Versions Compared


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  • AdminUtils.assignReplicasToBrokers will be updated to create broker-rack mapping from ZooKeeper data before doing replica assignment. 
  • When making the rack aware assignment, it has the following properties:
    • When the number of partition is N (where N is a positive integer) times number of brokers
      • if each rack has the same broker count, each broker will have the same leader count and replica count.
      • if each rack has different broker count, each broker will have the same leader count, but may have different replica count
    • Assign to as many racks as possible. That means if the number of racks are more than or equal to the number of replicas, each rack will have at most one replica. On the other hand, if the number of racks is less than the the number of replicas (which should happen very infrequently), each rack should have at least one replica and no other guarantees are made on how the replicas will be distributed among racks. For example, if there are 2 racks and 4 replicas, one rack can have 3 replicas, 2 replicas or 1 replica. This is to keep the algorithm simple while still keeping other replica distribution properties and fault tolerance from the racks.
  • Implementation detail of the rack aware assignment (copied from pull request with slight modification):

    Code Block
    To create rack aware assignment, this API will first create an rack alternated broker list. For example,
    from this brokerID -> rack mapping:
    0 -> "rack1", 1 -> "rack3", 2 -> "rack3", 3 -> "rack2", 4 -> "rack2", 5 -> "rack1"
    The rack alternated list will be
    0 (rack1), 3 (rack2), 1 (rack3), 5 (rack1), 4 (rack2), 2 (rack3) 
    The leader of the partitions are chosen from rack alternated list round-robin. The follower 
    starts from the broker next to the leader. For example, assume we are going to create 
    assignment of for 6 partitions with replication factor 3. Here are the assignment created:
    0 -> (0,3,1)
    1 -> (3,1,5)
    2 -> (1,5,4)
    3 -> (5,4,2)
    4 -> (4,2,0)
    5 -> (2,0,3)
    Once it has completed the first round-robin, if there are more partitions to assign, the algorithm will start to
    have a shift for the first follower. The shift is N times number of racks, which N increasing for each round. 
    This is to ensure we will not always get the same set of sequence. In this case, for partitions number 6 to 11, 
    the assignment will be
    6 -> (0,4,2) (instead of repeating 0,3,1 as partition 0, as shift of 3 is added to the first follower)
    7 -> (3,2,0)
    8 -> (1,0,3)
    9 -> (5,3,1)
    10-> (4,1,5)
    11-> (2,5,4)
    When there are uneven number of brokers in racks, the algorithm may have to skip a broker if the 
    its rack is already used for the partition.  For example, assume the following broker -> rack mapping:
    0 -> rack1, 1 -> rack2, 2 -> rack2
    The rack alternated list is (0,1,2)
    To assign 3 partitions with replication factor of 2, the first partition will be assigned as 0 -> (0,1).
    The second partition will be 1 -> (1,2) if we follow the first example. However, since broker 2 is on 
    rack2 and rack2 is already used (for broker 1), we have to skip broker 2 and go to broker 0 instead. 
    Therefore, the final assignment for partition 1 is 1 -> (1,0). The complete assignments for 
    three partitions are 
    0 -> (0,1)
    1 -> (1,0)
    2 -> (2,0)
    As you can see, in this example, the leaders for 3 partitions are evenly distributed, but 
    replica distribution is not even. Broker 0 has three replicas, broker 1 has two, and 
    broker 2 only has one. Broker 0 is "penalized" to have the most replicas because it is the 
    only broker available in rack1.
    However, we do not always have to "skip" a broker because its rack is already used. If every 
    rack already has one replica of a given partition, skipping no longer helps. This happens if 
    number of replicas is greater than the number of racks for a given partition.
    As the result, if the number of replicas is equal to or greater than the number of racks, 
    it will ensure that each rack will get at least one replica. Otherwise, each rack will get
    at most one replica. In the perfect situation where number of replica is the same as number of 
    racks and each rack has the same number of brokers, it guarantees that both leader and replica distribution 
    is even across brokers and racks.
  • If one or more brokers does NOT have rack information
    • For auto topic creation, AdminUtils.assignReplicasToBrokers will create the same assignment as the current implementation (as if no broker has the rack information) and continue with topic creation. This allows auto topic creation to work when doing rolling upgrade.
    • For command line tools (TopicCommand and ReassignPartitionsCommand), an exception will be thrown. This will alert the user that a broker may be misconfigured. An additional command line argument --ignore-racks can be supplied to suppress such error and continue with topic creation ignoring all rack information.
  • UpdateMetadataRequest should be updated to correctly handle rack for both controller protocol version 0 and version 1.
