Versions Compared


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  • You need JavaService.exeThis is freely available at
    Documentation and example code are also available
    Unzip the (or
  • Where should the expanded files be located?
    Set up and run your script with the appropriate path. Ex:
    Code Block
    javaservice -install OFBiz %java_home%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll -Xms256M -Xmx512M
    -start org.ofbiz.base.start.Start
    -out %ofbiz_home%\logs\serviceLog.txt
    -err %ofbiz_home%\logs\serviceErr.txt
    -current %ofbiz_home%

Note: If your java sdk is installed under a directory with a space in it, the service will install, but not start properly, unless you change java_home to the DOS 8.3 name. For example, if your java sdk is installed in C:\Program Files\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_xx then you would set java_home=C:\PROGRA~1\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_xx* Go to the win2k services app and you should now find a service 'OFBiz' set up to run manually (this of course can be changed to run automatically if so desired).

  • Alternatively, the service can be started with the command:net start OFBiz
  • And the service can then be stopped with the command:net stop OFBiz




Due to some license issues with external libraries used in Selenium we cannot include this in the Apache trunk. However, a new component has been created which is free to download and use, but lives in an ofbizext repository. Drop this in hot-deploy. If you want to know more, please look at

1) For running "successive" test cases I used browser "Refresh" button but I think there might be some better option to handle this. Is there any option exists in Selenium IDE ?
If you want to chain execution of different tests, there is the notion of test suite. A list of tests to run one after the other (see;content-type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=neogia)


Here an example based on one of my test (;content-type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=neogia)

Code Block
<!-- create a variable named uid that contains an unique identifier -->
       <td>javascript{(new Date()).getTime() % 10000}</td>


3) What is the difference between click and clickAndWait ? I would like to understand why I'm getting different behaviors from click and clickAndWait functions. Here is the scenario: I want to perform the login and then verify some text on the page (what should be pretty straight forward...) My first approach was  using the clickfunction + pause function. Something like below:


The approach above worked fine and I was able to proceed with my test. However, I was looking the clickAndWait functionality and, per my understanding, this function should have a simlar behavior to my code above.. then I wrote the following:

Code Block

The code above is getting a "Permission Denied" message. I already check the URLs and I'm not launching a different domain (before I click I have http://domain/Login/ and after the submission I have http://domain/App/).
I think the right solution is to use clickAndWait command instead of click+pause because it always success contrary to click+pause (we dont known the page response time). I see no reason why you don't observe the same behavior with clickAndWait. Maybe it's because your are testing the login page that can be a little tricky to test due to the session handling.
To be sure to always start a test in a clean session, my tests always do the same actions :
1. logoff
2. login
3. check error
Here, an example of my standard login procedure under selenium  from (;content-type=text%2Fplain;cvsroot=neogia)

Code Block
<!-- Begin of standard login procedure -->
<!-- End of standard login procedure -->

Advices from Peter Goron


How to troubleshoot SQL Errors

If you receive an SQL error in ofbiz, it doesn't show the error from the database itself.  Instead, it shows a general error which isn't neccessarily clear.  Run the SQL directly on the database get a more helpful error message. AnchorNativeDatabaseTipNativeDatabaseTip