Versions Compared


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Tapestry 5.4.2 introduced has an API which makes it easy for server-side events to be invoked from JavaScript. In the server-side, you first need to annotate the event handler methods you want exposed with the new @PublishEvent annotation. Then, in JavaScript, all you need to do is to call the existing t5/core/ajax function with the server-side event name/type in the url parameter and with an options parameter containing an element property, be it null or specifying an DOM element to be used as the starting point for finding the event information. Here's one example:

Code Block
public class PublishEventDemoComponent
    JSONObject answer() {
        return new JSONObject("origin", "componentAction");
    JSONObject onAction()
        return new JSONObject("origin", "componentAnswer");

Notice that answer() and onAction() are ordinary event handlers, with nothing specific besides the @PublishEvent annotation.

Code Block
<div id="component" xmlns:t="">
	<p id="componentParagraph">I'm a <strong id="strong">component</strong></p>




but with slightly different parameters.

t5/core/ajax has two parameters: url and options. The first one was the difficult part to get when doing AJAX requests to event handler methods in Tapestry. You needed to inject ComponentResources, call componentResources.createEventLink() for each event handler method then pass all this information to JS through one of the JavaScriptSupport methods. Since 5.4.2, your JavaScript code only needs to know the event name (also called event type) and optionally indicate a DOM element to be used as a starting point for finding the event URL.

All event data is stored in data-componenent-events attributes. For page classes, it's put in the <body> element. For components, it's put in the first element rendered created by rendering the component. Given an HTML element, the search is done until one in this order until information for the given event is first found:

  1. The element itself
  2. The element's previous siblings, closest first (bottom-up)
  3. The element's parents.
  4. The page's <body> element.


Here's one example:

Code Block
public class PublishEventDemoComponent
    JSONObject answer() {
        return new JSONObject("origin", "componentAnswer");
    JSONObject onAction()
        return new JSONObject("origin", "componentAction");

Notice that answer() and onAction() are ordinary event handlers, with nothing specific besides the @PublishEvent annotation.

Code Block
<div id="component" xmlns:t="">
	<p id="componentParagraph">I'm a component</p>
    <p id="result">(no result yet)</p>

The template also has nothing special. When rendered, the component's events information is placed in the outer <div> (id="component"). 

We want to update the text of <p id="result"> with the value of the origin property of the returned JSON object when that element itself is clicked, so here's our JavaScript code, supposing we want to trigger the answer event:

Code Block
require(["t5/core/ajax", "jquery"], function (ajax, $) {
	$('#result').click(function() {
		ajax('answer', { 
			element: $('#componentParagraph'),
			success: function(response) {