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User might want to restore cluster after crash or data loss to a specific point in past (before accident) with low RPO and RTO metrics ( It's also assumed that cluster is restored in a consistent state: data on primary and backup nodes are equal, previously committed and rolled back transactions are fully and correctly completed on all nodes.

It could be achieved with PITR (point in time recovery), or frequent (incremental) snapshots, or using both approaches. 

Current Ignite approaches

Currently there are some ways to stay on track, but all of them have disadvantages:

  1. Using snapshot (as base point) + external queue (Kafka, for example) with inserted data or operations:
    - Current snapshot process is pretty heavy as it relies on PME (Stop the World event), provide a load on IO (checkpointing, copying partition files) and RAM (using Copy-On-Write for updating pages) and time consuming => high cost for creating snapshots frequently.
    - Additional cost for maintaining external persistent storage (queue) with all changes.
    - User require to implement some part of failover (and restoring) logic and align other part of the solution with this logic.

  2. Using hot stand-by implemented with CDC or reverse-proxy: 
    - High cost to guarantee consistency of production and stand-by clusters (it also requires to guarantee the same order of all operations on both clusters).
    - Additional cost for maintaining second cluster and syncing clusters together.

    - In case of failure main cluster, system is running on single instance. It's required to return failed cluster fast to be confident that system is failure prone. But creating snapshot on the second instance (to use it to start-up first one) under the load is risky and isn't recommended.

  3. There is a default crash-recovery process for Ignite nodes: checkpoint + WAL + (historical) rebalance. There could be a way to make it work for snapshot (instead of checkpoint), but there are issues:
    - Default restore process doesn't apply transactions from WAL - not enough info whether this transaction was committed or roll backed on other nodes. Instead, a node receives updates from other nodes during the rebalance process.
    - WAL files are automatically cleaned (if unlimited size is not explicitly configured).

Proposed solution: Lightweight incremental snapshots

Ignite should provide:

  • a lightweight alternative to full snapshot creation (to avoid resources consumption)
  • a lightweight way to guarantee data consistency between nodes for such a snapshot (to avoid PME)

Solution is incremental snapshots based on the Consistent Cut algorithm and collecting WAL segments:

  • It provides lightweight creation (user can create them frequently to cover goal RPO):
    • Consistent Cut is a runtime, non-blocking, background process. It doesn't require PME, doesn't make a pressure on disk or ram, and fast to create.
    • Snapshot consist of WAL segments only. It's fast to create as it just collects archived segments, doesn't make a pressure on disk or ram, doesn't affect user's runtime operation (no COW, locks).
  • It guarantees transaction consistency:
    • Consistent Cut writes special marks at runtime into WAL files. Algorithm guarantees that the collection of committed transactions (and data entries within transactions) prior such point is equal on every nodes within a cluster. 
    • Restoring is mostly node local process. It's safe to restore every Ignite node autonomously (without any message between nodes) to such a mark.
    • Then it's faster than replaying all user updates from scratch, but slower than starting from full snapshot.

Cons and cost for the lightweight alternative:

  • RPO is good, but it still has a lower bound (up to several seconds, depending on cluster size, input load, transactions duration):
    • Consistent Cut is discrete and guarantees consistency for batch of transactions, not for every transaction;
    • it's required time for waiting while WAL segments are compacting and copying into snapshot directory.
  • RTO linearly depends on snapshot size.
  • Consistent Cut doesn't guarantee data consistency for Atomic caches. It requires an additional step by using ReadRepair.



  1. Pre-existing full snapshot.
  2. All WAL segments are presented since a previous snapshot (full or incremental).
  3. WAL segments are configured for compaction (`DataStorageConfiguration#setWalCompactionEnabled = true`).
    1. Snapshot doesn't need physical records for restoring. Compacting segments helps to optimize 1. space usage, 2. RTO by excluding excess info.

