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h1. Apache OFBiz Release Plan (aka How to do an OFBiz Release)


NOTE DEJ20060909: This document is still being created and is not a final draft, but should contain most of the operations needed to create a release. We may want to add more sections on preparing for a release such as more on testing, and stuff on the NOTICE, LICENSE, KEYS, etc files.


h2. Steps for testing a revision or branch before a release:


# For revision: svn export \-r $\{revision-number\} [] ofbiz


# For branch: svn export$


{branch-name} ofbiz


# cd ofbiz


# ant run-tests


# Check results... (search for \[JUNIT\])


# cd ..


# rm \-Rf ofbiz/


h2. Steps for a test snapshot type "release":


# Example file-base-name: apache-ofbiz-incubating-4.0.0.RC1


# svn export [


] ofbiz
# cd ofbiz
# echo $\{revision-number\} > REVISION


# ant run-install


# cd ..


# zip \-r $\{file-base-name\}.zip ofbiz/


# tar \-czvf $\{file-base-name\}.tgz ofbiz/\*


# gpg \--output $\{file-base-name\}.zip.asc \--detach-sig \--armor $\{file-base-name\}.zip


# gpg \--output $\{file-base-name\}.tgz.asc \--detach-sig \--armor $\{file-base-name\}.tgz


# openssl md5 $\{file-base-name\}.zip > $\{file-base-name\}.zip.md5


# openssl md5 $\{file-base-name\}.tgz > $\{file-base-name\}.tgz.md5


h2. Steps for creating a branch in preparation for a real release:


# Exaple branch-name: release4.0 (for a series of releases using 4.0.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, etc)


# svn co [


] ofbizroot
# cd ofbizroot
# svn copy trunk branches/$\{branch-name\}


# svn commit \-m "Created new branch: $\{branch-name\}"


h2. Steps for applying a fix from the trunk to a branch as part of maintenance:


# svn co$\


{branch-name\} ofbiz


# cd ofbiz


# svn merge \-r $\{revision-1\}:$\{revison\} [


# svn commit \-m "Applied fix from trunk for revision: $\{revision\}"


h2. Steps for creating a release from a branch:


# Example file-base-name: apache-ofbiz-4.0.0, or for framework only: apache-ofbiz-framework-4.0.0


# Example branch-name: release4.0.0


# svn export$\


{branch-name} ofbiz


# cd ofbiz


# For framework only release: rm \-Rf applications/


# ant run-install


# cd ..


# zip \-r $\{file-base-name\}.zip ofbiz/


# tar \-czvf $\{file-base-name\}.tgz ofbiz/\*


# gpg \--output $\{file-base-name\}.zip.asc \--detach-sig \--armor $\{file-base-name\}.zip


# gpg \--output $\{file-base-name\}.tgz.asc \--detach-sig \--armor $\{file-base-name\}.tgz


# openssl md5 $\{file-base-name\}.zip > $\{file-base-name\}.zip.md5


# openssl md5 $\{file-base-name\}.tgz > $\{file-base-name\}.tgz.md5