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This section provides information for setting up a cluster in a virtual machine. Setting up a cluster in a virtual machine involves the following:


In addition to the standard requirements, the following are also needed:

  • Virtualbox
  • Vagrant

Starting the Cluster

To start the cluster, run the following:

vagrant up


At this point, the VM has a single node mesos cluster running.

To ssh into the cluster, run the following:

 vagrant ssh


The password for the vagrant user is vagrant.

Setting up YARN/Hadoop

To setup YARN/Hadoop inside VM, run the following YARN setup shell files:

1. Run the first YARN setup shell command from the vagrant directory to create a user hduser in group hadoop. Be sure to remember the password that you provide for this user.

 cd /vagrant


2. Run the second YARN setup shell command as sudo.

 sudo su - hduser
cd /vagrant


The following processes should be running:

9844 Jps
6709 NameNode
6393 JobHistoryServer
6874 DataNode

Process IDs are different.


Installing Myriad

Installing Myriad involves downloading the Myriad binaries from GitHub. The Myriad location is currently at

To install Myriad:

  1. Create a new myriad directory.
  2. Clone the Myriad GitHub.
  3. Pull the contents to the new directory.


Configuring Myriad

To configure the Myriad:

Step 1: Build Myriad

To build the Myriad Scheduler inside a VM, run the gradlew build:

 cd /vagrant
./gradlew build

If a build failure occurs, the issue is not with the build itself, but a failure to write to disk. This can happen when you build outside the vagrant instance first. To resolve this issue, exit the user hduser (type: exit) and build again as the vagrant user.


Step 2: Deploy the Myriad Files

The Myriad Schedule and Executer jar files and all the runtime dependences as well as the Myriad configuration file must be copied to $YARN_HOME.

  • The Myriad Scheduler jar files and all the runtime dependencies are located at:

  • The Myriad configuration file is located at:


Copy these Myriad Scheduler and Executer files to $YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/. The default $YARN_HOME is /usr/local/hadoop/.

cp /vagrant/myriad-scheduler/build/libs/* $YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/ 
cp /vagrant/myriad-scheduler/src/main/resources/myriad-config-default.yml $YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/
cp /vagrant/myriad-executor/build/libs/myriad-executor-x.y.z.jar $YARN_HOME/share/hadoop/yarn/lib/

Step 3: Configure the Myriad Defaults

 As a minimum, the following Myriad configuration parameters must be set:

  • mesosMaster
  • zkServers


Enabling Cgroups involves modifying the yarn-site.xml and myriad-config-default.yml files. If you plan on using Cgroups, you could set that property at this time. See Configuring Cgroups for more information.


To configure Myriad itself, update $YARN_HOME/etc/hadoop/myriad-config-default.yml with the following content:

mesosMaster: <mesos Master IP address>:5050
checkpoint: false
frameworkFailoverTimeout: 43200000
frameworkName: MyriadAlpha
nativeLibrary: /usr/local/lib/
zkServers: localhost:2181
zkTimeout: 20000
cpu: 1
mem: 1100
cpu: 2
mem: 2048
cpu: 4
mem: 4096
rebalancer: true
jvmMaxMemoryMB: 1024
user: hduser
cpus: 0.2
cgroups: false
jvmMaxMemoryMB: 256
path: file://localhost/usr/local/libexec/mesos/myriad-executor-runnable-0.0.1.jar

Step 4: Configure YARN to use Myriad

To configure YARN to use Myriad, update $YARN_HOME/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml with following content:

<!-- The following properties enable dynamic port assignment by Mesos -->
<!-- The following properties configure Myriad Scheduler  -->
<description>One can configure other schedulers as well from following list: com.ebay.myriad.scheduler.yarn.MyriadCapacityScheduler, com.ebay.myriad.scheduler.yarn.MyriadFifoScheduler</description>


Getting Started


To launch Myriad, run the following:

sudo su hduser start resourcemanager

Verifying Activity

To check that things are running, from a browser on the host check out the following urls:

    • Without the Mesos-DNS service, this IP is slave node's IP address where the ResourceManager is running.
    • With the Mesos-DNS service, Mesos-DNS discovers the node where the ResourceManager is running by using Mesos DNS FQDN (<app>.<framework>.mesos).
  • Mesos UI - Use the 5050 port and Frameworks directory. For example: http://<ip address>:5050/#/frameworks (

Shutting Down

To shut down from the vagrant ssh console, run the following: stop resourcemanager
vagrant halt
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