Consistent Cut

Algorithm description can be found on this page: Consistent Cut

Main ideas are related to incremental snapshots:

  1. Cut can be consistent and inconsistent. It's prohibited to create a snapshot on inconsistent cut.
  2. Restoring requires read WAL ahead for last incremental snapshot:
    1. There are 2 records in WAL for every consistent cut: ConsistentCutStartRecord and ConsistentCutFinishRecord.
    2. ConsistentCutFinishRecord contains info which transactions before ConsistentCutStartRecord has to be excluded from consistent state.
    3. Then it's important to read WAL ahead, reach ConsistentCutFinishRecord and only after that apply entries since previous Consistent Cut.
  3. In some circumstances it's impossible to create Consistent Cut anymore, full snapshot should be created (see below, limitations in Phase 1).
  4. Only one instance of Consistent Cut (and then incremental snapshot) can be created in one moment, concurrent process are not allowed.

Create an incremental snapshot

// Create incremental snapshot.
// SNP - name of pre-existing full snapshot.
// [--retries N] - amount of attempts to create incremental snapshot, in case of inconsistent cut. Default is 3.
$ --snapshot create SNP --incremental [ --retries N ]
^ -- Incremental snapshot SNP_1640984400 created at 2022-01-01T00:00:00.

Under the hood this command:

  1. Makes checks:
    1. Base snapshot (at least its metafile) exists. Exists metafile for all incremental snapshots.
    2. Validate that no misses in WAL segments since previous snapshot. SnapshotMetadata should contain info about last WAL segment that contains snapshot data:
      1. If snapshot is fullClusterSnapshotRecord must be written with rolloverType=NEXT_SEGMENT. A previous segment number is stored within existing structure SnapshotMetadata.
      2. If snapshot is incremental: stored segment number is a segment that contains ConsistentCutFinishRecord.
    3. Check that new ConsistentCutVersion is greater than version of previous snapshots.
    4. Check that baseline topology is the same (relatively to base snapshot).
  2. Starts a new Consistent Cut.
  3. On finish Consistent Cut:
    1. if cut is consistent: log ConsistentCutFinishRecord with rolloverType=CURRENT_SEGMENT  to enforce archiving the segment after logging the record.
    2. if cut is inconsistent: skip log ConsistentCutFinishRecord and retry since 1.
    3. fail if retry attempts are exceeded.
  4. Awaits the segment with ConsistentCutFinishRecord has been archived and compacted.
  5. Collects WAL segments since next of the last segment of previous snapshot (`prev + 1`) until segment that contains ConsistentCutFinishRecord for current incremental snapshot.
  6. Creates hardlinks to the compressed segments into target directory.
  7. Writes a meta files with description of the new incremental snapshot:
    1. meta.smf: 
      1. ConsistentCutVersion.
      2. WAL segments participated in this snapshot.
    2. binary_meta, marshaller_data if it changed since previous snapshot.
# Proposed directory structure
|-- SNP/
|---- db/
|---- inc/
|------ SNP_1640984400/
|-------- meta.smf
|-------- wal/
|------ SNP_1640985000/
|-------- meta.smf
|-------- binary_meta/
|-------- wal/

Restore process

// Restore cluster on specific incremental snapshot
$ --snapshot restore SNP_1640984400

With --snapshot restore  command:

  1. User specifies incremental snapshot name
  2. Parses snapshot name and extracts base and incremental snapshots
  3. Additionally to full snapshot check (already exists in SnapshotRestoreProcess) it checks incremental snapshots:
    1. For every incremental snapshot: extract segments list from the meta file and checks that WAL segments are presented.
    2. Order incremental snapshots by ConsistentCutVersion (from the meta file), and checks no misses of WAL segments since base snapshot.
    3. On reducer it checks that all nodes have the same ConsistentCutVersion on all nodes for specified incremental snapshot.
  4. After full snapshot restore processes (prepare, preload, cacheStart) has finished, it starts another DistributedProcess - `walRecoveryProc`:
    1. Reducer sends common ConsistentCutVersion to all nodes;
    2. Every node applies WAL segments since base snapshot while not reach ConsistentCutFinishRecord for specified ConsistentCutVersion.
    3. Process of data applying for snapshot cache groups (from base snapshot) is similar to GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager logical restore:
      1. disable WAL for specified cache group
      2. find `ClusterSnapshotRecord` related to the base snapshot
      3. starts discretely (cut by cut) applying WAL updates with striped executor (cacheGrpId, partId).
      4. enable WAL for restored cached groups
      5. force checkpoint and checking restore state (checkpoint status, etc).
      6. update local ConsistentCutVersion (in ConsistentCutManager) with restored one.

