- Tapestry JumpStart by Geoff Callender
JumpStart is an easy way to learn Tapestry 4 or 5 by example, and it's free! It's an instant, working application, ready for you to explore and modify. It's built entirely on open-source items. You are welcome to use any part of JumpStart for your own applications.
- Shams Examples by Mohammad H. Shamsi
A variety of examples of Tapestry 5 pages and components.
- Chenille Kit by Massimo Lusetti
Collection of modules, services, utilities and components (many of which require only tapestry-ioc). Provide integrations with Google services, LDAP, Lucene, Mail, Quartz, JasperReports, Bean Scripting Framework, and more.
- Equanda-tapestry5 by Joachim Van der Auwera
Components useful for building enterprise applications. Includes Accordion, Tabs, Form Traversal. Amongst other things, these focus on easy input of data without the need for a mouse.
- Godcode Components by Chris Lewis
A mixed collection of components providing simple but time-saving functionality, as well as more exotic ones; built on top of the Prototype and Script.Aculo.Us JavaScript libraries.
- ioko-tapestry-commons by Ben Gidley, et al.
Provides components for caching, cache control, and simple Flash movie integration.
- Tapx by Howard M. Lewis Ship
Collection of modules and components: improved DatePicker, dynamic Tapestry templates, offline rendering using Tapestry, YUI integration, Confirm dialog mixin, Kaptcha components, and more!
- tacos-seam by Igor Drobiazko
Intregrates with JBoss Seam to manage conversational state
- Ars Machina by Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Tapestry/Hibernate extensions for Generic DAOs, standard CRUD interfaces, and user access logging and tracking.
- Tynamo project by Tynamo Team / Kalle Korhonen & Alejandro Scandroli
Tynamo is model-driven, full-stack web framework based on Tapestry 5, allowing you to jump directly for your Hibernate entities to a full-blown CRUD application. Tynamo provides several modules, including tapestry-model, tapestry-conversations, tapestry-hibernate-seedentity, tapestry-resteasy and tapestry-security.
IDE Integrations
- loom-t5 by Chris Scheid
Eclipse plugin for building Tapestry 5 projects