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titleAdminClient API

public class AdminClient {

* A client is instantiated by providing a set of key-value pairs as configuration. Most
* of the settings will be related to NetworkClient
* @param properties settings related to Network client and at least one broker from KafkaCluster to connect to
public AdminClient(Properties properties);

* Initiates topics creation.
* This is an asynchronous call, it returns immediately once the server has accepted request and stored respective data in zookeeper.
* To simulate a simple blocking call Future.get can be called. This will ensure that metadata about newly created topics was propagated
* to all brokers
* @param createTopicRequestBody holder (built by means of respective Builder) of all required arguments to create topics
* @return java.util.concurrent.Future which holds topics creation result - a map topic-name - error code
* @throws ApiException in case of global error, which means topic creation was not even started
public Future<Map<String, Errors>> createTopics(CreateTopicRequestBody createTopicRequestBody) throws ApiException;

* Initiates topics alteration.
* This is an asynchronous call, it returns immediately once the server has accepted request and stored/changed respective data in zookeeper.
* To simulate a simple blocking call Future.get can be called. This will ensure that updated metadata about altered topics was propagated
* to all brokers
* @param alterTopicRequestBody holder (built by means of respective Builder) of all required arguments to alter topics
* @return java.util.concurrent.Future which holds topics alteration result - a map topic-name - error code
* @throws ApiException in case of global error, which means topic creation was not even started
public Future<Map<String, Errors>> alterTopics(AlterTopicRequestBody alterTopicRequestBody) throws ApiException;

* Initiates topic deletion.
* This is an asynchronous call, it returns immediately once server has accepted request and marked requested topics for deletion in zookeeper.
* To simulate a simple blocking call Future.get can be called. This will ensure that metadata with updated topic list was propagated to
* all brokers
* @param topics topic names to be deleted
* @return java.util.concurrent.Future which holds topics deletion result - a map topic-name - error code
* @throws ApiException in case of global error, which means topic deletion was not even started
public Future<Map<String, Errors>> deleteTopics(List<String> topics) throws ApiException;

* Lists all available topics in Kafka cluster.
* Topic is considered available if all brokers in cluster have received and cached metadata about it
* @return list of topic names
* @throws ApiException
public List<String> listTopics() throws ApiException;

* Checks whether topic with the given name exists
* @param topic name to be checked
* @return true if all brokers in cluster have received and cached metadata about it
* @throws ApiException
public boolean topicExists(String topic) throws ApiException;
* TODO: not finalized yet
* Request replication information about Kafka topics
* @return a mapping between topic name and topic description
* @throws ApiException in case of global error, which means topic description cannot be fetched for all topics
public Map<String, DescribeTopicOutput> describeTopics(List<String> topicNames) throws ApiException;

* Initiates long-running reassign partitions procedure.
* This is an asynchronous call, it returns immediately once server has accepted request, and created admin path in zookeeper.
* To simulate a simple blocking call Future.get can be called. This will ensure all that all partitions reassignments have completed.
* Note: currently there are only two possible states for reassigned partition: Completed, In Progress.
* @param reassignment schema among which replicas partitions will be reassigned
* @return java.util.concurrent.Future which is completed once all partitions have been reassigned
* @throws ApiException in case partition reassignment wasn't initiated on server
public Future<Void> reassignPartitions(Map<String, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> reassignment) throws ApiException;

* Checks the interim status of the partitions reassignment.
* Reassignment for concrete partition is considered completed if partition has been removed from
* admin zookeeper path and all cluster brokers have received and cached relevant AR metadata for the
* given partition
* @param reassignment schema same as was used for reassign partitions request
* @return two maps - completed and partitions for which reassignment is still in progress
* @throws ApiException in case reassignment verification wasn't initiated on server
public ReassignmentResult verifyReassignPartitions(Map<String, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> reassignment) throws ApiException;

* Initiates long-running preferred replica leader election procedure
* This is an asynchronous call, it returns immediately once server has accepted request, and created admin path in zookeeper.
* To simulate a simple blocking call Future.get can be called. This will ensure that all partitions leader has moved to
* preferred replica.
* Note: currently there are only two possible states for preferred replica leader election: Completed, In Progress.
* @param partitions that need to moved leader to preferred replica
* @return java.util.concurrent.Future which is completed once all partitions have moved leader to preferred replica
* @throws ApiException in case preferred replica leader election wasn't initiated on server
public Future<Void> preferredReplicaLeaderElection(Map<String, List<Integer> partitions) throws ApiException;

* Checks the interim status of the preferred replica leader election.
* Preferred replica leader election for concrete partition is considered completed if all cluster brokers have received and cached
* relevant metadata for the given partition
* @param partitions same partitions as for preferred replica leader election request
* @return two maps - completed and partitions for which procedure is still in progress
* @throws ApiException in case preferred replica election verification wasn't initiated on server
public PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionResult verifyPreferredReplicaLeaderElection(Map<String, List<Integer> partitions)
throws ApiException;

