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Based on the feedback raised in on the mailing list discussion. . We would like to start some refactoring work to tidy and clean up areas of the framework.

What is the overall goal and what do we want to achieve?

Our overall goal is to tidy up the existing code to make it easier for us to maintain and improve.

What is re-factoring?

Refactoring is the cleaning, tidying or improving the existing code yet keeping the same functionality.


Refactoring is something that tends to happen naturally over time as code evolves. We have identified some key areas that could really benefit from an refactoring effort so would like to promote these areas for active clean up and refactor.

The key benefits of any refactor is cleaner, neater and simpler code.


What sort of issues have been identified that the re-factoring could help with?


  • A short list of 5 is good number to highlight the key areas
  • A  list will help focus the community


People Available to Help

If you are interested in being part of the working group on this please add your details to the table below.

NameContact DetailsLocation
Taher Alkhateebtaher at apache dot orgKuwiait
Jacques Le Rouxjleroux at apache dot orgFrance
Nicolas Malinnmalin at apache dot orgFrance
Julien Nicolasjnicolas at apache dot orgFrance
Gil Portenseignepgil at apache dot orgFrance
Sharan Fogasharan at apache dot orgCzech Republic
Hotwax Team ??  


Current Top 5 Re-factoring Focus Areas

1EntitySaxReader EntitySaxReader implements javolution interfaces and looks hideous     
2HtmlFormRendererHtmlFormRenderer is 3000 lines of code and the interfaces it implements
are also huge
3 XmlFormRendererXmlFormRenderer does not implement more than half of the methods     
4Dependencies on Deprecated Classes / ConstructorsLots of dependencies on deprecated classes / constructors (e.g.
HtmlScreenRenderer, FoScreenRenderer)
5Start.javaLots of dependencies on deprecated classes / constructors (e.g.
HtmlScreenRenderer, FoScreenRenderer)
 In ProgressTaher Alkhateeb  6Implementations with no interfacesImplementations with no interfaces (e.g. TemporalExpression, GroupModel,
Cache, etc ...)