Atomic caches

For Atomic caches it's required to restore data consistency (primary and backup nodes) differently, with ReadRepair feature. Consistent Cut relies on transaction protocol' messages (Prepare, Finish). Atomic caches protocol doesn't have enough messages to sync different nodes.

TBD: Restore process should have an additional step:

  1. Check partitions state with `idle_verify` command;
  2. Start read-repair for non-consistent keys in lazy mode: on user get() operations related to broken cache keys.


  1. Incremental snapshot creation:
    1. Creation time (== min possible RPO).
    2. Amount of retries (due to cut inconsistency) while creating snapshot.
    3. Consistent Cut time (time between writing ConsistentCutStartRecord and ConsistentCutFinishRecord).
    4. Size of snapshot.
  2. Restoring incremental snapshot:
    1. Full snapshot restoring time, incl. restoring on base snapshot (== RTO).
    2. Time of WAL restoring phase (part of snapshot restore).
    3. Amount of parsed and restored WAL records / transactions / cache entries.

Snapshot System View

It's proposed to add new columns to snapshot system view: type of snapshot (full, incremental), name of base snapshot (for inremental)

class SnapshotView {
	String name;
	String consistentId;
	String baselineNodes;
	String cacheGrps;
	// New.
	String type;
	String baseSnp;


Phase 1 (MVP)

Goal of this phase is to deliver for user:

  1. Command that allows to create an incremental snapshot basing on the specified base (full) snapshot.


    1. IS creation fails if cache schema changed since base snapshot. Schemas are restored from full snapshot, while an incremental snapshot (IS) restores only data changes.
      1. Compare base snapshot with current cache info, fail if it has changed.
    2. IS creation fails if a baseline node was rebalanced since base snapshot.
      1. Check rebalance fact for every cache group with `RebalanceFuture#isInitial()` on node start – it is null if joining node doesn't need to be rebalanced.
      2. This fact should be written to MetaStorage and checked before incremental snapshot (by analogue with GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager#isCheckpointInapplicableForWalRebalance).
    3. IS creation fails if a baseline topology changed since base snapshot.
      1. Baseline topology is checked relatively to base snapshot. 
    4. IS creation fails if user tries to create it after restoring cluster on previously created incremental snapshot.

  2. Command that allows to restore specified incremental snapshot.


    1. Restoring on different topology is not allowed.
    2. IS guarantees consistency for Transactional caches only. Ignite should write WARN into log with suggestion to run idle_verify  check for Atomic caches, and restore them with ReadRepair  if needed.

  3. Snapshot SystemView contains info about incremental snapshots.
  4. Log messages with the Metrics info.

Phase 2

  1. Restoring of incremental snapshot should be able to overcome WAL inconsistency caused by rebalance.
  2. Improve the transaction recovery mechanism: recovery messages now are packed with ConsistentCutVersion, if it was set.

Phase 3

  1. Restoring of incremental snapshot should handle inconsistency of Atomic Caches.

Phase 4.

  1. It's possible to restore incremental snapshot on different topology.


Known solutions for creating backups ("snapshot" in terms of Ignite) in other databases:

  1. Consistent backup + continuous WAL archiving + MVCC (hybrid clocks)
    1. Cockroach (incremental backups + PITR).
    2. Yugabyte (full backup + PITR). Backups are created with a command, or by built-in schedule.
    3. Tarantool (incremental backups). User can reach continuous backup (PITR) by copying WAL files by self. 
    4. Mongo (PITR):
    5. HBase (incremental backups):
  2. Inconsistent backups + continuous WAL archiving
    1. Cassandra (incremental inconsistent backups + PITR). Cassandra restores keys (but not transactions) consistency after restoring using ReadRepair feature.

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