfsserv1/hadoopscripts/' ...
    Here may be accessible via an NFS mount point that's configured identically on all the cluster nodes.

Note that Hive configuration parameters can also specify jars, files, and archives. See Configuration Variables for more information.

Beeline CLI for HiveServer2
