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This survey was created to get feedback about Apache OFBiz,and how the existing documentation resources support its installation and use. The information gathered will be used to help update and re-organise the documentation in way that will make it easier for a wide range of people to use.

  • It was conducted over the period 22nd September 2014 to 6th October 2014. Details of the survey was posted on the mailing list, Twitter and also Linked In groups.
  • A total of 76 responses were recorded and the details are recorded below.

Survey Catchment

Additional statistics were captured about the respondents country.

  • The majority of respondents were from Asia, followed by Europe and America.
  • The most common country from respondents was India, followed by the US and France.

The country breakdown was as follows:

CountryNo. ResponsesCountryNo. ResponsesCountryNo. ResponsesCountryNo. Responses
Netherlands2US14South Africa1Malaysia1

Response Frequency

The survey was open for a total of 2 weeks (22nd September  - 6th October 2014).

  • The majority of responses were recorded during the first two days
  • Based on this I would suggest that future surveys be limited to a week

Survey Questions

Question 1: Please tell us about how do you use Apache OFBiz. Do you

Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
install or implement OFBIz for other people's businesses?80%59
use OFBiz to run your own business?42%31
consult in the ERP space and evaluate or recommend OFBiz to clients?31%23
plan to look at evaluating OFBiz for your company's use?12%9
Other (please specify)0%0
Total Respondents: 74  


  • The objective of this question was to find out what the community profile was like.
  • This was a multi-answer question meaning that respondents could select more than one option.
  • It was surprising for me to find that the majority of respondents are OFBiz integrators or offer OFBiz consulting services as considering how long OFBiz has been around I would have expected a larger end user community.
  • Of the 9 respondents that were "evaluating OFBiz for their company's use" 6 of them were not integrators or consultants. This suggests that these 6 are in fact real end users.I suspect the end user community is a lot larger than this but perhaps they dont actively interface with the OFBiz community but rather with their OFBiz integrator or consultant. It would be interesting to survey this group further to gain more insights into their profiles.
  • Also the fact that there are so many OFBiz integrators and consultants in the market means that they must think that there is adequate OFBiz business to support them.


  • Currently the OFBiz project and mailing lists attract more integrators and consultants than end users

Question 2: Which version of OFBiz do you use?

Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
10.04 or earlier3%2
Total Respondents: 74  

Comments :

  • The objective of this question was to find out what version of OFBiz was being used by the community and therefore give some insights on plans for supported releases
  • At the time of the survey 12.04 was the current stable release and these figures show that 37% respondents were using 12.04 or earlier
  • It would be interesting to understand why respondents are using these earlier releases - do they have problems with the upgrade path to 13.07 or is it that OFBiz is still performing what they need it to do?
  • The high number (63%) of people using 13.07 and the trunk (NOTE: At the time of the survey unstable versions) could be closely related to the fact that the community profile is integrator and consultant rather than end user. The means that these versions are likely used for development and customer specific implementation.


  • There is always a big focus on the trunk and latest branches. We also need to think about what support is available for earlier releases and have a clear plan as well as communication about when a version reaches its end of life.

Question 3: How did you install or implement Apache OFBiz?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
with an integrator0%0
someone else did it for you0%0
we are an integrator40%30
Total Respondents: 75  


Comments and Conclusions


Question 4: Evaluate the following statements:


Answer ChoicesStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal Respondents
Finding documentation to download and install OFBiz was easy3158371073
Finding documentation about setting up and configuring OFBiz was easy3231725573
Finding documentation about how to customise or develop with OFBiz was easy7252117272
Finding documentation about what OFBiz does 'out of the box' was easy1529207273


Responses as a percentage:

Answer ChoicesStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal
Finding documentation to download and install OFBiz was easy4%21%11%51%14%73
Finding documentation about setting up and configuring OFBiz was easy4%32%23%34%7%73
Finding documentation about how to customise or develop with OFBiz was easy10%35%29%24%3%72
Finding documentation about what OFBiz does 'out of the box' was easy21%40%27%10%3%73

Comments and Conclusions


Question 5: How long have you been using Apache OFBiz?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
Less than 12 months9%7
1-2 years31%23
2-5 years19%14
Over 5 years39%29
Not applicable as only evaluating OFBiz1%1
Total Respondents: 74  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 6: How many Apache OFBiz users do you have?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
10 or more47%34
Total Respondents: 72  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 7: How often do you use or search for information in the Apache OFBiz Wiki?



Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
Rarely (less than once a month)36%27
Sometimes (less than once a week)35%26
Often (once a week or more)27%20
Total Respondents: 75  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 8: How often do you search the Mailing Lists for information about how Apache OFBiz works?


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
Rarely (less than once a month)20%15
Sometimes (less than once a week)31%23
Often (once a week or more)47%35
Total Respondents: 75  

Comments and Conclusions

Question 9: Evaluate the following statements


Answer ChoicesStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal
I think the Technical Documentation is the highest priority2519221967
I think the End User Documentation is the highest priority2516172969
I think both Technical and End User Documentation are important3110273172

as a percentage


Answer ChoicesStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeither Disagree nor AgreeAgreeStrongly AgreeTotal
I think the Technical Documentation is the highest priority3%7%28%33%28%67
I think the End User Documentation is the highest priority3%7%23%25%42%69
I think both Technical and End User Documentation are important4%1%14%38%43%72

Comments and Conclusions

Question 10: Describe your involvement with the Apache OFBiz project and community


Answer ChoicesPercentageNo. Responses
I am already officially involved21%16
I would like to get more involved28%21
I respond to question in the community mailing lists8%6
I ask questions or read the community mailing lists40%30
What community ?3%2
Total Respondents: 75  


Comments and Conclusions




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