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Comment: Add INVALID_REQUEST to AlterTopicsResponse


  • CLUSTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED (31) Authorization failed
  • INVALID_TOPIC_EXCEPTION (17) If the topic doesn't exist
  • INVALID_PARTITIONS (37) If the NumPartitions was invalid
  • INVALID_REPLICATION_FACTOR (38) If the ReplicationFactor was invalid
  • UNKNOWN_MEMBER_ID (25) If any broker ids in the PartitionAssignment included an unknown broker id
  • INVALID_REQUEST (42) If trying to modify the partition assignment and the number of partitions or the partition assignment and the replication factor in the same request.
  • INVALID_REPLICA_ASSIGNMENT (39) If a partition, replica or broker id in the PartitionAssignment doesn't exist or is incompatible with the requested NumPartitions and /or ReplicationFactor. The Detail message would contain further information.
  • NONE (0) If the request was successful and the alteration/reassignment has been started.
