Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


 -   Extending protocol with these messages: CreateTopic(Request | Response), AlterTopic, DeleteTopic

         -   Evolving TopicMetadaRequest_V0 to the next version

  • New client: AdminClient - a Wire Protocol client for administrative operations
  • New CLI tool: Kafka Shell - a single unified command line interface for administrative operations


  • Topic commands which include CreateTopic(Request | Response)AlterTopicDeleteTopicExtend TopicMetadataRequest to remove ISR

Please find details under specific RQ/RP schema proposal.



CreateTopicResponse => [TopicName ErrorCode]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string

CreateTopicResponse contains a map between topic and topic creation result error code (see New Protocol Errors). 

Alter Topic Request


AlterTopicRequest => [TopicName Partitions ReplicationFactor ReplicaAssignment]
TopicName => string
Replicas => int32
Partitions => int32
ReplicaAssignment => [PartitionId [ReplicaId]]
AlterTopicRequest is a batch asynchronous request to initiate topic alteration: replication parameters and replica assignment.
Request semantics:

1. If ReplicaAssignment is defined

    ReplicationFactor and Partitions arguments are ignored in this case.

    For each partition in ReplicaAssignment:

    1.1 If such partition exists and assignment is different from the current replica assignment

        It's a "reassign partition" request - add it to reassign-partitions json

    1.2 If such partition doesn't exist

        It's an "add partition" request - change topic metadata in zookeeper to trigger increase partition logic

2. Else if ReplicationFactor is defined

    2.1 If Partitions is defined    

        Regenerate replica assignment for all existing and newly added partitions, goto 1.

    2.2 If Partitions is not defined     

        Regenerate replica assignment only for existing partitions, goto 1.

3. Else if Partitions is defined (ReplicaAssignment and ReplicationFactor are not defined):

    3.1 If Partitions is less than current number of partitions return error code InvalidPartitions (since increasing number of partitions is not allowed).

    3.2 Otherwise, generate automatically replica assignment for newly added partitions, goto 1.


Multiple instructions for the same topic in one request will be silently ignored, only the last from the list will be executed.


Alter Topic Response


AlterTopicResponse => [TopicName ErrorCode]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string

AlterTopicResponse is similar to CreateTopicResponse.
Delete Topic Request


DeleteTopicRequest => [TopicName]
TopicName => string


DeleteTopicRequest requires only topic names which should be deleted.
Multiple instructions for the same topic in one request will be silently ignored, only the last from the list will be executed.
Delete Topic Response


DeleteTopicResponse => [TopicName ErrorCode]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string

DeleteTopicResponse is similar to CreateTopicResponse.

Topic Metadata Request V1


TopicMetadataReqeust_V1 => [TopicName]
TopicName => string
TopicMetadataRequest_V1 is an evolved version of TopicMetadataRequest. This request is intended to get actual topic metadata information and verify whether particular admin request (Create, Alter, Delete) has been completed by checking the expected and actual state of the topic.
TopicMetadataRequest_V1 requires only topic names. As with the first version, an empty topic name set results in returning information for all existing topics.
Topic Metadata Response V1


TopicMetadataResponse_V1 => [Broker][TopicMetadata]
Broker => NodeId Host Port
NodeId => int32
Host => string
Port => int32
TopicMetadata => TopicErrorCode TopicName [PartitionMetadata]
TopicErrorCode => int16
PartitionMetadata => PartitionErrorCode PartitionId Leader Replicas
PartitionErrorCode => int16
PartitionId => int32
Leader => int32
Replicas => [int32]
The new version of the TopicMetadataResponse has removed ISR because only the leading broker manages this metadata accurately


2. Server-side Admin Request handlers


If there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.

TopicMetadataRequest/Response: After some debate we decided not to evolve the TopicMetadataResponse to remove the ISR field (which currently can return incorrect information). There is a use-case for this in KAFKA-2225, so we will treat this a bug and fix it going forward. See KAFKA-1367 for more details